284 research outputs found

    Q-AIMD: A Congestion Aware Video Quality Control Mechanism

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    Following the constant increase of the multimedia traffic, it seems necessary to allow transport protocols to be aware of the video quality of the transmitted flows rather than the throughput. This paper proposes a novel transport mechanism adapted to video flows. Our proposal, called Q-AIMD for video quality AIMD (Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease), enables fairness in video quality while transmitting multiple video flows. Targeting video quality fairness allows improving the overall video quality for all transmitted flows, especially when the transmitted videos provide various types of content with different spatial resolutions. In addition, Q-AIMD mitigates the occurrence of network congestion events, and dissolves the congestion whenever it occurs by decreasing the video quality and hence the bitrate. Using different video quality metrics, Q-AIMD is evaluated with different video contents and spatial resolutions. Simulation results show that Q-AIMD allows an improved overall video quality among the multiple transmitted video flows compared to a throughput-based congestion control by decreasing significantly the quality discrepancy between them

    A kernel transformation language for metamodel evolution and reversible model co-evolution

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    This report defines MicroDif, a kernel transformation language for metamodel evolution and reversible model co-evolution. To begin with, a kernel subset of Ecore is highlighted and formally defined thanks to a suitable denotational semantics. Then MicroDif is formally defined upon this subset. In a first step, the focus is put on metamodel evolution provided by a set of refactoring operators. In a second step, the focus is put on model co-evolution which is intended to be reversible thanks to a dedicated pair of transformations respectively called migration and recontextualization. Each MicroDif operator is also provided with a dedicated predicate which explains the sufficient conditions for a model to remain valid after these transformations

    Relationships between sterol/phospholipid composition and xenobiotic transport in nematodes

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    International audienceTherapeutic failure limits prophylaxis of nematode diseases and has been mainly attributed to mutations in cellular targets of anthelmintics. Besides these specific mechanisms, alterations of drug transport also occur in parasites resistant to anthelmintics and depend on both the presence of membrane pumps such as P-glycoprotein (Pgp) and on the lipid composition of membranes. We recently showed in the nematode Haemonchus contortus, using eggs as a model, that the total cholesterol (TC) concentration alters the transport of lipophilic molecules due to membrane pumps such as P-glycoprotein and the resistance to anthelmintics. The effect of TC may depend on the presence of other lipids interacting with TC. Therefore, we analysed the lipid composition and its relationship with Pgp and resistance to anthelmintics. Better correlations were found between Pgp and free cholesterol (FC) than with TC. We also showed that the relationships between lipid composition and resistance to anthelmintics or Pgp depended on the equilibrium between FC and phospholipids (PLs), mainly PLs known to be present primarily in either the external leaflets of cell membranes or the internal leaflets. The PLs phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine played the most significant role, but phosphatidic acid also influenced drug resistance

    Contribution of laboratory tests in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal strongylosis in ruminants and choice of treatments

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    The clinical diagnosis of gastrointestinal strongylosis in ruminants is often difficult because of its relatively unspecific symptomatology. Moreover, as the use of prophylactic treatments is increasingly preferred over curative treatments, quantitative and accurate tests for diagnosis are required. As the gradual development of anthelmintic resistance restricts further the choice and use of molecules, laboratory diagnostic tests become useful and even often essential. Three main categories of tests are available: traditional parasitological techniques, serological assays linked to the lesions caused by the parasites, and tests for the detection of anthelmintic resistance. The principles, conditions of use and limits of interpretation of these tests are described in this brief synthesis.Le diagnostic clinique des strongyloses gastro-intestinales des ruminants est difficile dans un grand nombre de cas en raison du manque de symptomatologie trĂšs spĂ©cifique. De plus, La tendance de plus en plus grande Ă  traiter les animaux prĂ©ventivement et non plus curativement implique de disposer de moyens de diagnostic quantitatifs sensibles. Le dĂ©veloppement progressif de phĂ©nomĂšnes de rĂ©sistance aux anthelminthiques impose des contraintes supplĂ©mentaires quant au choix et Ă  l'utilisation des molĂ©cules. Les tests de diagnostic de laboratoire sont utiles et mĂȘme souvent indispensables, dans ces dĂ©marches. Trois grandes catĂ©gories de tests sont disponibles : les tests parasitologiques classiques, les dosages sĂ©riques en relation avec les lĂ©sions occasionnĂ©es par les parasites, les tests de dĂ©tection des rĂ©sistances. Les principes, les conditions d'utilisation et les limites d'interprĂ©tation sont dĂ©crits dans cette courte synthĂšse

