1,148 research outputs found

    The Household: Conducted by Mre. Nellie M. Rich

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    Making Republicanism Useful

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    Remembering Iz

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    Women, Mothers, and the Law of Fright: A History

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    This article presents a gendered history of the law\u27s treatment of fright-based physical injuries. Our goal is to connect the law of fright to the changing cultural and intellectual forces of the twentieth century. Through a feminist lens, we reexamine the accounts of the legal treatment of fright-based injuries offered by Victorian-erajurists, traditionalist legal scholars of the first two decades of the twentieth century, a legal realist in the 1930s, and a Freudian medical-legal commentator from the 1940s, all of whom helped to shape present-day tort doctrine. We conclude with an account of Dillon v. Legg, in which the California Supreme Court recognized Margery Dillon\u27s right to recover for the harm she suffered from seeing her daughter killed by a negligent driver. This examination of the history of the law of fright shows that gendered thinking has influenced the law, but has remained unexamined. We make three basic observations. First, we claim that the legal categories of physical and emotional harm are not unrelated to the gender of the victims. Women who have suffered fright-induced physical injuries have been disadvantaged by the legal classification of their injuries as emotional harm. Second, we demonstrate how the legal system has placed women\u27s fright-based injuries at the margins of the law by describing women\u27s suffering for the injury and death of their unborn and born children as remote, unforeseeable, and unreasonable. Finally, we raise the possibility that the claims of female plaintiffs in these fright cases - plaintiffs such as Margery Dillon should be viewed as women\u27s rights claims, as attempts to pressure the legal system to recognize and value the interests of women. By constructing a gendered history of this legal claim, we aspire to reclaim Dillon for women and to contribute to a feminist reconstruction of tort law

    The Ever Changing Circumstellar Nebula Around UW Centauri

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    We present new images of the reflection nebula surrounding the R Coronae Borealis Star, UW Cen. This nebula, first detected in 1990, has changed its appearance significantly. At the estimated distance of UW Cen, this nebula is approximately 0.6 ly in radius so the nebula cannot have physically altered in only 8 years. Instead, the morphology of the nebula appears to change as different parts are illuminated by light from the central star modulated by shifting thick dust clouds near its surface. These dust clouds form and dissipate at irregular intervals causing the well-known declines in the R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars. In this way, the central star acts like a lighthouse shining through holes in the dust clouds and lighting up different portions of the nebula. The existence of this nebula provides clues to the evolutionary history of RCB stars possibly linking them to the Planetary Nebulae and the final helium shell flash stars.Comment: To be published in ApJ Letters. 5 pages, 3 figures (2 in color

    V605 Aql: The Older Twin of Sakurai's Object

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    New optical spectra have been obtained with VLT/FORS2 of the final helium shell flash (FF) star, V605 Aql, which peaked in brightness in 1919. New models suggest that this star is experiencing a very late thermal pulse. The evolution to a cool luminous giant and then back to a compact hot star takes place in only a few years. V605 Aql, the central star of the Planetary Nebula (PN), A58, has evolved from Teff∼_{eff}\sim5000 K in 1921 to ∼\sim95,000 K today. There are indications that the new FF star, Sakurai's Object (V4334 Sgr), which appeared in 1996, is evolving along a similar path. The abundances of Sakurai's Object today and V605 Aql 80 years ago mimic the hydrogen deficient R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars with 98% He and 1% C. The new spectra show that V605 Aql has stellar abundances similar to those seen in Wolf-Rayet [WC] central stars of PNe with ~55% He, and ~40% C. The stellar spectrum of V605 Aql can be seen even though the star is not directly detected. Therefore, we may be seeing the spectrum in light scattered around the edge of a thick torus of dust seen edge-on. In the present state of evolution of V605 Aql, we may be seeing the not too distant future of Sakurai's Object.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, ApJ Letters in pres

    On the Evolved Nature of CK Vul

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    Original paper can be found at: http://www.astrosociety.org/pubs/cs/381.html Copyright ASPCK Vul was classified as the oldest observed nova. Recent studies have proven however, that CK Vul cannot be unambiguously classified as any known kind of eruptive variable. We present the optical and radio observations of the remnants of the eruption of CK Vul in the year 1670 in order to discuss possible scenarios for this object. We have measured the proper motion which proves that the nebula is attributed to the star observed during its 1670−1672 brightening. A large bipolar nebula of 70 arcsec is discovered in a deep Hα image. Radio observations reveal a barely resolved source placed in the expansion center of the ejecta

    MODIS Tree Cover Validation for the Circumpolar Taiga-Tundra Transition Zone

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    A validation of the 2005 500m MODIS vegetation continuous fields (VCF) tree cover product in the circumpolar taiga-tundra ecotone was performed using high resolution Quickbird imagery. Assessing the VCF's performance near the northern limits of the boreal forest can help quantify the accuracy of the product within this vegetation transition area. The circumpolar region was divided into longitudinal zones and validation sites were selected in areas of varying tree cover where Quickbird imagery is available in Google Earth. Each site was linked to the corresponding VCF pixel and overlaid with a regular dot grid within the VCF pixel's boundary to estimate percent tree crown cover in the area. Percent tree crown cover was estimated using Quickbird imagery for 396 sites throughout the circumpolar region and related to the VCF's estimates of canopy cover for 2000-2005. Regression results of VCF inter-annual comparisons (2000-2005) and VCF-Quickbird image-interpreted estimates indicate that: (1) Pixel-level, inter-annual comparisons of VCF estimates of percent canopy cover were linearly related (mean R(sup 2) = 0.77) and exhibited an average root mean square error (RMSE) of 10.1 % and an average root mean square difference (RMSD) of 7.3%. (2) A comparison of image-interpreted percent tree crown cover estimates based on dot counts on Quickbird color images by two different interpreters were more variable (R(sup 2) = 0.73, RMSE = 14.8%, RMSD = 18.7%) than VCF inter-annual comparisons. (3) Across the circumpolar boreal region, 2005 VCF-Quickbird comparisons were linearly related, with an R(sup 2) = 0.57, a RMSE = 13.4% and a RMSD = 21.3%, with a tendency to over-estimate areas of low percent tree cover and anomalous VCF results in Scandinavia. The relationship of the VCF estimates and ground reference indicate to potential users that the VCF's tree cover values for individual pixels, particularly those below 20% tree cover, may not be precise enough to monitor 500m pixel-level tree cover in the taiga-tundra transition zone
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