107 research outputs found

    “Style and Form in Louise Talma’s Early Songs”

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    Analysis of composer Louise Talma's early song

    “Origin Stories: Louise Talma’s Early Life”

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    Composer Louise Talma's biography and the facts of her early lif

    “‘Excellence in Execution’ and ‘Fitness for Teaching’: Assessments of Women at the Conservatoire AmĂ©ricain”

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    On the treatment and assessments of female students at the Conservatoire Américain in Fontainebleau, Franc

    “Silencing Ophelia: Male Aurality as a Controlling Element in Olivier’s Hamlet”

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    On music in Olivier's film of Hamle

    “Using Resources for Silent Film Music”

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    Using various collections of silent film musi

    “Significations of Religious Desire in Louise Talma’s The Alcestiad”

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    Analysis of Louise Talma's opera The Alcestiad and the musical sublimation of desir

    Musical Mimesis in Orphans of the Storm

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    In this essay I explore the use of musical mimesis in the score for D. W. Griffith’s 1921 film Orphans of the Storm. I demonstrate that the score, created by Louis F. Gottschalk and William Frederick Peters, offers coherence through the use of central themes and the employment of several characteristic leitmotivs; provides recognizable musical characterizations of emotions and physical phenomena, establishing a consistent mimetic aspect to the music; and reflects the structure of the film as a whole

    “Louise Talma’s Christmas Carol”

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    On a previously unknown composition by Louise Talm

    “Listening to the Gaoler’s Daughter”

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    About the use of music in Two Noble Kinsme

    “Towards a Works List for Louise Talma”

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    A bibliography of composer Louise Talma's composition
