307 research outputs found

    Real‐Time Control of Urban Headwater Catchments Through Linear Feedback: Performance, Analysis, and Site Selection

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    The real‐time control of urban watersheds is now being enabled by a new generation of “smart” and connected technologies. By retrofitting stormwater systems with sensors and valves, it becomes possible to adapt entire watersheds dynamically to individual storms. A catchment‐scale control algorithm is introduced, which abstracts an urban watershed as a linear integrator delay dynamical system, parameterizes it using physical watershed characteristics, and then controls network flows using a Linear Quadratic Regulator. The approach is simulated on a 4‐km2 urban headwater catchment in Ann Arbor, Michigan, demonstrating the gains of a stormwater system that can adaptively balance between flood mitigation and flow reduction. We introduce an equivalence analysis and illustrate the performance of the controlled watershed across large events (30‐year storms) to show the uncontrolled passive watershed can only match it during smaller events (10‐year storm). For these smaller events, the storage volume of the controlled storage nodes (ponds, basins, and wetlands) could be reduced as much as 50% and still achieve the same performance of the controlled watershed. A controller placement analysis is also carried out, whereby all possible combinations of controlled sites are simulated across a wide spectrum of design storms. We show that the control of every storage node may not be needed in a watershed, but rather that in our case study a small subset (30%) of the overall watershed can be controlled in coordination to achieve outcomes that match a fully controlled system, even when tested across a long‐term rainfall record and under noisy sensor measurements.Plain Language SummaryInternet‐connected sensors are changing how we study and manage water systems. By adding valves, gates, and pumps to stormwater systems, it will be possible to adaptively control urban watershed in response to individual storms. Without requiring new and expensive construction, this will allow existing infrastructure to be used more effectively. In this paper, we introduce a control algorithm that can be used to control urban watersheds. We also investigate how many control valves are needed to retrofit an urban watershed and where, which may serve as tools for city managers to reduce flooding and manage flows.Key PointsA linear feedback controller is formulated for the control of urban catchments (1‐5 km2) using physical catchment propertiesSimulations show strong flow control performance when compared to uncontrolled catchmentDesired hydraulic outcomes can be achieved by retrofitting a small number of control sitesPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146619/1/wrcr23569-sup-0001-WRR_-_2018WR022657R_-_Supporting_Information__final_.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146619/2/wrcr23569.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146619/3/wrcr23569_am.pd

    Identification of stormwater control strategies and their associated uncertainties using Bayesian Optimization

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    Dynamic control is emerging as an effective methodology for operating stormwater systems under stress from rapidly evolving weather patterns. Informed by rainfall predictions and real-time sensor measurements, control assets in the stormwater network can be dynamically configured to tune the behavior of the stormwater network to reduce the risk of urban flooding, equalize flows to the water reclamation facilities, and protect the receiving water bodies. However, developing such control strategies requires significant human and computational resources, and a methodology does not yet exist for quantifying the risks associated with implementing these control strategies. To address these challenges, in this paper, we introduce a Bayesian Optimization-based approach for identifying stormwater control strategies and estimating the associated uncertainties. We evaluate the efficacy of this approach in identifying viable control strategies in a simulated environment on real-world inspired combined and separated stormwater networks. We demonstrate the computational efficiency of the proposed approach by comparing it against a Genetic algorithm. Furthermore, we extend the Bayesian Optimization-based approach to quantify the uncertainty associated with the identified control strategies and evaluate it on a synthetic stormwater network. To our knowledge, this is the first-ever stormwater control methodology that quantifies uncertainty associated with the identified control actions. This Bayesian optimization-based stormwater control methodology is an off-the-shelf control approach that can be applied to control any stormwater network as long we have access to the rainfall predictions, and there exists a model for simulating the behavior of the stormwater network.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Potential use of pyrite cinders in wastewater treatment and the possibility of its further disposal by using imobilizacionih agents

