3 research outputs found

    Microprocessor system IP core generator

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    Diplomová práce se týká programovacího jazyku VHDL, návrhového systému ISE Webpack a mikroprocesoru PicoBlaze. Popisuje základy jazyka VHDL a jeho použití. Dále je v práci popsán způsob práce s programem ISE Webpack. V práci jsou popsány nejběžnější periferie a je zde popsán také Picoblaze procesor s jeho parametry a realizace. Na konec je zde popsán IP generátor pro generaci komplexního FPGA návrhu s procesorem Picoblaze.This master’s thesis deal’s with VHDL programming language, ISE Webpack design system and PicoBlaze microprocessor. The thesis describes essentials of VHDL programming language and its application. A simple introduction to ISE Webpack design environment is given. The thesis describes common peripherals and the PicoBlaze processor is described too, including its parameters and implementation aspects. Finally the thesis describes IP generator for generating complex FPGA design including Picoblaze processor.

    Analysis of atmospheric turbulences frequency

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    Atmosférické turbulence mají negativní vliv na kvalitu optického signálu. Jejich vznik a vliv na optický signál je předmětem této práce. V projektu jsou tyto turbulence matematicky popsány. Dále je zde uveden laboratorní model pro ověření teorie.Atmospheric turbulence have a negative impact on the quality of the optical signal. Their emergence and impact on the optical signal is the subject of this work. In a project such turbulence mathematically described. There is also given laboratory model to verify the theory.

    Microprocessor system IP core generator

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    This master’s thesis deal’s with VHDL programming language, ISE Webpack design system and PicoBlaze microprocessor. The thesis describes essentials of VHDL programming language and its application. A simple introduction to ISE Webpack design environment is given. The thesis describes common peripherals and the PicoBlaze processor is described too, including its parameters and implementation aspects. Finally the thesis describes IP generator for generating complex FPGA design including Picoblaze processor