3,318 research outputs found

    The Nature of the Peculiar Virgo Cluster Galaxies NGC 4064 and NGC 4424

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    We present a detailed study of the peculiar HI-deficient Virgo cluster spiral galaxies NGC 4064 and NGC 4424, using 12^{12}CO 1-0 interferometry, optical imaging and integral-field spectroscopic observations, in order to learn what type of environmental interactions have afected these galaxies. Optical imaging reveals that NGC 4424 has a strongly disturbed stellar disk, with banana-shaped isophotes and shells. NGC 4064, which lies in the cluster outskirts, possesses a relatively undisturbed outer stellar disk and a central bar. In both galaxies H-alpha emission is confined to the central kiloparsec. CO observations reveal bilobal molecular gas morphologies, with H-alpha emission peaking inside the CO lobes, implying a time sequence in the star formation process.Gas kinematics reveals strong bar-like non-circular motions in the molecular gas in both galaxies, suggesting that the material is radially infalling. In NGC 4064 the stellar kinematics reveal strong bar-like non-circular motions in the central 1 kpc. On the other hand, NGC 4424 has extremely modest stellar rotation velocities (Vmax ~ 30 km s-1), and stars are supported by random motions as far out as we can measure it. The observations suggest that the peculiarities of NGC 4424 are the result of an intermediate-mass merger plus ram pressure stripping. In the case of NGC 4064, the evidence suggests an already stripped "truncated/normal" galaxy that recently suffered a minor merger or tidal interaction with another galaxy. We propose that galaxies with "truncated/compact" H-alpha morphologies such as these are the result of the independent effects of ram pressure stripping, which removes gas from the outer disk, and gravitational interactions such as mergers, which heat stellar disks, drive gas to the central kpc and increase the central mass concentrations.Comment: 42 pages, 21 figure

    How Will the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 Affect Young Adults?

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    Summarizes how healthcare reform provisions including the expansion of dependent coverage, subsidies for insurance premiums, and penalties for opting out of coverage will affect young adults ages 19-29 by income level and gender

    Remote sensing of directional wave spectra using the surface contour radar

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    A unique radio-oceanographic remote sensing instrument was developed. The 36 GHz airborne Surface Contour Radar (SCR) remotely produces a real-time topographical map of the sea surface beneath the aircraft. It can routinely produce ocean directional wave spectra with off-line data processing. The transmitter is a coherent dual-frequency device that uses pulse compression to compensate for the limited available power at Ka band. The radar has selectable pulse widths of 1, 2, 4, and 10 nanoseconds. The transmitting antenna is a 58 lambda horn fed dielectric lens whose axis is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. It illuminates an elliptical mirror which is oriented 45 deg to the lens' longitudinal axis to deflect the beam towards the region beneath the aircraft. The mirror is oscillated in a sinusoidal fashion through mechanical linkages driven to a variable speed motor to scan the transmitter beam (1.2 deg X 1.2 deg) with + or - 16 deg of the perpendicular to the aircraft wings in the plane perpendicular to the aircraft flight direction

    Magnetic field configuration associated with solar gamma ray flares in June, 1991

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    The vector magnetic field configuration of the solar active region AR 6659 that produced very high levels of flare activity in Jun. 1991 is described. The morphology and evolution of the photospheric fields are described for the period 7-10 Jun., and the flares taking place around these dates and their locations relative to the photospheric fields are indicated. By comparing the observed vector field with the potential field calculated from the observed line-of-sight flux, we identify the nonpotential characteristics of the fields along the magnetic neutral lines where the flares were observed. These results are compared with those from the earlier study of gamma-ray flares

    The 90 GHz radiometric imaging

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    A 90-GHz (3 mm wavelength) radiometer with a noise output fluctuation of 0.22 K (RMS), with a scanning antenna beam mirror, and the data processing system are described. Real-time radiometric imaging of terrain and man-made objects are shown. Flying at an altitude of 1500 ft a radiometer antenna with a 2 degrees halfpower beamwidth can distinguish landforms, waterways, roads, runways, bridges, ships at sea and their wakes, aircraft on runways, and athletic fields. A flight taken at an altitude of 3000 ft with approximately 2000 ft of clouds below the radiometer demonstrates the ability to distinguish bridges, rivers, marshland and other landforms even though the clouds are optically opaque. The radiometric images of a few representative scenes along with photographs of the corresponding scenes are presented to demonstrate the resolution of the imager system

