1 research outputs found

    Player Emotional Behavior Dependency on Fair Video Game Design Factors and External Conditions

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    KĂ€esolev bakalaureusetöö kirjeldab seda, miks videomĂ€ngude mĂ€ngijad muutuvad mĂ”nikord mĂ€ngides agressiivseks ja vihaseks ning pakub sellele probleemile lahendust action ĆŸanri videomĂ€ngude puhul, kus mĂ€ngijad mĂ€ngivad ĂŒksteise vastu. Kaotamine nendes mĂ€ngudes vĂ”ib muuta mĂ€ngijaid vihasteks ja agressiivseteks, mille ĂŒheks pĂ”hjuseks on mĂ€ngijate kahtlus, et neid ei kohelda vĂ”rdselt ja teine vĂ”idab pettusega vĂ”i talle mĂ€ngu poolt loodud eelissituatsiooni abil.Töös loodi action ĆŸanri katseline videomĂ€ng, mis pakub vĂ”rdseid vĂ”imalusi vĂ”itmiseks mĂ”lemale poolele. Töö kĂ€igus korraldati uuring, kus katseisikud mĂ€ngisid seda mĂ€ngu ja pĂ€rast tĂ€itsid uuringu ankeedi. Selgus, et ausad mĂ€ngu disaini faktorid ja vĂ€listingimused mĂ”juvad positiivselt mĂ€ngijate emotsioonidele.The current thesis describes the problem of anger and aggression in video games and proposes a solution specifically for action video games where players oppose each other. Losing at those games may cause players to become angry or aggressive. As one of the factors, such anger comes from a feeling of being cheated on.During the thesis, an action genre video game that provides equal opportunities for the opposing sides for winning was developed. An experiment which consists of playing the developed game and filling out the questionnaire by a specific group of people was conducted. Participants of the experiment were treated equally regarding game-external conditions. It turned out that fair video game design factors and external conditions have a positive influence on player emotions