142 research outputs found

    MicroRNAs: a potential interface between the circadian clock and human health

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    The biochemical activity of a stunning diversity of cell types and organ systems is shaped by a 24-hour (circadian) clock. This rhythmic drive to a good deal of the transcriptome (up to 15% of all coding genes) imparts circadian modulation over a wide range of physiological and behavioral processes (from cell division to cognition). Further, dysregulation of the clock has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a large and diverse array of disorders, such as hypertension, cancer and depression. Indeed, the possibility of utilizing therapeutic approaches that target clock physiology (that is, chronotherapy) has gained broad interest. However, a deeper understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms that modulate the clock, and give rise to organ-specific clock transcriptomes, will be required to fully realize the power of chronotherapies. Recently, microRNAs have emerged as significant players in circadian clock timing, thus raising the possibility that clock-controlled microRNAs could contribute to disorders of the human circadian timing system. Here, we highlight recent work revealing a key role for microRNAs in clock physiology, and discuss potential approaches to unlocking their utility as effectors of circadian physiology and pathophysiology

    Diabetic Cardiovascular Disease Induced by Oxidative Stress.

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). DM can lead to multiple cardiovascular complications, including coronary artery disease (CAD), cardiac hypertrophy, and heart failure (HF). HF represents one of the most common causes of death in patients with DM and results from DM-induced CAD and diabetic cardiomyopathy. Oxidative stress is closely associated with the pathogenesis of DM and results from overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS overproduction is associated with hyperglycemia and metabolic disorders, such as impaired antioxidant function in conjunction with impaired antioxidant activity. Long-term exposure to oxidative stress in DM induces chronic inflammation and fibrosis in a range of tissues, leading to formation and progression of disease states in these tissues. Indeed, markers for oxidative stress are overexpressed in patients with DM, suggesting that increased ROS may be primarily responsible for the development of diabetic complications. Therefore, an understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms mediated by oxidative stress is crucial to the prevention and treatment of diabetes-induced CVD. The current review focuses on the relationship between diabetes-induced CVD and oxidative stress, while highlighting the latest insights into this relationship from findings on diabetic heart and vascular disease

    High-resolution mapping of in vivo genomic transcription factor binding sites using in situ DNase I footprinting and ChIP-seq

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    Accurate identification of the DNA-binding sites of transcription factors and other DNA-binding proteins on the genome is crucial to understanding their molecular interactions with DNA. Here, we describe a new method: Genome Footprinting by high-throughput sequencing (GeF-seq), which combines in vivo DNase I digestion of genomic DNA with ChIP coupled with high-throughput sequencing. We have determined the in vivo binding sites of a Bacillus subtilis global regulator, AbrB, using GeF-seq. This method shows that exact DNA-binding sequences, which were protected from in vivo DNase I digestion, were resolved at a comparable resolution to that achieved by in vitro DNase I footprinting, and this was simply attained without the necessity of prediction by peak-calling programs. Moreover, DNase I digestion of the bacterial nucleoid resolved the closely positioned AbrB-binding sites, which had previously appeared as one peak in ChAP-chip and ChAP-seq experiments. The high-resolution determination of AbrB-binding sites using GeF-seq enabled us to identify bipartite TGGNA motifs in 96% of the AbrB-binding sites. Interestingly, in a thousand binding sites with very low-binding intensities, single TGGNA motifs were also identified. Thus, GeF-seq is a powerful method to elucidate the molecular mechanism of target protein binding to its cognate DNA sequences

    Differential involvement of LUBAC‐mediated linear ubiquitination in intestinal epithelial cells and macrophages during intestinal inflammation

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    Disruption of the intestinal epithelial barrier and dysregulation of macrophages are major factors contributing to the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs). Activation of NF-κB and cell death are involved in maintaining intestinal homeostasis in a cell type-dependent manner. Although both are regulated by linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (LUBAC)-mediated linear ubiquitination, the physiological relevance of linear ubiquitination to intestinal inflammation remains unexplored. Here, we used two experimental mouse models of IBD (intraperitoneal LPS and oral dextran sodium sulfate [DSS] administration) to examine the role of linear ubiquitination in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) and macrophages during intestinal inflammation. We did this by deleting the linear ubiquitination activity of LUBAC specifically from IECs or macrophages. Upon LPS administration, loss of ligase activity in IECs induced mucosal inflammation and augmented IEC death. LPS-mediated death of LUBAC-defective IECs was triggered by TNF. IEC death was rescued by an anti-TNF antibody, and TNF (but not LPS) induced apoptosis of organoids derived from LUBAC-defective IECs. However, augmented TNF-mediated IEC death did not overtly affect the severity of colitis after DSS administration. By contrast, defective LUBAC ligase activity in macrophages ameliorated DSS-induced colitis by attenuating both infiltration of macrophages and expression of inflammatory cytokines. Decreased production of macrophage chemoattractant MCP-1/CCL2, as well as pro-inflammatory IL-6 and TNF, occurred through impaired activation of NF-κB and ERK via loss of ligase activity in macrophages. Taken together, these results indicate that both intraperitoneal LPS and oral DSS administrations are beneficial for evaluating epithelial integrity under inflammatory conditions, as well as macrophage functions in the event of an epithelial barrier breach. The data clarify the cell-specific roles of linear ubiquitination as a critical regulator of TNF-mediated epithelial integrity and macrophage pro-inflammatory responses during intestinal inflammation

    Targeted deletion of miR-132/-212 impairs memory and alters the hippocampal transcriptome