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    Predmet  izučavanja  ove  disertacije  bio  je  ispitivanje  mogućnosti  korišćenja  piritne izgoretine  u  tretmanu  otpadnih  voda  tekstilne  industrije  kao  i  dalji  tretman  mulja  nastalog nakon ovog procesa. Naime, nakon iskorišćenja ovog otpada  u Fenton procesima, iskorišćena piritna izgoretina u najvećem procentu čini mulj koji zaostaje nakon tretmana. Kako se piritna ruda još u procesu proizvodnje sumporne kiseline  koristi neprečišćena, zaostali  mulj koji je potencijalno  toksičan  i  ne  može  se  direktno  odlagati  bez  prethodnog  tretmana.  Stoga, primenjena  je  tehnika  stabilizacija  i  solidifikacija  (S/S)  uz  korišćenje  portland  cementa, kalcijum-oksida, prirodnog zeolita, letećeg pepela, kaolinita,  bentonita i  autohtone  gline  za imobilizaciju metala. Istraživanja u ovoj disertaciji vršena su u dve faze. Prva faza imala je za cilj  optimizaciju  operativnih  uslova  Fenton  tretmana  pri  kojima  se  postiže  najviši  stepen obezbojavanja  i  mineralizacije  ispitivanih  efluenata.  Takođe  ispitivanje  je  uključilo  i karakterizaciju nastalih efluenata kako bi se procenila efikasnost primenjenog, i mogućnost daljeg  tretmana.  Druga  faza  uključivala  je  karakterizaciju  nastalog  mulja  nakon  tretmana obojenih  efluenata  i  njegov  tretman  solidifikacijom  i  stabilizacijom.  Vršeno  je  određivanje efikasnosti  primenjenih  imobilizacionih  agenasa  u  S/S tretmanu  i  dominantnog  mehanizma  izluživanja  metala  koji  opisuju  njihov  transport  iz  dobijenih  solidifikata.  Primenjeni  su  i modifikovani  testovi  izluživanja  sa  ciljem  što  bolje  simulacije  realnih  uslova.  Rezultati dobijeni  simulacijom  uslova  će  dalje  omogućiti  modelovanje  ponašanja  metala  u  smislu dugoročnog  "izluživanja"  iz  tretiranog  otpada  kao  i  procenu  najefikasnijih  agenasa  za imobilizaciju različitih metala u ovom tipu otpada. TakoĎe primenjeni su testovi izluživanja sa jednom ekstrakcijom kako bi se osiguralo  slaganje rezultata sa maksimalno dozvoljenim koncentracijama  aktuelnih  pravilnika.  Na  osnovu  dobijenih  rezultata  zaključeno  je  da  se piritna izgoretina može uspešno koristiti kao izvor katalitičkog gvožđa u Fenton tretmanima obojenih  efluenata  i  može  se  smatrati  efektivnom  metodom   predtretmana  za nebiodegradabilne  otpadne  vode,  čineći  ih  pogodnijim  za  konvencionalni  biološki  tretman. Takođe  u  drugoj  fazi  istraživanja,  na  osnovu  dobijenih  rezultata,  zaključeno  je  da  je  mulj tertian  sa  navedenim  imobilizacionim  agensima  uspešno  solidifikovan  i  stabilizovan materijal.  Optimalane  su  smeše  koje  kao  jedan  od  imobilizacionih  agenasa  sadrže  leteći  pepeo, prevashodno u kombinaciji sa cementom i krečom. Dobijeni podaci su  neprocenjivi sa aspekta ekonomski i ekološki prihvatljivog upravljanja opasnim industrijskim otpadom. This work is concerned with exploring the possibility of using pyrite cinders in the treatment of  textile  industry  effluents  and  further  treatment  of  sludge  generated  after  this  process. Namely,  after  the  utilization  of  this  waste  in  Fenton  processes  slag  that  remains  after treatment is mostly composed of used pyrite cinder. As the pyrite ore, in the production of sulfuric  acid,  is  used  untreated,  sludge  that  remains  is  potentially  toxic  and  cannot  be disposed  directly  without  treatment.  Therefore,  the  stabilization  and  solidification  (S/S) technique  with  the  usage  of  portland  cement,  calcium  oxide,  zeolite,  fly  ash,  kaolinite, bentonite and native clay was used for metal immobilization. The research in this dissertation was carried out in two phases. The first phase aimed to optimize the operational conditions of Fenton  treatment  in  which  the  highest  degree  of  decolourization  and  mineralization  was achieved in tested effluents. Also the research has included the characterization of generated effluents in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment applied, and the possibility of further  treatment.  The  second  phase  involved  the  characterization  of  the  generated  sludge after the treatment of effluents that contained dyes and its treatment with solidification and stabilization technique.  The determination of used immobilization agents effectiveness was Conducted  to  determine  the  efficacy  of  immobilization  agents  in  S  /  S  treatment  and  the dominant  mechanism  of  leaching  of  metals  that  describe  their  transport  from  the  received solidificate . Were applied and modified leaching tests with the aim of better simulation of real  conditions.  The  results  obtained  by  condition  simulation  will  enable  the  modeling  of behavior of metals in terms of long-term leaching period from the treated sludge and assess the most effective agents for the immobilization of various metals in this type of waste. Also, single-extraction leaching tests were applied to ensure the accordance of obtained results  with the maximum permissible concentrations of current regulations. Based on these results, it was concluded  that  the  pyrite  cinders  can  be  successfully  used  as  a  source  of  catalytic  iron  in Fenton  treatment  of  effluents  containing  dyes,  and  can  be  considered  an  effective pretreatment  method  for  non-biodegradable  waste  waters,  making  them  amenable  to conventional biological treatment. Also in the second phase, based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the sludge treated with  aforementioned  immobilization agents represents a successfully solidified and stabilized material. The optimal mixtures are those that contain fly ash as one of the used immobilization agents, primarily in combination with cement and lime.  The  obtained  data  are  invaluable  in  terms  of  economic  and  environmentally  sound management of hazardous industrial waste

