54 research outputs found

    Ethiopia in the World Economy: Trade, Private Capital Flows, and Migration

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    Economic globalization can be evaluated with reference to at least three dimensions: trade, private capital flows, and migration. For each of these dimensions, pathways can be identified through which economic globalization can alleviate or contribute to poverty. This paper makes a preliminary examination of the pathways between globalization and poverty for the case of Ethiopia. As one of the world’s poorest countries, Ethiopia’s integration with the world economy takes on specific features. It is highly dependent on the exports of a few goods, has imported a large amount of arms, is largely excluded from global FDI flows, benefits from relatively large inflows of remittances, and is largely excluded from the evolving global regime of intellectual property. Despite a number of negative trends with regard to globalization and poverty, there is room for “small win” policies that would enhance the role of globalization in supporting poverty alleviation

    Textile and Clothing Safeguards: from the ATC to the Future

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    The Agreement on Textiles and Clothing established the textile and clothing safeguards regime from 1995 to 2004. The current safeguards regime for these products is defined in terms of the Agreement on Safeguards, the China Textile Safeguards, and the China Product-specific Safeguards. This article examines each of these three current safeguard options and assesses them in terms of a number of relevant dimensions. It also reviews safeguard actions to date to provide a sense of continued managed trade in this area.managed trade, protectionism, safeguards, textiles and clothing, International Relations/Trade,

    Can Globalization Help?

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    An introduction to : International economics

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    The Effects of Domestic Agricultural Policy Reform on Environmental Quality

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    Both policy reform and environmental quality portend to be major agricultural issues in this decade. We develop a stylized general equilibrium model of the United States economy to empirically study whether success in addressing the former issue is consistent with the achievement of the latter. Policy experiments show that the level of agricultural surface water damages are indeed quite sensitive to policy reform--providing the greatest environmental benefits when land and fertilizers are highly substitutable. These results suggest that policy reform may in the long run provide an inexpensive partial answer to the environmental problem associated with agricultural production

    The Effects of Domestic Agricultural Policy Reform on Environmental Quality

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    A general equilibrium model is developed to study the environmental implications of agricultural policies. Model results show that declines in the acreage reduction program (ARP) would reduce agricultural fertilizer use, but the return of ARP land to production would lead to an overall increase in sedimentation and offsite environmental damage. In contrast, if land and fertilizers are highly substitutable, declines in deficiency payments and other commodity price support programs would reduce offsite environmental damages by reducing fertilizer use. Agricultural policy reform would be consistent with conservation policy because it would encourage a reduction in the use of fertilizer-intensive production practices

    A Note on Estimating a Long-Run Average Cost Curve for Flue Gas Desulfurization

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    This paper presents the estimation of a long-run average cost curve for the flue gas desulfurization of coal-fired electric generating plants. Long-run average costs are shown to decline asymptotically with the level of sulfur dioxide removal and to decline with the sulfur content of the coal burned. © 1988

    The Role of Services in the Structure of Production and Trade: Stylized Facts from a Cross-Country Analysis

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    We examine the role of services in the structure of production and trade. Working with a cross-country sample of 17 social accounting matrices, we develop stylized facts relating upstream and downstream service linkages to incomes and the input-output structure of production. Expansion of services is related to expansion of private sector intermediate services, and to increased demand in manufacturing for service inputs. This growth in demand is more closely related to changes in the structure of production rather than to outsourcing or splintering processes. The embodied service component of exports is also strongly linked to the level of development.Production and Services; Services and Development; Trade in Services

    Textile and Clothing Safeguards: from the ATC to the Future

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    The Agreement on Textiles and Clothing established the textile and clothing safeguards regime from 1995 to 2004. The current safeguards regime for these products is defined in terms of the Agreement on Safeguards, the China Textile Safeguards, and the China Product-specific Safeguards. This article examines each of these three current safeguard options and assesses them in terms of a number of relevant dimensions. It also reviews safeguard actions to date to provide a sense of continued managed trade in this area
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