177 research outputs found

    Convolutional RNN: an Enhanced Model for Extracting Features from Sequential Data

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    Traditional convolutional layers extract features from patches of data by applying a non-linearity on an affine function of the input. We propose a model that enhances this feature extraction process for the case of sequential data, by feeding patches of the data into a recurrent neural network and using the outputs or hidden states of the recurrent units to compute the extracted features. By doing so, we exploit the fact that a window containing a few frames of the sequential data is a sequence itself and this additional structure might encapsulate valuable information. In addition, we allow for more steps of computation in the feature extraction process, which is potentially beneficial as an affine function followed by a non-linearity can result in too simple features. Using our convolutional recurrent layers we obtain an improvement in performance in two audio classification tasks, compared to traditional convolutional layers. Tensorflow code for the convolutional recurrent layers is publicly available in https://github.com/cruvadom/Convolutional-RNN

    Scaling Speech Enhancement in Unseen Environments with Noise Embeddings

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    We address the problem of speech enhancement generalisation to unseen environments by performing two manipulations. First, we embed an additional recording from the environment alone, and use this embedding to alter activations in the main enhancement subnetwork. Second, we scale the number of noise environments present at training time to 16,784 different environments. Experiment results show that both manipulations reduce word error rates of a pretrained speech recognition system and improve enhancement quality according to a number of performance measures. Specifically, our best model reduces the word error rate from 34.04% on noisy speech to 15.46% on the enhanced speech. Enhanced audio samples can be found in https://speechenhancement.page.link/samples

    Calibrated Prediction Intervals for Neural Network Regressors

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    Ongoing developments in neural network models are continually advancing the state of the art in terms of system accuracy. However, the predicted labels should not be regarded as the only core output; also important is a well-calibrated estimate of the prediction uncertainty. Such estimates and their calibration are critical in many practical applications. Despite their obvious aforementioned advantage in relation to accuracy, contemporary neural networks can, generally, be regarded as poorly calibrated and as such do not produce reliable output probability estimates. Further, while post-processing calibration solutions can be found in the relevant literature, these tend to be for systems performing classification. In this regard, we herein present two novel methods for acquiring calibrated predictions intervals for neural network regressors: empirical calibration and temperature scaling. In experiments using different regression tasks from the audio and computer vision domains, we find that both our proposed methods are indeed capable of producing calibrated prediction intervals for neural network regressors with any desired confidence level, a finding that is consistent across all datasets and neural network architectures we experimented with. In addition, we derive an additional practical recommendation for producing more accurate calibrated prediction intervals. We release the source code implementing our proposed methods for computing calibrated predicted intervals. The code for computing calibrated predicted intervals is publicly available

    Fast Single-Class Classification and the Principle of Logit Separation

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    We consider neural network training, in applications in which there are many possible classes, but at test-time, the task is a binary classification task of determining whether the given example belongs to a specific class, where the class of interest can be different each time the classifier is applied. For instance, this is the case for real-time image search. We define the Single Logit Classification (SLC) task: training the network so that at test-time, it would be possible to accurately identify whether the example belongs to a given class in a computationally efficient manner, based only on the output logit for this class. We propose a natural principle, the Principle of Logit Separation, as a guideline for choosing and designing losses suitable for the SLC. We show that the cross-entropy loss function is not aligned with the Principle of Logit Separation. In contrast, there are known loss functions, as well as novel batch loss functions that we propose, which are aligned with this principle. In total, we study seven loss functions. Our experiments show that indeed in almost all cases, losses that are aligned with the Principle of Logit Separation obtain at least 20% relative accuracy improvement in the SLC task compared to losses that are not aligned with it, and sometimes considerably more. Furthermore, we show that fast SLC does not cause any drop in binary classification accuracy, compared to standard classification in which all logits are computed, and yields a speedup which grows with the number of classes. For instance, we demonstrate a 10x speedup when the number of classes is 400,000. Tensorflow code for optimizing the new batch losses is publicly available at https://github.com/cruvadom/Logit Separation.Comment: Published as a conference paper in ICDM 201

    A Token-Wise Beam Search Algorithm for RNN-T

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    Standard Recurrent Neural Network Transducers (RNN-T) decoding algorithms for speech recognition are iterating over the time axis, such that one time step is decoded before moving on to the next time step. Those algorithms result in a large number of calls to the joint network, which were shown in previous work to be an important factor that reduces decoding speed. We present a decoding beam search algorithm that batches the joint network calls across a segment of time steps, which results in 20%-96% decoding speedups consistently across all models and settings experimented with. In addition, aggregating emission probabilities over a segment may be seen as a better approximation to finding the most likely model output, causing our algorithm to improve oracle word error rate by up to 11% relative as the segment size increases, and to slightly improve general word error rate.Comment: Accepted for Presentation at ASRU 202

    Parallel and Perpendicular Susceptibility Above TcT_{c} in La2−x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_{4} Single Crystals

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    We report direction-dependent susceptibility and resistivity measurements on La2−x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_{4} single crystals. These crystals have rectangular needle-like shapes with the crystallographic "c" direction parallel or perpendicular to the needle axis,which, in turn, is in the applied field direction. At optimal doping we find finite diamagnetic susceptibility above TcT_{c}, namely fluctuating superconductivity (FSC), only when the field is perpendicular to the planes. In underdoped samples we could find FSC in both field directions. We provide a phase diagram showing the FSC region, although it is sample dependent in the underdoped cases. The variations in the susceptibility data suggest a different origin for the FSC between underdoping (below 10%) and optimal doping. Finally, our data indicates that the spontaneous vortex diffusion constant above TcT_c is anomalously high

    TEs or not TEs? That is the evolutionary question

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    Transposable elements (TEs) have contributed a wide range of functional sequences to their host genomes. A recent paper in BMC Molecular Biology discusses the creation of new transcripts by transposable element insertion upstream of retrocopies and the involvement of such insertions in tissue-specific post-transcriptional regulation
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