    Variability of beech cupules in Serbia

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    Beech is the most important tree species in forests of Serbia. However, despite its significance, the taxonomic status of beech in Serbia is unclear. Morphology of the cupules can be successfully used to distinguish species and within species taxa. In this paper we report results on cupules morphology, measuring the same attributes reported by Mišić (1955): 1) Length of the longest valve of cupule, 2) Width of that valve (at widest point), 3) Distance between base of the longest valve and peduncle, 4) Length of cupule without peduncle, and 5) Length of peduncle. The length of cupule and peduncle length from 12 populations in Serbia are in the range reported for Fagus sylvaticain Serbia and western Eurasia. Results of cluster analysis shows a grouping of populations in two groups:1) the southeast group, and 2) group consist of populations from northwest, east and southeast of Serbia. Populations from this southeast group also consist the group of populations on altitude over 850 m, indicating presence of ecotypes. The exception is population from Stara Planina (1,520 m a.s.l.) which is grouped with populations from altitudes under 850 m. Keywords: European Beech; cupules; variabilit

    Potential use of pyrite cinders in wastewater treatment and the possibility of its further disposal by using imobilizacionih agents

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    Predmet  izučavanja  ove  disertacije  bio  je  ispitivanje  mogućnosti  korišćenja  piritne izgoretine  u  tretmanu  otpadnih  voda  tekstilne  industrije  kao  i  dalji  tretman  mulja  nastalog nakon ovog procesa. Naime, nakon iskorišćenja ovog otpada  u Fenton procesima, iskorišćena piritna izgoretina u najvećem procentu čini mulj koji zaostaje nakon tretmana. Kako se piritna ruda još u procesu proizvodnje sumporne kiseline  koristi neprečišćena, zaostali  mulj koji je potencijalno  toksičan  i  ne  može  se  direktno  odlagati  bez  prethodnog  tretmana.  Stoga, primenjena  je  tehnika  stabilizacija  i  solidifikacija  (S/S)  uz  korišćenje  portland  cementa, kalcijum-oksida, prirodnog zeolita, letećeg pepela, kaolinita,  bentonita i  autohtone  gline  za imobilizaciju metala. Istraživanja u ovoj disertaciji vršena su u dve faze. Prva faza imala je za cilj  optimizaciju  operativnih  uslova  Fenton  tretmana  pri  kojima  se  postiže  najviši  stepen obezbojavanja  i  mineralizacije  ispitivanih  efluenata.  Takođe  ispitivanje  je  uključilo  i karakterizaciju nastalih efluenata kako bi se procenila efikasnost primenjenog, i mogućnost daljeg  tretmana.  Druga  faza  uključivala  je  karakterizaciju  nastalog  mulja  nakon  tretmana obojenih  efluenata  i  njegov  tretman  solidifikacijom  i  stabilizacijom.  Vršeno  je  određivanje efikasnosti  primenjenih  imobilizacionih  agenasa  u  S/S tretmanu  i  dominantnog  mehanizma  izluživanja  metala  koji  opisuju  njihov  transport  iz  dobijenih  solidifikata.  Primenjeni  su  i modifikovani  testovi  izluživanja  sa  ciljem  što  bolje  simulacije  realnih  uslova.  Rezultati dobijeni  simulacijom  uslova  će  dalje  omogućiti  modelovanje  ponašanja  metala  u  smislu dugoročnog  "izluživanja"  iz  tretiranog  otpada  kao  i  procenu  najefikasnijih  agenasa  za imobilizaciju različitih metala u ovom tipu otpada. TakoĎe primenjeni su testovi izluživanja sa jednom ekstrakcijom kako bi se osiguralo  slaganje rezultata sa maksimalno dozvoljenim koncentracijama  aktuelnih  pravilnika.  