49 research outputs found

    Consent of Disclosure of Education Record

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    Curatorial note from Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities: If the syllabus constitutes a labor contract between the instructor and the student, the Consent of Disclosure of Education Record allows students to negotiate with the instructor and the institution the degree to which their labor may be made public (“For Instructors”). This negotiation is critical for classroom-based digital projects, as many platforms necessitate a public-facing output. The consent form provides three methods through which a student may participate according to their desired privacy level while also providing information as to which activities will be private or public. The granularity of these options demonstrates that privacy and attribution do not have to be binary concepts when it comes to participation. This tool also provides students with an official, institution-sanctioned mechanism for asserting their rights without feeling that they are challenging the integrity of the instructor’s assignment. Including the form within a course also gives instructors a tangible means of enacting their commitment toward student rights, authorship, and privacy. Adapted from the University of Oregon Librarie