16 research outputs found

    Comparison of Accuracy Among Pedometers from Five Japanese Manufacturers

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    The reliability of commercially available pedometers is not known in detail. Therefore, the present study examines the accuracy and reliability of the FS500 (Acos), HJ301 (Omron), EX700 (Yamax), FB727 (Tanita) and TW600 (Citizen) pedometers to count steps and measure energy expenditure at various walking speeds. Twenty individuals (age, 32.5 ± 15.3 years; body mass index, 22.0 ± 1.6 kg/m2) walked at three speeds for 6 min. Step-counts and energy expenditure determined by each pedometer were compared with actual values. All five pedometers accurately measured steps at all speeds, but tended to underestimate expended calories to within 50% of the actual amount of energy expenditure. The correlation coefficients (R) between actual energy expenditure and pedometer values were between 0.74 and 0.87. Thus, feedback about energy expenditure is somewhat inaccurate. In contrast, step counts are very accurate, and thus pedometers are useful tools with which to indicate daily exercise levels.ArticleThe Open Sports Sciences Journal .6:56-61(2013)journal articl

    Effect of a two-year health program on brain function, physical fitness and blood chemistry

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    Background: Protocols for carrying out health programs for aged adults have not been clearly presented. Thus, the aim of this study is to examine the effects from the first year to the second year of the Matsumoto health promotion program and to make use of the results in future health promotion for elderly people.Method: The city of Matsumoto offered local residents a two-year health program which includethe use of a pedometer, anthropometry, blood pressure, go/no-go brain function, a physical fitness test and a blood chemistry test. Eighty-six elderly people age 65.9 ± 5.9 years participated in the program. All the participants were given pedometers and a target of 7,000 to 8,000 steps per day was set based on the weight-bearing index. During the first year, the participants did their walking exercise and attended a series of monthly seminars. Then the second year, the participants continued their walking exercise, attended series of monthly seminars and began a 2 hour weight training once a week.Result: The result from the pedometer in the first year showed that the average daily walking step was 6552.9 ± 474.2. The second year, the average daily walking steps was 7170.4 ± 547.9. The results from first year to second year showed significant improvement; the number of incorrect response in the go/no-go tasks (before: 5.3 times ± 0.4, after: 2.9 times ± 0.2, pConclusion: These results from the two-year program suggests that the increase in walking and the 2 hour weight training may reflect the influence of wearing a pedometer, and improved anthropometry, blood pressure, brain function, physical fitness and blood chemistry. However, the girth of the abdomen, handgrip strength and blood chemistry did not show significant improvement. Thus we must think about enlightenment program that wouldinclude muscular strength training and nutrition.ArticleJournal of Community Medicine & Health Education.5(3):349(2015)journal articl

    トウニョウビョウ ケア ノ リスク マネージメント

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    The number of diabetics has been increasing in recent years. The diabetics are under varioustreatments, including the improvement of life habit and the medication for diabetes with insulin.Our hospital set a team of diabetic care, which is composed of a diabetic specialist, certified diabeteseducators(CDEs), nurses, dietricians and pharmacists. This team takes great care of the diabetics.For medical safety measures, the department of risk management was organized in our hospital.The department investigated the cases of Hiyari-Hatto within 1 year and 3 months, from 2005to 2006, and found that 3% of them was the diabetic case, which was caused by the nurses exceptCDEs. Therefore the department made the manual of diabetic therapy in cooperation with theCDEs. All the staffs in our hospital were educated by the seminars according to the manual. Theknowledge about the diabetic therapy proved to be mostly accurate one year after the last seminar.For the improvement of medical safety, the department of risk management helps the CDEswith holding the educational seminars by giving the informations after analyzing the cases of Hiyari-Hatto and the questionnaires following the seminars

    Comparison of Accuracy Among Pedometers from Five Japanese Manufacturers

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    The reliability of commercially available pedometers is not known in detail. Therefore, the present study examines the accuracy and reliability of the FS500 (Acos), HJ301 (Omron), EX700 (Yamax), FB727 (Tanita) and TW600 (Citizen) pedometers to count steps and measure energy expenditure at various walking speeds. Twenty individuals (age, 32.5 ± 15.3 years; body mass index, 22.0 ± 1.6 kg/m2) walked at three speeds for 6 min. Step-counts and energy expenditure determined by each pedometer were compared with actual values. All five pedometers accurately measured steps at all speeds, but tended to underestimate expended calories to within 50% of the actual amount of energy expenditure. The correlation coefficients (R) between actual energy expenditure and pedometer values were between 0.74 and 0.87. Thus, feedback about energy expenditure is somewhat inaccurate. In contrast, step counts are very accurate, and thus pedometers are useful tools with which to indicate daily exercise levels.ArticleThe Open Sports Sciences Journal .6:56-61(2013)journal articl

    Photoproduction of η-mesons off C and Cu Nuclei for Photon Energies below 1.1 GeV(I. Nuclear Physics)

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    The η-meson photoproduction cross sections have been measured on C and Cu targets for photon energies between 600 and 1100MeV to investigate the behavior of the S_11 (1535) resonance in a nucleus. The excitation functions of the cross section as well as angular and momentum distributions of η-mesons are in quantitative agreement with Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD) model calculations, in which the η-meson emission processes other than the S_11 (1535) resonance are also incorporated as proposed in the η-MAID model. It is shown that the excitation of the D_15 (1675) resonance might play an important role for E_γ>900MeV

    Study of Strangeness Photo-production in the Threshold Region at LNS-Tohoku(I. Nuclear Physics)

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    We have successfully measured neutral kaons, bombarding a liquid deuterium target with a photon beam in the threshold region from 0.8 to 1.1GeV. It was the first data for K^0 photoproduction on the deuteron in this energy region. The momentum spectra of K^0 production were compared with theoretical spectra calculated assuming isobar models for the elementary process and a realistic deuteron wave function for the target The present experiment has demonstrated a usefulness of the neutral kaon measurement for the investigation of photo strangeness production reactions