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    miR-132 and miR-212 are structurally related microRNAs that have been found to exert powerful modulatory effects within the central nervous system (CNS). Notably, these microRNAs are tandomly processed from the same noncoding transcript, and share a common seed sequence: thus it has been difficult to assess the distinct contribution of each microRNA to gene expression within the CNS. Here, we employed a combination of conditional knockout and transgenic mouse models to examine the contribution of the miR-132/-212 gene locus to learning and memory, and then to assess the distinct effects that each microRNA has on hippocampal gene expression. Using a conditional deletion approach, we show that miR-132/-212 double-knockout mice exhibit significant cognitive deficits in spatial memory, recognition memory, and in tests of novel object recognition. Next, we utilized transgenic miR-132 and miR-212 overexpression mouse lines and the miR-132/-212 double-knockout line to explore the distinct effects of these two miRNAs on the transcriptional profile of the hippocampus. Illumina sequencing revealed that miR-132/-212 deletion increased the expression of 1138 genes; Venn analysis showed that 96 of these genes were also downregulated in mice overexpressing miR-132. Of the 58 genes that were decreased in animals overexpressing miR-212, only four of them were also increased in the knockout line. Functional gene ontology analysis of downregulated genes revealed significant enrichment of genes related to synaptic transmission, neuronal proliferation, and morphogenesis, processes known for their roles in learning, and memory formation. These data, coupled with previous studies, firmly establish a role for the miR-132/-212 gene locus as a key regulator of cognitive capacity. Further, although miR-132 and miR-212 share a seed sequence, these data indicate that these miRNAs do not exhibit strongly overlapping mRNA targeting profiles, thus indicating that these two genes may function in a complex, nonredundant manner to shape the transcriptional profile of the CNS. The dysregulation of miR-132/-212 expression could contribute to signaling mechanisms that are involved in an array of cognitive disorders

    Recognition of Connective Tissue Disease-Related Interstitial Pneumonia Based on Histological Score—A Validation Study of an Online Diagnostic Decision Support Tool

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    Objectives: to evaluate the number of cases of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) that included histological features of connective tissue disease (CTD) and to check whether they demonstrated the clinical features of CTD, using a previously reported CTD-interstitial pneumonia (IP) index that histologically differentiates CTD-associated and idiopathic IP. Methods: patients diagnosed with IPF following video-assisted thoracoscopic biopsy through multidisciplinary team diagnosis between 2014 and 2017 were selected. Pathological observation was made by four pathologists who scored eight observational items needed for the CTD-IP index. Cases determined as CTD, by the CTD-IP index, were extracted, and their clinical features were compared. Results: a total of 94 cases of IPF were identified, of which 20 were classified into the CTD group using the CTD-IP index with reasonable interobserver agreement (k = 0.76). Cases pathologically classified into the CTD group were significantly associated with female sex, non-smoking history, autoantibody positivity, and CTD symptoms (p = 0.01, 0.03, 0.01, and 0.04, respectively). Conclusions: patients with IPF with pathological findings of CTD showed clinical characteristics similar to those of patients with CTD

    Clinical characteristics, management strategies and outcomes of patients with recurrent venous thromboembolism in the real world

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    There is a paucity of data on management strategies and clinical outcomes after recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE). In a multicenter registry enrolling 3027 patients with acute symptomatic VTE, the current study population was divided into the following 3 groups: (1) First recurrent VTE during anticoagulation therapy (N = 110); (2) First recurrent VTE after discontinuation of anticoagulation therapy (N = 116); and (3) No recurrent VTE (N = 2801). Patients with first recurrent VTE during anticoagulation therapy more often had active cancer (45, 25 and 22%, P < 0.001). Among 110 patients with first recurrent VTE during anticoagulation therapy, 84 patients (76%) received warfarin at recurrent VTE with the median prothrombin time-international normalized ratio (PT-INR) value at recurrent VTE of 1.6, although patients with active cancer had a significantly higher median PT-INR value at recurrent VTE compared with those without active cancer (2.0 versus 1.4, P < 0.001). Within 90 days after recurrent VTE, 23 patients (20.9%) during anticoagulation therapy and 24 patients (20.7%) after discontinuation of anticoagulation therapy died. Active cancer was a major cause of recurrent VTE during anticoagulation therapy as a patient-related factor, while sub-optimal intensity of anticoagulation therapy was a major cause of recurrent VTE during anticoagulation therapy as a treatment-related factor, particularly in patients without active cancer

    Two-way habitat use between reefs and open ocean in adult greater amberjack: evidence from biologging data

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    We investigated the relationships between vertical movements and both oceanographic features and physiological factors in greater amberjack Seriola dumerili, which is a reef-associated predator in the East China Sea. S. dumerili in the coastal waters of eastern Taiwan were equipped with archival tags or pop-up satellite archival tags that recorded depth and temperature, resulting in a dataset covering a total of 1331 d from 12 individuals. To classify the vertical movement patterns of S. dumerili, we performed a hierarchical cluster analysis for the depth profile. We observed multiple vertical movement patterns. Around topographic features, S. dumerili showed short-step dives (averaging < 35 m) during both the daytime and nighttime. In contrast, S. dumerili in offshore areas showed diel vertical movements. S. dumerili occasionally performed frequent dives to approximately 150 m throughout the day. These movements may be related to foraging behaviors associated with changes in water depth. We further analyzed the response of the peri-toneal cavity temperature to variations in the ambient temperature in 7 S. dumerili with archival tags. The peritoneal cavity temperatures fluctuated according to the ambient temperature changes, indicating that the vertical movement of S. dumerili is limited by physiological con-straints for the maintenance of body temperature. Together, our results indicate that the vertical movement of S. dumerili may be affected by the trade-off between foraging and thermoregulation