    Virgo Galaxies with Long One-Sided HI Tails

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    In a new HI imaging survey of Virgo galaxies (VIVA: VLA Imaging of Virgo galaxies in Atomic gas), we find 7 spiral galaxies with long HI tails. The morphology varies but all the tails are extended well beyond the optical radii on one side. These galaxies are found in intermediate-low density regions (0.6-1 Mpc in projection from M87). The tails are all pointing roughly away from M87, suggesting that these tails may have been created by a global cluster mechanism. While the tidal effects of the cluster potential are too small, a rough estimate suggests that simple ram-pressure stripping indeed could have formed the tails in all but two cases. At least three systems show HI truncation to within the stellar disk, providing evidence for a gas-gas interaction. Although most of these galaxies do not appear disturbed optically, some have close neighbors, suggesting that tidal interactions may have moved gas outwards making it more susceptible to the ICM ram-pressure or viscosity. Indeed, a simulation study of one of the tail galaxies, NGC 4654, suggests that the galaxy is most likely affected by the combined effect of a gravitational interaction and ram-pressure stripping. We conclude that these one-sided HI tail galaxies have recently arrived in the cluster, falling in on highly radial orbits. It appears that galaxies begin to lose their gas already at intermediate distances from the cluster center through ram-pressure or turbulent viscous stripping and tidal interactions with neighbours, or a combination of both.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (including 1 plate), accepted for accepted for publication in ApJ Letter (vol. 659, L115), a version with full resolution Plate 1 is available from http://www.astro.umass.edu/~achung/astro-ph/viva_tail.pd

    The microcanonical thermodynamics of finite systems: The microscopic origin of condensation and phase separations; and the conditions for heat flow from lower to higher temperatures

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    Microcanonical thermodynamics allows the application of statistical mechanics both to finite and even small systems and also to the largest, self-gravitating ones. However, one must reconsider the fundamental principles of statistical mechanics especially its key quantity, entropy. Whereas in conventional thermostatistics, the homogeneity and extensivity of the system and the concavity of its entropy are central conditions, these fail for the systems considered here. For example, at phase separation, the entropy, S(E), is necessarily convex to make exp[S(E)-E/T] bimodal in E. Particularly, as inhomogeneities and surface effects cannot be scaled away, one must be careful with the standard arguments of splitting a system into two subsystems, or bringing two systems into thermal contact with energy or particle exchange. Not only the volume part of the entropy must be considered. As will be shown here, when removing constraints in regions of a negative heat capacity, the system may even relax under a flow of heat (energy) against a temperature slope. Thus the Clausius formulation of the second law: ``Heat always flows from hot to cold'', can be violated. Temperature is not a necessary or fundamental control parameter of thermostatistics. However, the second law is still satisfied and the total Boltzmann entropy increases. In the final sections of this paper, the general microscopic mechanism leading to condensation and to the convexity of the microcanonical entropy at phase separation is sketched. Also the microscopic conditions for the existence (or non-existence) of a critical end-point of the phase-separation are discussed. This is explained for the liquid-gas and the solid-liquid transition.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Physic

    Scattering a pulse from a chaotic cavity: Transitioning from algebraic to exponential decay

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    The ensemble averaged power scattered in and out of lossless chaotic cavities decays as a power law in time for large times. In the case of a pulse with a finite duration, the power scattered from a single realization of a cavity closely tracks the power law ensemble decay initially, but eventually transitions to an exponential decay. In this paper, we explore the nature of this transition in the case of coupling to a single port. We find that for a given pulse shape, the properties of the transition are universal if time is properly normalized. We define the crossover time to be the time at which the deviations from the mean of the reflected power in individual realizations become comparable to the mean reflected power. We demonstrate numerically that, for randomly chosen cavity realizations and given pulse shapes, the probability distribution function of reflected power depends only on time, normalized to this crossover time.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure