17 research outputs found

    Pregnancy-specific stress, fetoplacental haemodynamics, and neonatal outcomes in women with small for gestational age pregnancies: a secondary analysis of the multicentre Prospective Observational Trial to Optimise Paediatric Health in Intrauterine Growth Restriction

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    Objectives: To examine associations between maternal pregnancy-specific stress and umbilical (UA PI) and middle cerebral artery pulsatility indices (MCA PI), cerebroplacental ratio, absent end diastolic flow (AEDF), birthweight, prematurity, neonatal intensive care unit admission and adverse obstetric outcomes in women with small for gestational age pregnancies. It was hypothesised that maternal pregnancy-specific stress would be associated with fetoplacental haemodynamics and neonatal outcomes. Design: This is a secondary analysis of data collected for a large-scale prospective observational study. Setting: This study was conducted in the seven major obstetric hospitals in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Participants: Participants included 331 women who participated in the Prospective Observational Trial to Optimise Paediatric Health in Intrauterine Growth Restriction. Women with singleton pregnancies between 24 and 36 weeks gestation, estimated fetal weight <10th percentile and no major structural or chromosomal abnormalities were included. Primary and secondary outcome measures Serial Doppler ultrasound examinations of the umbilical and middle cerebral arteries between 20 and 42 weeks gestation, Pregnancy Distress Questionnaire (PDQ) scores between 23 and 40 weeks gestation and neonatal outcomes. Results: Concerns about physical symptoms and body image at 35–40 weeks were associated with lower odds of abnormal UAPI (OR 0.826, 95% CI 0.696 to 0.979, p=0.028). PDQ score (OR 1.073, 95% CI 1.012 to 1.137, p=0.017), concerns about birth and the baby (OR 1.143, 95% CI 1.037 to 1.260, p=0.007) and concerns about physical symptoms and body image (OR 1.283, 95% CI 1.070 to 1.538, p=0.007) at 29–34 weeks were associated with higher odds of abnormal MCA PI. Concerns about birth and the baby at 29–34 weeks (OR 1.202, 95% CI 1.018 to 1.421, p=0.030) were associated with higher odds of AEDF. Concerns about physical symptoms and body image at 35–40 weeks were associated with decreased odds of neonatal intensive care unit admission (OR 0.635, 95% CI 0.435 to 0.927, p=0.019). Conclusions: These findings suggest that fetoplacental haemodynamics may be a mechanistic link between maternal prenatal stress and fetal and neonatal well-being, but additional research is required

    Reference ranges for fetal volumes in the late first trimester, obtained using 9-degree rotational steps

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    The 29th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Berlin, Germany, 12-16 October 2019Objectives: In the course of another study, we calculated fetal volume centile values for each week of gestation from 11 to 14 weeks using nine-degree rotation steps

    Early pregnancy maternal cardiovascular profiling in the prediction of hypertensive disease in pregnancy

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    Prediction of hypertensive disease in pregnancy re- mains challenging. Risk factor based screening util- izing history, physical characteristics, uterine artery Doppler and serum markers have been used with va- rying success. As hypertension in pregnancy appears to be associated with changes in the maternal vascu- lature, we have investigated the utility of maternal ar- terial elasticity measurement, prior to 20 weeks gesta- tion, in the prediction of hypertensive disease in preg- nancy. A HDI/Pulsewave CR2000 Research Cardio- vascular Profiling System was used to obtain radial artery pulse pressure waveforms from 623 Caucasian women at the time of their first antenatal visit. Out- come data were available in 610 cases and these com- prised the study group. The results showed that wo- men who subsequently developed gestational hypertension (n = 20) had higher baseline systolic, diastolic and pulse pressure values (though within the normal range) but similar arterial elasticity to those patients who did not develop hypertension. Women who later developed pre-eclampsia (n = 23) had, in addition, re- duced large artery elasticity and increased systemic vascular resistance compared with women who did not develop hypertension. The measurement of mater- nal radial artery elasticity in early pregnancy may pro- vide an additional refinement in screening for hyperten- sive disease, particularly pre-eclampsia, in pregnancy.

    Maternal Obesity and Pre-Pregnancy Folic Acid Supplementation

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    Objective: The purpose of this nested cohort study was to compare the rate of pre-pregnancy supplementation in obese women with that of women with a normal BMI. Methods: Pregnant women were enrolled at their convenience in a large university hospital. Weight and height were measured in the first trimester and BMI categorised. Results: Of the 288 women, 35.1% were in the normal, 29.5% in the overweight and 35.4% in the obese BMI categories. Only 45.1% (n = 46) of the obese women took pre-pregnancy folic acid compared with 60.4% (n = 61) of women with a normal BMI (p < 0.03). The lower incidence of folic acid supplementation in obese women was associated with an unplanned pregnancy in 36.3% of women compared with 22.8% in the normal BMI category (p < 0.04). Conclusions: Obese women should take folate supplements whether they are planning to conceive or not

