2,213 research outputs found

    Towards Rapid Parameter Estimation on Gravitational Waves from Compact Binaries using Interpolated Waveforms

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    Accurate parameter estimation of gravitational waves from coalescing compact binary sources is a key requirement for gravitational-wave astronomy. Evaluating the posterior probability density function of the binary's parameters (component masses, sky location, distance, etc.) requires computing millions of waveforms. The computational expense of parameter estimation is dominated by waveform generation and scales linearly with the waveform computational cost. Previous work showed that gravitational waveforms from non-spinning compact binary sources are amenable to a truncated singular value decomposition, which allows them to be reconstructed via interpolation at fixed computational cost. However, the accuracy requirement for parameter estimation is typically higher than for searches, so it is crucial to ascertain that interpolation does not lead to significant errors. Here we provide a proof of principle to show that interpolated waveforms can be used to recover posterior probability density functions with negligible loss in accuracy with respect to non-interpolated waveforms. This technique has the potential to significantly increase the efficiency of parameter estimation.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Reducing the impact of source brightness fluctuations on spectra obtained by Fourier-transform spectrometry

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    We present a method to reduce the impact of source brightness fluctuations (SBFs) on spectra recorded by Fourier-transform spectrometry (FTS). Interferograms are recorded without AC coupling of the detector signal (DC mode). The SBF are determined by low-pass filtering of the DC interferograms, which are then reweighted by the low-pass, smoothed signal. Atmospheric solar absorption interferograms recorded in DC mode have been processed with and without this technique, and we demonstrate its efficacy in producing more consistent retrievals of atmospheric composition. We show that the reweighting algorithm improves retrievals from interferograms subject to both gray and nongray intensity fluctuations, making the algorithm applicable to atmospheric data contaminated by significant amounts of aerosol or cloud cover

    Self-Consistent Data Analysis of the Proton Structure Function g1 and Extraction of its Moments

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    The reanalysis of all available world data on the longitudinal asymmetry A|| is presented. The proton structure function g1 was extracted within a unique framework of data inputs and assumptions. These data allowed for a reliable evaluation of moments of the structure function g1 in the Q2 range from 0.2 up to 30 GeV2. The Q2 evolution of the moments was studied in QCD by means of Operator Product Expansion (OPE).Comment: Proceeding of 3rd International Symposium on the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule and its extensions, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia June 2-5, 200

    Nuclear corrections in neutrino-nucleus DIS and their compatibility with global NPDF analyses

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    We perform a global chi^2-analysis of nuclear parton distribution functions using data from charged current neutrino-nucleus deep-inelastic scattering (DIS), charged-lepton-nucleus DIS, and the Drell-Yan (DY) process. We show that the nuclear corrections in nu-A DIS are not compatible with the predictions derived from l^+A DIS and DY data. We quantify this result using a hypothesis-testing criterion based on the chi^2 distribution which we apply to the total chi^2 as well as to the chi^2 of the individual data sets. We find that it is not possible to accommodate the data from nu-A and l^+A DIS by an acceptable combined fit. Our result has strong implications for the extraction of both nuclear and proton parton distribution functions using combined neutrino and charged-lepton data sets.Comment: 5 page

    Singular value decomposition applied to compact binary coalescence gravitational-wave signals

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    We investigate the application of the singular value decomposition to compact-binary, gravitational-wave data-analysis. We find that the truncated singular value decomposition reduces the number of filters required to analyze a given region of parameter space of compact binary coalescence waveforms by an order of magnitude with high reconstruction accuracy. We also compute an analytic expression for the expected signal-loss due to the singular value decomposition truncation.Comment: 4 figures, 6 page

    Higher twist analysis of the proton g_1 structure function

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    We perform a global analysis of all available spin-dependent proton structure function data, covering a large range of Q^2, 1 < Q^2 < 30 GeV^2, and calculate the lowest moment of the g_1 structure function as a function of Q^2. From the Q^2 dependence of the lowest moment we extract matrix elements of twist-4 operators, and determine the color electric and magnetic polarizabilities of the proton to be \chi_E = 0.026 +- 0.015 (stat) + 0.021/-0.024 (sys) and \chi_B = -0.013 -+ 0.007 (stat) - 0.010/+0.012 (sys), respectively.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Electron- and neutrino-nucleus scattering in the impulse approximation regime

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    A quantitative understanding of the weak nuclear response is a prerequisite for the analyses of neutrino experiments such as K2K and MiniBOONE, which measure energy and angle of the muons produced in neutrino-nucleus interactions in the energy range 0.530.5-3 GeV and reconstruct the incident neutrino energy to determine neutrino oscillations. In this paper we discuss theoretical calculations of electron- and neutrino-nucleus scattering, carried out within the impulse approximation scheme using realistic nuclear spectral functions.Comparison between electron scattering data and the calculated inclusive cross section off oxygen, at beam energies ranging between 700 and 1200 MeV, show that the Fermi gas model, widely used in the analysis of neutrino oscillation experiments,fails to provide a satisfactory description of the measured cross sections,and inclusion of nuclear dynamics is needed.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figure