1 research outputs found
The importance of factors related to the implementation of the physical asset management practices
Namen diplomskega dela je preučitev pomembnosti dejavnikov, ki so povezani z implementacijo dejavnosti obvladovanja fizičnih sredstev.
Pričujoče diplomsko delo v teoretičnem delu obravnava pomen ISO-standardov in družino standardov SIST ISO 55000: 2017, elemente obvladovanja premoženja ter sklop šestih področij dejavnosti obvladovanja fizičnega premoženja (ang. Physical asset management). V pregledu literature so predstavljene glavne dejavnosti obvladovanja fizičnega premoženja, in sicer strategija in planiranje obvladovanja fizičnega premoženja, odločitve obvladovanja fizičnega premoženja, obvladovanje življenjskega cikla fizičnega premoženja, obvladovanje informacij fizičnega premoženja, organizacija in ljudje ter področje obvladovanja tveganj in pregledi.
Za namene pridobivanja podatkov je bil uporabljen anketni vprašalnik. Raziskava je bila izvedena med slovenskimi organizacijami. Za obdelavo in predstavitev pridobljenih podatkov smo uporabili opisno statistiko.
Ugotovitve raziskave kažejo, da so med anketirane organizacije kot motive za implementacijo dejavnosti obvladovanja fizičnega premoženja opredelili zadovoljevanje zahtev kupcev, biti v skladu z industrijsko politiko ter da imajo v organizaciji boljši nadzor nad procesi. Ovire za implementacijo dejavnosti fizičnega premoženja pa v anketiranih organizacijah najpogosteje predstavljajo porast dokumentacije in birokracije, dolgotrajna uvedba in pomanjkanje finančnih ter človeških virov.The purpose of this diploma thesis is to study the importance of factors that are linked with implemantation of the physical asset management practices.
The existent diploma thesis in its theoretical part discusses the meaning of ISO-standards and the family of standards SIST ISO 55000: 2017, elements of management assets and a complex of six fields of physical asset management. In the literature overview it deals with the main activities of physical asset management, namely the strategy and planning, asset management decision - making, life cycle delivery, asset information, organization and people and a field of risk and review.
A survey questionnaire was used in order to get the data. The research was made in Slovenian organizations. Descriptive statistics were used for processing and presenting the new data.
The results of the research shows that the motives of interviewed organizations for implementing activities of physical asset management are meeting the requirements of the customers, to be in line with the industrial policy and to have better control of the processes. The obstacles to the implementation of the activities of physical assets in an organization surveyed most often represents an increase in paperwork and bureaucracy, long – lasting introduction and lack of financial and human resources