159 research outputs found

    The role of basophils in acquired protective immunity to tick infestation

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    Ticks are bloodā€feeding ectoparasites that transmit a variety of pathogens to host animals and humans, causing severe infectious diseases such as Lyme disease. In a certain combination of animal and tick species, tick infestation elicits acquired immunity against ticks in the host, which can reduce the ability of ticks to feed on blood and to transmit pathogens in the following tick infestations. Therefore, our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of acquired tick resistance (ATR) can advance the development of antiā€tick vaccines to prevent tick infestation and tickā€borne diseases. Basophils are a minor population of white blood cells circulating in the bloodstream and are rarely observed in peripheral tissues under steadyā€state conditions. Basophils have been reported to accumulate at tickā€feeding sites during reā€infestation in cattle, rabbits, guinea pigs and mice. Selective ablation of basophils resulted in a loss of ATR in guinea pigs and mice, illuminating the essential role of basophils in the manifestation of ATR. In this review, we discuss the recent advance in the elucidation of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying basophil recruitment to the tickā€feeding site and basophilā€mediated ATR

    Novel insights into the ontogeny of basophils

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    Basophils are the least common granulocytes, accounting for <1% of peripheral blood leukocytes. In the last 20 years, analytical tools for mouse basophils have been developed, and we now recognize that basophils play critical roles in various immune reactions, including the development of allergic inflammation and protective immunity against parasites. Moreover, the combined use of flow cytometric analyses and knockout mice has uncovered several progenitor cells committed to basophils in mice. Recently, advancements in single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) technologies have challenged the classical view of the differentiation of various hematopoietic cell lineages. This is also true for basophil differentiation, and studies using scRNA-seq analysis have provided novel insights into basophil differentiation, including the association of basophil differentiation with that of erythrocyte/megakaryocyte and the discovery of novel basophil progenitor cells in the mouse bone marrow. In this review, we summarize the recent findings of basophil ontogeny in both mice and humans, mainly focusing on studies using scRNA-seq analyses

    Stromal-Cell and Cytokine-Dependent Lymphocyte Clones Which Span the Pre-B- to B-Cell Transition

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    Five stromal-cell-dependent lymphocyte clones are described that correspond to late pre-B or early B-cell stages of differentiation.They are useful for determining the molecular requirements for pre-B replication, for studying the stromal cells that supply those factors, and for delineating the final sequence of differentiation events as newly formed lymphocytes prepare to exit the bone marrow. The efficiency of lymphocyte growth at limiting dilution varied substantially on different stromal-cell clones and may reflect functional heterogeneity of stromal cells. Most lymphocyte clones were similar to uncloned lymphocytes from Whitlock-Witte cultures in that they responded only transiently to interleukin-7 (IL-7) and then died, unless maintained on a stromal-cell clone. One unusual lymphocyte clone (2E8) was propagated for more than 1 year in IL-7 alone and was selectively responsive to that cytokine. Most of the lymphocyte clones were not tumorigenic in immunodeficient mice. However, one pre-B clone (1A9)ā€™grew autonomously in culture when held at high density, responded to conditioned medium from a number of cell lines, and was tumorigenic. Tumors derived from this clone were infiltrated by stromal cells and lymphocytes taken from the tumors' retained characteristics of the original clone. Ly-6 antigens were inducible on 2E8 and 1A9 cells, but the lymphocytes were otherwise arrested in differentiation. The 2E8 cells had rearranged and expressed Īŗ light-chain genes but displayed them on the surface along with surrogate light chains and Ī¼ heavy chains. Thus, expression of authentic Tight chain need not coincide with termination of surrogate light-chain utilization in newly formed B cells. Several glycoproteins have recently been demonstrated to be associated with surface immunoglobulin (Ig) on mature B-lineage cells and plasma-cell tumors. We now show that one member of this family (approximately 33 kD) was associated with the Ī¼+surrogate light-chain complex on the 1A9 pre-B-cell clone. When compared to mature B lymphomas, fewer bands coprecipitated with the surface-labeled Ig isolated from pre-B- and early B-cell lines, suggesting that components of the antigen receptor are sequentially acquired during development. The normal replication and differentiation of pre-B cells is probably regulated by complex interactions with multiple cytokines and matrix components of the marrow microenvironment. Cloned lymphocyte lines that are dependent on stromal cells should continue to be important tools for molecular definition of those interactions

    Chemopreventive effects and anti-tumorigenic mechanisms of Actinidia arguta, known as sarunashi in Japan toward 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK)- induced lung tumorigenesis in a/J mouse