    Correlation between maternal inflammatory markers and fetomaternal adiposity

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    Outside pregnancy, both obesity and diabetes mellitus are associated with changes in inflammatory cytokines. Obesity in pregnancy may be complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and/or fetal macrosomia. The objective of this study was to determine the correlation between maternal cytokines and fetomaternal adiposity in the third trimester in women where the important confounding variable GDM had been excluded. Healthy women with a singleton pregnancy and a normal glucose tolerance test at 28 weeks gestation were enrolled at their convenience. Maternal cytokines were measured at 28 and 37 weeks gestation. Maternal adiposity was assessed indirectly by calculating the Body Mass Index (BMI), and directly by bioelectrical impedance analysis. Fetal adiposity was assessed by ultrasound measurement of fetal soft tissue markers and by birthweight at delivery. Of the 71 women studied, the mean maternal age and BMI were 29.1 years and 29.2 kg/m2 respectively. Of the women studied 32 (45%) were obese. Of the cytokines, only maternal IL-6 and IL-8 correlated with maternal adiposity. Maternal TNF-a, IL-b, IL-6 and IL-8 levels did not correlate with either fetal body adiposity or birthweight. In this well characterised cohort of pregnant non-diabetic women in the third trimester of pregnancy we found that circulating maternal cytokines are associated with maternal adiposity but not with fetal adiposity

    The relationship between maternal body composition in early pregnancy and foetal mid-thigh soft-tissue thickness in the third trimester in a high-risk obstetric population

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    Maternal obesity is an emerging challenge in contemporary obstetrics. To date there has been no study analysing the relationship between specific maternal body composition measurements and foetal soft-tissue measurements. The aim of this study was to determine whether measurement of maternal body composition at booking predicts foetal soft-tissue trajectories in the third trimester. We analysed the relationship between foetal thigh in the third trimester and both maternal BMI and body composition using the Tanita digital scales in the first trimester. Foetal subcutaneous thigh tissue measurements were obtained at intervals of 28, 32 and 36 weeks of gestation. A total of 160 women were identified. There was a direct correlation between MTST at 36 weeks and BMI (p = .002). There was a positive correlation between MTST at 36 weeks and leg fat mass (p = .13) and leg fat free mass (p = .013). There was a positive correlation between arm fat free mass and MTST at 36 weeks. We showed there is an association between maternal fat distribution and foetal subcutaneous thigh tissue measurements. MTST may be more useful in determining if a child is at risk of macrosomia.Impact statement Previous studies have suggested that maternal obesity programmes intrauterine foetal adiposity and growth. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship in a high-risk obstetric population between measurements of maternal body composition in early pregnancy and the assessment of foetal adiposity in the third trimester using serial ultrasound measurements of mid-thigh soft-tissue thickness. BMI is only a surrogate measurement of fat and does not measure fat distribution. Our study shows the distribution of both maternal fat and fat-free mass in early pregnancy may be positively associated with foetal soft-tissue measurements in the third trimester. Maternal arthropometric measurements other than BMI may help predict babies at risk of macrosomia and neonatal adiposity

    The impact of new guidelines on screening for gestational diabetes mellitus

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    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) has important maternal and fetal implications. In 2010, the Health Service Executive published guidelines on GDM. We examined the impact of the new guidelines in a large maternity unit. In January 2011, the hospital replaced the 100g Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) with the new 75g OGTT. We compared the first 6 months of 2011 with the first 6 months of 2010. The new guidelines were associated with a 22% increase in women screened from 1375 in 2010 to 1679 in 2011 (p<0.001). Of the women screened, the number diagnosed with GDM increased from 10.1% (n=139) to 13.2% (n=221) (p<0.001).The combination of increased screening and a more sensitive OGTT resulted in the number of women diagnosed with GDM increasing 59% from 139 to 221 (p=0.02).This large increase has important resource implications but, if clinical outcomes are improved, there should be a decrease in long-term costs

    Maternal Obesity and Pre-Pregnancy Folic Acid Supplementation

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    Objective: The purpose of this nested cohort study was to compare the rate of pre-pregnancy supplementation in obese women with that of women with a normal BMI. Methods: Pregnant women were enrolled at their convenience in a large university hospital. Weight and height were measured in the first trimester and BMI categorised. Results: Of the 288 women, 35.1% were in the normal, 29.5% in the overweight and 35.4% in the obese BMI categories. Only 45.1% (n = 46) of the obese women took pre-pregnancy folic acid compared with 60.4% (n = 61) of women with a normal BMI (p Conclusions: Obese women should take folate supplements whether they are planning to conceive or not

    Antenatal Rubella Immunity in Ireland

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    The objective of the study was to identify those women attending for antenatal care who would have benefited from prepregnancy rubella vaccination. It was a population-based observational study of women who delivered a baby weighing ≥500 g in 2009 in the Republic of Ireland. The woman’s age, parity, nationality and rubella immunity status were analysed using data collected by the National Perinatal Reporting System. Of the 74,810 women delivered, the rubella status was known in 96.7% (n=72,333). Of these, 6.4%(n=4,665) women were not immune. Rubella seronegativity was 8.0%(n=2425) in primiparous women compared with 5.2%(n=2239) in multiparous women (p<0.001), 14.7%(n=10653) in women <25 years old compared with 5.0%(n=3083) in women ≥25 years old (p<0.001), and 11.4%(n=780) in women born outside the 27 European Union (EU27) countries compared with 5.9%(n=3886) in women born inside the EU27 countries (p<0.001). Based on our findings we recommend that to prevent Congenital Rubella Syndrome, the health services in Ireland should focus on women who are young, nulliparous and born outside the EU