    Efflux pump inhibitors: a progress in parasitic nematode control

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    Animal and human nematode infestations are controlled primarily with anthelmintics. However, their continuous administration during outbreaks represents a significant expense for livestock farms. In humans also, their high cost limits their use in poor areas where parasitic worms are most prevalent and most pathogenic. Furthermore, nematodes have developed drug resistance mechanisms, specific or not, which reduce the efficiency of treatments. Among these mechanisms, the accelerated removal of anthelmintics by efflux pumps present in cell membranes, eggshells and cuticles is a major limiting factor. This accelerated efflux is very similar to the mechanism of multidrug resistance (MDR) observed in cancer cells and protozoa. This phenomenon is all the more worrying that it applies simultaneously to several chemical families of drugs. One solution is to block the efflux pumps in parasites with inhibitors. These pumps belong to the large family of ABC transporters, which have many characteristics in common. Some have major physiological functions or protect organs from toxic agents. As much as possible, inhibitors should not have any effect on the pumps of the host and target the parasite exclusively. The diversity of these pumps is greater in nematodes than in vertebrates, and there are differences in their protein structures. Some parts of these proteins are relatively well-conserved in the animal kingdom, while other parts show little homology from one transporter to another or from one species to another. The affinity of these pumps for the substrates can vary with the mutation of a single amino acid. These differences could be used to develop inhibitors specific of nematode pumps, which could then be combined with anthelmintics.Les anthelminthiques constituent le moyen majeur de lutte contre les nĂ©matodoses animales et humaines. AdministrĂ©s de façon continue en pĂ©riode d'infestation, ils reprĂ©sentent un coĂ»t considĂ©rable pour les Ă©levages. Chez l'homme, ce coĂ»t limite leur distribution dans les zones gĂ©ographiques dĂ©favorisĂ©es oĂč pourtant les vers parasites sont les plus nombreux et les plus pathogĂšnes. De plus, les nĂ©matodes ont dĂ©veloppĂ© des mĂ©canismes de chimiorĂ©sistance, spĂ©cifiques ou non, qui rĂ©duisent l'efficacitĂ© des anthelminthiques. Parmi ces mĂ©canismes, le rejet accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© des molĂ©cules thĂ©rapeutiques par des pompes d'efflux est semblable au mĂ©canisme de multi-rĂ©sistance aux mĂ©dicaments (MDR) des cellules cancĂ©reuses et des protozoaires. Ces pompes sont prĂ©sentes dans les membranes cellulaires, la coque des Ɠufs et les cuticules des nĂ©matodes. Ce rejet accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© est d'autant plus prĂ©occupant qu'il s'applique simultanĂ©ment Ă  plusieurs familles chimiques d'antiparasitaires. Une des solutions consiste Ă  bloquer les pompes d'efflux des parasites Ă  l'aide d'inhibiteurs. Ces pompes appartiennent Ă  la grande famille des transporteurs ABC dotĂ©s de nombreuses caractĂ©ristiques communes. Certains de ces transporteurs jouent des rĂŽles physiologiques dĂ©terminants ou protĂšgent les organes des molĂ©cules toxiques. Les inhibiteurs doivent donc ĂȘtre autant que possible dĂ©pourvus d'action sur les pompes de l'hĂŽte. La variabilitĂ© des pompes est plus importante chez les nĂ©matodes que chez les vertĂ©brĂ©s, et il existe des diffĂ©rences dans leur structure protĂ©ique. Certaines parties de ces protĂ©ines sont bien conservĂ©es dans le rĂšgne animal, tandis que d'autres prĂ©sentent peu d'homologie d'un transporteur Ă  l'autre ou, pour un mĂȘme transporteur, d'une espĂšce Ă  l'autre. L'affinitĂ© de ces pompes pour les substrats peut varier en fonction de la mutation d'un seul acide aminĂ©. Ces diffĂ©rences pourraient ĂȘtre mises Ă  profit pour dĂ©velopper des inhibiteurs spĂ©cifiques des pompes des nĂ©matodes et les utiliser en association avec les anthelminthiques

    Motif pour la métamodélisation: Flot de contrÎle

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    National audienceDomain Specific Languages (DSL) are not necessarily purely declarative. They can have procedural features in which case their analysis implies the building of a control flow graph. The model pattern “Control Flow Graph” (CFG) describes the way to build the abstract syntax of a procedural DSL provided with branch instructions

    The Steam Boiler Controller Problem in Signal-Coq

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    Among the various formalisms for the design of reactive systems, the SIGNAL-CO- Q formal approach, i.e. the combined use of the synchronous dataflow language SIGNAL and the proof assistant COQ, seems to be especially suited and practical. Indeed, the deterministic concurrency implied by the synchronous model on which SIGNAL is founded strongly simplifies the specification and the verification of such systems. Moreover, COQ is not limited to some kind of properties and so, its use enables to disregard what can be checked during the specification stage. In this article, we underline the various features of this SIGNAL-COQ formal approach with a large scale case study, namely the Steam Boiler problem

    A comparative study of two formal semantics of the SIGNAL language

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    International audienceSIGNAL is a part of the synchronous languages family, which are broadly used in the design of safety-critical real-time systems such as avionics, space systems, and nuclear power plants. There exist several semantics for SIGNAL, such as denotational semantics based on traces (called trace semantics), denotational semantics based on tags (called tagged model semantics), operational semantics presented by structural style through an inductive definition of the set of possible transitions, operational semantics defined by synchronous transition systems (STS), etc. However, there is little research about the equivalence between these semantics.In this work, we would like to prove the equivalence between the trace semantics and the tagged model semantics, to get a determined and precise semantics of the SIGNAL language. These two semantics have several different definitions respectively, we select appropriate ones and mechanize them in the Coq platform, the Coq expressions of the abstract syntax of SIGNAL and the two semantics domains, i.e., the trace model and the tagged model, are also given. The distance between these two semantics discourages a direct proof of equivalence. Instead, we transformthem to an intermediate model, which mixes the features of both the trace semantics and the tagged model semantics. Finally, we get a determined and precise semantics of SIGNAL