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    Background Previously, we reported the inhibitory effect of Actinidia arguta juice, known as sarunashi juice (sar-j) in Japan, on mutagenesis, inflammation, and mouse skin tumorigenesis. The components of A. arguta responsible for the anti-mutagenic effects were identified to be water-soluble, heat-labile phenolic compounds. We proposed isoquercetin (isoQ) as a candidate anticarcinogenic component. In this study, we sought to investigate the chemopreventive effects of A. arguta juice and isoQ on 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK)-induced lung tumorigenesis in A/J mice, and identify the possible mechanisms underlying the anti-tumorigenic effects of A. arguta. Results The number of tumor nodules per mouse lung in the group injected with NNK and administered A. arguta juice orally was significantly lower than that in the group injected with NNK only. Oral administration of isoQ also reduced the number of nodules in the mouse lungs. As expected, the mutagenicity of NNK and 1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) detected using S. typhimurium TA1535 decreased in the presence of sar-j. However, NNK and MNNG mutagenicity detected using S. typhimurium YG7108, a strain lacking the O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferases (ogtST and adaST) did not decrease in the presence of sar-j suggesting that sar-j may mediate its antimutagenic effect by enhancing the DNA damage repair by ogtST and adaST. Phosphorylation of Akt, with or without epidermal growth factor stimulation, in A549 cells was significantly decreased following sar-j and isoQ treatment, indicating that components in sar-j including isoQ suppressed the PI3K/AKT signaling pathways. Conclusions Sar-j and isoQ reduced NNK-induced lung tumorigenesis. Sar-j targets both the initiation and growth/progression steps during carcinogenesis, specifically via anti-mutagenesis, stimulation of alkyl DNA adduct repair, and suppression of Akt-mediated growth signaling. IsoQ might contribute in part to the biological effects of sar-j via suppression of Akt phosphorylation, but it may not be the main active ingredient

    Toll-like receptor 4 mediates synergism between alcohol and HCV in hepatic oncogenesis involving stem cell marker Nanog

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    Alcohol synergistically enhances the progression of liver disease and the risk for liver cancer caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV). However, the molecular mechanism of this synergy remains unclear. Here, we provide the first evidence that Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) is induced by hepatocyte-specific transgenic (Tg) expression of the HCV nonstructural protein NS5A, and this induction mediates synergistic liver damage and tumor formation by alcohol-induced endotoxemia. We also identify Nanog, the stem/progenitor cell marker, as a novel downstream gene up-regulated by TLR4 activation and the presence of CD133/Nanog-positive cells in liver tumors of alcohol-fed NS5A Tg mice. Transplantation of p53-deficient hepatic progenitor cells transduced with TLR4 results in liver tumor development in mice following repetitive LPS injection, but concomitant transduction of Nanog short-hairpin RNA abrogates this outcome. Taken together, our study demonstrates a TLR4-dependent mechanism of synergistic liver disease by HCV and alcohol and an obligatory role for Nanog, a TLR4 downstream gene, in HCV-induced liver oncogenesis enhanced by alcohol

    The Toll-like Receptor Protein Rp105 Regulates Lipopolysaccharide Signaling in B Cells

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    The susceptibility to infections induced by Gram-negative bacteria is largely determined by innate immune responses to bacteria cell wall lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The stimulation of B cells by LPS enhances their antigen-presenting capacity and is accompanied by B cell proliferation and secretion of large quantities of LPS-neutralizing antibodies. Similar to macrophages and neutrophils, the LPS-induced activation of B cells is dependent on Toll-like receptor (TLR)4. Here, we demonstrate that the responses of B cells to LPS are also regulated by another TLR protein, RP105, which is predominantly expressed on mature B cells in mice and humans. The analysis of mice homozygous for the null mutation in the RP105 gene revealed impaired proliferative and humoral immune responses of RP105-deficient B cells to LPS. Using originally LPS-unresponsive Ba/F3 cells expressing exogenous TLR4 and RP105, we demonstrate the functional cooperation between TLR4 and RP105 in LPS-induced nuclear factor ĪŗB activation. These data suggest the existence of the TLR4ā€“RP105 signaling module in the LPS-induced B cell activation

    Tonic B cell activation by Radioprotective105/MD-1 promotes disease progression in MRL/lpr mice

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have a crucial role in sensing microbial products and triggering immune responses. Recent reports have indicated that TLR7 and TLR9 have an important role in activating autoreactive B cells. In addition to TLR7 and TLR9, mouse B cells express TLR2, TLR4 and structurally related Radioprotective105 (RP105). We have previously shown that RP105 works in concert with TLR2/4 in antibody response to TLR2/4 ligands. We here report that B cells are constitutively activated by TLR2/4 and RP105. Such B cell activation was revealed by the Ī³3 germ line transcript and serum IgG3 production, both of which were impaired by the lack of RP105 or TLR2/4. Serum IgG3 was not altered in germ-free or antibiotics-treated mice, suggesting that the microbial flora hardly contributes to the continuous activation of B cells. The lack of RP105-dependent B cell activation ameliorated disease progression in lupus-prone MRL/lpr mice. RP105āˆ’/āˆ’ MRL/lpr mice showed less lymphoadenopathy/splenomegaly and longer survival than MRL/lpr mice. Whereas glomerulonephritis and auto-antibody production were not altered, improvement in blood urea nitrogen and lower incidence of renal arteritis indicated that renal function was ameliorated in the absence of RP105. Our results suggest that RP105-dependent tonic B cell activation has a pathogenic role in MRL/lpr mic
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