2 research outputs found

    The social network analysis and its contribution to the mapping of scientific production in postgraduate programs

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    This article aims to identify the contribution that the Social Network Analysis (SNA) can offer to the construction of the scientific production in postgraduate programs in Federal Institutions of Higher Education in Brazil. For that, a qualitative and quantitative analysis of 184 dissertations of a stricto sensu postgraduate program of the Federal Fluminense University, during the period from 2015 to 2016, was carried out, emphasizing its network of relationships focused on knowledge areas and on the respective teachers as counselors, participants and guests of the thesis defenses, using the Ucinet software. Based on the literature review, a detailed analysis of the academic work of these two years was also elaborated based on the data registered in the Capes Platform, Sucupira database and on the website of the Laboratory of Technology, Business Management and Environment of the Fluminense Federal University (LATEC / UFF). The themes of the areas of knowledge, trends, and evolution were also analyzed over the periods studied. It is concluded that the results of this system applied in a case, demonstrated the feasibility of the evaluation of the individual attributes and also of the networks as a whole, offering a comparative of their evolution in these two periods explored, thus demonstrating the valuable contribution of SNA in scientific production. This study revealed, at the time of the research, the construction of a first academic social network in this postgraduate program

    Aspects that influence on the publication of articles in scientific high impact journals

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    Um dos problemas enfrentados pelas universidades é uma baixa produção intelectual em periódicos de elevado impacto científico, sendo necessário identificar as causas desse índice e estabelecer estratégias para inibir esse cenário. Este estudo tem como objetivo principal preencher esta lacuna, identificando quais são os aspectos que mais influenciam a publicação de artigos em periódicos de elevado impacto científico. Para o embasamento da pesquisa foi realizada uma revisão sistemática nas bases Scopus e Web Of Science. Foram encaminhados questionários para dois grupos: a primeira amostra são dos editores/revisores que estão vinculados aos periódicos levantados na revisão sistemática e estão cadastrados no site Publons, 149 formulários foram encaminhados e 17 respondidos. A segunda amostra são dos docentes das áreas de Engenharia e Medicina das universidades federais selecionadas, 1.038 questionários foram encaminhados e 138 respondidos. Os aspectos mais relevantes que foram citados na literatura e também pelos grupos pesquisados, foram os seguintes: Originalidade/valor, Clareza/concisão, Validação dos resultados, Achados/descobertas e Procedimentos Metodológicos. As principais causas encontradas para a não publicação dos artigos é o tema fora do escopo da revista e a originalidade/valor. É necessário que o pesquisador gere um conhecimento novo, além de fazer um estudo prévio da revista selecionada, verificando o conteúdo de suas publicações e o tema de seu interesse. Vale ressaltar que entende-se que as principais causas apontadas para a não submissão dos artigos em revistas de prestígio é o fato de não submeter, sendo assim, é fundamental que os pesquisadores encaminhem os seus trabalhos para revistas bem conceituadas.One of the problems faced by universities is a low intellectual production in scientific high impact journals, and it is necessary to identify causes of this index and establish strategies to inhibit this scenario. This study has as main objective to fill this gap, identifying which are the aspects that most influence the publication of scientific articles in high impact periodicals. For this research a systematic review of the Scopus and Web Of Science bases was carried out. Questionnaires were sent to two groups: the first sample was from the editors / reviewers that are linked to the periodicals collected in the systematic review and are registered on the Publons site. The second sample was from professors of the Engineering and Medicine faculties of selected federal universities. The most relevant aspects that were mentioned in the literature review and also by the groups studied were the following: Originality / value, Clarity / conciseness, Results validation, Findings / discoveries and Methodological procedures. The main causes found for the non-publication of articles was the theme outside the scope of the magazine and the originality / value. It is necessary for the researcher to generate a new knowledge, besides to make a previous study of the selected magazine, verifying the content of its publications and the subject of his interest. It’s worth noting that the main reason for non-submission of articles in prestigious journals is that researchers do not submit and it is therefore essential that they submit their papers to well-respected journals.196 f