160 research outputs found

    Infrared photochemistry of ethylene clusters

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    Infrared irradiation of ethylene clusters formed in supersonic molecular beams, using a low power cw CO2 laser, results in the photodissociation of a large fraction of the van der Waals molecules. Under such conditions, infrared absorption intensity exhibits first-order power dependence and is readily detected as loss in molecular beam intensity. Intramolecular energy transfer rates, determined by measuring spectral linewidths, are shown to vary with the vibrational mode initially excited. Ethylene clusters containing one quantum of vibrational energy corresponding to the nun7 fundamental in the monomer (949 cm^–1) have a vibrationally predissociative lifetime of 0.33 psec. In comparison, the relaxation rate of ethylene-d4 clusters with one quantum of excitation corresponding to the nu12 (1078 cm^–1) mode of C2D4 is 0.7 psec

    Report of the CSSDA Consulting Committee

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66730/2/10.1177_106939716700200303.pd

    A theoretical simulation of the resonant Raman spectroscopy of the H2O⋯Cl2 and H2O⋯Br2 halogen-bonded complexes

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    The resonant Raman spectra of the H2O⋯Cl2 and H2O⋯Br2 halogen-bonded complexes have been studied in the framework of a 2-dimensional model previously used in the simulation of their UV-visible absorption spectra using time-dependent techniques. In addition to the vibrational progression along the dihalogen mode, a progression is observed along the intermolecular mode and its combination with the intramolecular one. The relative intensity of the inter to intramolecular vibrational progressions is about 15% for H2O⋯Cl2 and 33% for H2O⋯Br2. These results make resonant Raman spectra a potential tool for detecting the presence of halogen bonded complexes in condensed phase media such as clathrates and ice.Fil: Franklin Mergarejo, Ricardo. Université Paris Sud; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. InSTEC; Cuba. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rubayo Soneira, Jesús. InSTEC; CubaFil: Halberstadt, Nadine. Université Paris Sud; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Janda, Kenneth C.. University of California at Irvine; Estados UnidosFil: Apkarian, V. Ara. University of California at Irvine; Estados Unido

    New Constitutions and Models of Democracy: The Majority Issue

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    Autor predstavlja dvije alternativne koncepcije demokracije: proceduralnu, koja vrednuje poretke s obzirom na procedure koje neka vlast rabi u svom vladanju, te koncepciju supstancijalne demokracije koja inzistira na sadržaju političkih odluka, kao kriteriju demokratičnosti poretka. Na osnovi ta dva shvaćanja teoretičari demokracije konstruirali su tri različita modela demokracije (većinski, pluralistički i konsenzualni), od kojih prva dva slijede proceduralnu, a treći supstancijalnu teoriju demokracije. Dok zagovornici većinskog modela smatraju da je vlast najprije odgovorna javnom mnijenju, tj. većini građana, pluralisti demokraciju shvaćaju kao vlast više interesnih grupa, od kojih nijedna nije dovoljno moćna da bi nametnula samo svoj interes. Konsenzualni model naglašava potrebu da upravo vlast svojim odlukama bude jamac ljudskih i građanskih prava, kao i potrebu zaštite nacionalnih manjina mehanizmima koji omogućuju njihovu participaciju u vlasti. Autor zaključuje da društvima srednje i istočne Europe najbolje odgovara posljednji model, jer ona zbog svojih historijskih, socijalnih i kulturnih uvjeta, nisu u poziciji da razvijaju zapadne modele temeljene na proceduralnom shvaćanju demokracije.The author presents two alternative concepts of democracy: the procedural, which values systems according to the procedures that a government makes use of in its day-to-day functioning, and the substantial, which consists on the political decisions\u27 content as the criterion of a system\u27s democracy. Based on these two concepts, the theoriticians of democracy have constrcted three different models of democracy (majority, pluralist and consensual),; the first two are on the line of the procedural and lhe third of the substantial theory of democracy. While the advocates of the majority model are of the opinion that a government is primarily responsible to public opinion, i.e. the citizens\u27 majority, the pluralists consider democracy to be the government of several interest groups, of which none is powerful enough to impose its interest. The consensual model emphasizes the need for the government to guarantee, through its decisions, human and civil rights. This model also points out the need for protecting national minorities by employing mechanisms which enable their participation in the govcrnmcnL The author concludes that the latter model would best suit the societies of Central and Eastern Europe since they, due to their historical, social and cultural circumstances arc not in the position to evolve Western models based on the procedural understanding of democracy

    Bakeout controller for the use of helium closed-cycle refrigerators in ultrahigh vacuum applications

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    imple control electronics are described which provide automated bakeout of an ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) chamber equipped with a helium closed-cycle refrigerator. By preventing the refrigerator from reaching elevated temperatures (T>50 °C) during bakeout, these devices can be utilized in the ultrahigh vacuum environment

    Why Parties Narrow their Representative Profile: Evidence from Six European Democracies

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this recordIn this paper, we analyse the conditions under which political parties narrow their representative profile (defined by the scope of the issues or the constituencies they represent). This strategy has been neglected in the party literature, which is mainly focused on the adoption of catch-all strategies among mainstream parties or the tendency to stick to core issues among niche parties. In this paper, we develop a theoretical framework that includes central external and internal drivers of party change and we empirically test this framework using novel survey data covering 121 parties across six European democracies: The United Kingdom, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Ireland.European Commissio