Na  osnovu  dobijenih  rezultata  zaključeno  je  da  se piritna izgoretina može uspešno koristiti kao izvor katalitičkog gvožđa u Fenton tretmanima obojenih  efluenata  i  može  se  smatrati  efektivnom  metodom   predtretmana  za nebiodegradabilne  otpadne  vode,  čineći  ih  pogodnijim  za  konvencionalni  biološki  tretman. Takođe  u  drugoj  fazi  istraživanja,  na  osnovu  dobijenih  rezultata,  zaključeno  je  da  je  mulj tertian  sa  navedenim  imobilizacionim  agensima  uspešno  solidifikovan  i  stabilizovan materijal.  Optimalane  su  smeše  koje  kao  jedan  od  imobilizacionih  agenasa  sadrže  leteći  pepeo, prevashodno u kombinaciji sa cementom i krečom. Dobijeni podaci su  neprocenjivi sa aspekta ekonomski i ekološki prihvatljivog upravljanja opasnim industrijskim otpadom. This work is concerned with exploring the possibility of using pyrite cinders in the treatment of  textile  industry  effluents  and  further  treatment  of  sludge  generated  after  this  process. Namely,  after  the  utilization  of  this  waste  in  Fenton  processes  slag  that  remains  after treatment is mostly composed of used pyrite cinder. As the pyrite ore, in the production of sulfuric  acid,  is  used  untreated,  sludge  that  remains  is  potentially  toxic  and  cannot  be disposed  directly  without  treatment.  Therefore,  the  stabilization  and  solidification  (S/S) technique  with  the  usage  of  portland  cement,  calcium  oxide,  zeolite,  fly  ash,  kaolinite, bentonite and native clay was used for metal immobilization. The research in this dissertation was carried out in two phases. The first phase aimed to optimize the operational conditions of Fenton  treatment  in  which  the  highest  degree  of  decolourization  and  mineralization  was achieved in tested effluents. Also the research has included the characterization of generated effluents in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment applied, and the possibility of further  treatment.  The  second  phase  involved  the  characterization  of  the  generated  sludge after the treatment of effluents that contained dyes and its treatment with solidification and stabilization technique.  The determination of used immobilization agents effectiveness was Conducted  to  determine  the  efficacy  of  immobilization  agents  in  S  /  S  treatment  and  the dominant  mechanism  of  leaching  of  metals  that  describe  their  transport  from  the  received solidificate . Were applied and modified leaching tests with the aim of better simulation of real  conditions.  The  results  obtained  by  condition  simulation  will  enable  the  modeling  of behavior of metals in terms of long-term leaching period from the treated sludge and assess the most effective agents for the immobilization of various metals in this type of waste. Also, single-extraction leaching tests were applied to ensure the accordance of obtained results  with the maximum permissible concentrations of current regulations. Based on these results, it was concluded  that  the  pyrite  cinders  can  be  successfully  used  as  a  source  of  catalytic  iron  in Fenton  treatment  of  effluents  containing  dyes,  and  can  be  considered  an  effective pretreatment  method  for  non-biodegradable  waste  waters,  making  them  amenable  to conventional biological treatment. Also in the second phase, based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the sludge treated with  aforementioned  immobilization agents represents a successfully solidified and stabilized material. The optimal mixtures are those that contain fly ash as one of the used immobilization agents, primarily in combination with cement and lime.  The  obtained  data  are  invaluable  in  terms  of  economic  and  environmentally  sound management of hazardous industrial waste

    Toxicity of extracts derived from invasive tropical algae from the genus Caulerpa

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    Invazivno širenje morskih algi roda Caulerpa ima štetan učinak na veliki broj autohtonih vrsta i dovodi do drastičnog smanjenja bioraznolikosti, osobito suzbijanjem rasta bentoskih zajednica morskih cvjetnica. Pored tjelesne građe i načina razmnožavanja, svoju sposobnost širenja vrste algi roda Caulerpa vjerojatno postižu i odbijanjem ostalih morskih vrsta proizvodnjom toksičnih sekundarnih metabolita. Primjerice, kaulerpenin je acetilenski seskviterpen, koji je prisutan u značajnim količinama kod obje invazivne vrste roda Caulerpa koje nalazimo u Mediteranu, pa tako i u Jadranskom moru. Ispitivanjem toksičnosti ekstrakata ovih invazivnih vrsta algi korištenjem različitih biotestova, mogude je testirati ovu hipotezu te procijeniti njihovu potencijalnu štetnost za ostale morske vrste. Cilj ovog istraživanja je odrediti toksični učinak ekstrakata uzoraka algi roda Caulerpa prisutnih u Jadranskom moru testiranjem njihove akutne i kronične toksičnosti te utjecaja na stanični detoksikacijski sustav faze I. Akutna citotoksičnost testirana je MTT ((3-(4,5-dimetiltiazol-2-il)-2,5-difeniltetrazolijev bromid)) testom, kolorimetrijskom metodom kojom se određivalo preživljavanje ribljih PLHC -1/wt stanica nakon izlaganja ekstraktima. Kronična toksičnost ekstrakata određena je AlgaeTox testom kojim se određuje inhibicija rasta jednostaničnih algi vrste Scenedesmus subspicatus. Za određivanje indukcije staničnog detoksikacijskog sustava faze I korišten je EROD (etoksirezorufin – O – deetilaza) test, pomodu kojeg se mjeri indukcija aktivnosti CYP1A1 detoksikacijskog enzima. Rezultati dobiveni opisanim biotestovima su pokazali jasan toksični učinak na stanice u prisutstvu ekstrakata obiju testiranih vrsta algi roda Caulerpa.The spread of invasive marine algae from the genus Caulerpa has a harmful effect on a large number of autochthonous species and causes a drastic reduction of biodiversity, especially by repressing benthic seagrass communities. Aside from its basic physiology characteristics and reproduction strategies, the genus Caulerpa enhances its invasive potential by producing toxic secondary metabolites. The main example of these compounds is caulerpenyne, a terpenoid sesquiterpene present in significant amounts in both of the sampled invasive species found in the Adriatic and Mediteranean Sea. Analysing the toxicity of extracts prepared from these invasive alge species through multpile toxicity assays it is possible to test their potential harmfulness to other marine species. The major goal of this study was to determine (eco)toxic effects of extracts derived from Caulerpa species present in Adriatic by testing their acute and chronic toxicity potential and effect on the phase I cellular detoxification system. Acute toxicity was determined by the colorimetric MTT ((3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide)) assay used to determine viability of fish PLHC -1/wt cells upon exposure to algal extracts. Chronic toxicity was analysed by the AlgaeTox assay to determine the growth inhibition of the unicellular algae Scenedesmus subspicatus. Effects of the algal extracts on the phase I of cellular detoxification was determined by the EROD (ethoxyresorufine - O - deethylase) assay used to measure induction of the CYP1A1 detoxification enzyme. The results from all of the toxicity assays clearly revealed toxicity of algal extracts derived from both Caulerpa species

    Effect of sowing pattern and density on the quality of one-year-old Austrian pine bareroot seedlings

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    Austrian pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) seedlings are frequently used for afforestation/reforestation and restoration practice in Serbia. Indeed, the seedlings of various stock types are produced by almost all forest nurseries in Serbia and bareroot seedlings are mostly common. The aim of this study is to analyze the method of sowing and sowing density on some morphological characteristics and quality of one-year-old Austrian pine seedlings. Sowing in rows and random sowing across all seedbed space were performed. In both cases, the sowing density (R1 - 8 g m-1, R2 - 40 g m-2) and half of the recommended sowing density (S1 - 4 g m-1, S2 - 20 g m-2) were applied. Seedlings from both treatments had average height and root collar diameter values in the range of 4.91 to 5.73 cm, and 1.25 to 2.34 mm, respectively. Observed characteristics of seedlings (height - H, root collar diameter - RCD, root length - RL, dry weight of shoot - SDW, root - RDW and seedlings - SLDW, sturdiness coefficient - SQ and quality index - QI) were conditioned by treatment (One-Way ANOVA, p<0.05). Shoot to root ration was similar at seedlings of all treatments and ranged from 1.33 to 1.63. In both cases, decreased density produced better results. The combination of lower sowing density (20 g m-2) and sowing in all seedbed areas (S2) provided the best seedlings with QI - 0.21