32 research outputs found

    Insulating Phases Induced by Crossing of Partially Filled Landau Levels in a Si Quantum Well

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    We study magnetotransport in a high mobility Si two-dimensional electron system by in situ tilting of the sample relative to the magnetic field. A pronounced dip in the longitudinal resistivity is observed during the Landau level crossing process for noninteger filling factors. Together with a Hall resistivity change which exhibits the particle-hole symmetry, this indicates that electrons or holes in the relevant Landau levels become localized at the coincidence where the pseudospin-unpolarized state is expected to be stable.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Well-width dependence of valley splitting in Si/SiGe quantum wells

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    The valley splitting in Si two-dimensional electron systems is studied using Si/SiGe single quantum wells (QWs) with different well widths. The energy gaps for 4 and 5.3 nm QWs, obtained from the temperature dependence of the longitudinal resistivity at the Landau level filling factor ν=1\nu=1, are much larger than those for 10 and 20 nm QWs. This is consistent with the well-width dependence of the bare valley splitting estimated from the comparison with the Zeeman splitting in the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Metallic Behavior of Cyclotron Relaxation Time in Two-Dimensional Systems

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    Cyclotron resonance of two-dimensional electrons is studied at low temperatures down to 0.4 K for a high-mobility Si/SiGe quantum well which exhibits a metallic temperature dependence of dc resistivity ρ\rho. The relaxation time τCR\tau_{\rm CR} shows a negative temperature dependence, which is similar to that of the transport scattering time τt\tau_t obtained from ρ\rho. The ratio τCR/τt\tau_{\rm CR}/\tau_t at 0.4 K increases as the electron density NsN_s decreases, and exceeds unity when NsN_s approaches the critical density for the metal-insulator transition.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Electronic Transport Properties of the Ising Quantum Hall Ferromagnet in a Si Quantum Well

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    Magnetotransport properties are investigated for a high mobility Si two dimensional electron systems in the vicinity of a Landau level crossing point. At low temperatures, the resistance peak having a strong anisotropy shows large hysteresis which is attributed to Ising quantum Hall ferromagnetism. The peak is split into two peaks in the paramagnetic regime. A mean field calculation for the peak positions indicates that electron scattering is strong when the pseudospin is partially polarized. We also study the current-voltage characteristics which exhibit a wide voltage plateau.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Excitonic Aharonov-Bohm Effect in Isotopically Pure 70Ge/Si Type-II Quantum Dots

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    We report on a magneto-photoluminescence study of isotopically pure 70Ge/Si self-assembled type-II quantum dots. Oscillatory behaviors attributed to the Aharonov-Bohm effect are simultaneously observed for the emission energy and intensity of excitons subject to an increasing magnetic field. When the magnetic flux penetrates through the ring-like trajectory of an electron moving around each quantum dot, the ground state of an exciton experiences a change in its angular momentum. Our results provide the experimental evidence for the phase coherence of a localized electron wave function in group-IV Ge/Si self-assembled quantum structures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Room-temperature local magnetoresistance effect in n-Ge devices with low-resistive Schottky-tunnel contacts

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    Two-terminal local magnetoresistance (MR) effect in n-type germanium (Ge) based lateral spin-valve (LSV) devices can be observed at room temperature. By using phosphorus δ-doped Heusler-alloy/Ge Schottky-tunnel contacts, the resistance-area product of the contacts is able to be less than 0.20 kΩ μm 2 , which is the lowest value in semiconductor based LSV devices. From the one-dimensional spin drift-diffusion model, the interface spin polarization of the Heusler-alloy/Ge contacts in the present LSV devices can be estimated to be ∼0.018 at room temperature. We experimentally propose that it is important for enhancing the local MR ratio in n-Ge based LSV devices to improve the interface spin polarization of the Heusler-alloy/Ge contacts

    Cubic Rashba spin-orbit interaction of two-dimensional hole gas in strained-Ge/SiGe quantum well

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    The spin-orbit interaction (SOI) of the two-dimensional hole gas in the inversion symmetric semiconductor Ge is studied in a strained-Ge/SiGe quantum well structure. We observed weak anti-localization (WAL) in the magnetoconductivity measurement, revealing that the WAL feature can be fully described by the k-cubic Rashba SOI theory. Furthermore, we demonstrated electric field control of the Rashba SOI. Our findings reveal that the heavy hole (HH) in strained-Ge is a purely cubic-Rashba-system, which is consistent with the spin angular momentum mj = +-3/2 nature of the HH wave function.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev. Let