14 research outputs found

    COVID-19 highlights the pitfalls of reliance on the carceral system as a response to addiction

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    People who are incarcerated are likely to meet criteria for at least one substance use disorder and need access to treatment. Access to such interventions was limited prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and has almost certainly been restricted further due to implementation of procedures intended to stop the spread of the virus. In this brief commentary, we discuss how COVID-19 has revealed the already tenuous access that people who are incarcerated have to behavioral health services, and the pitfalls of reliance on the U.S. carceral system as a response to addiction

    Characterization of the Stanford Integrated Psychosocial Assessment for Transplant (SIPAT) in Lung Transplant Candidates

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    The SIPAT is a standardized measure for pre-transplant psychosocial evaluation. Previous SIPAT studies utilized a relatively small lung transplant sample and only included listed patients. This study characterized the SIPAT in 147 lung transplant candidates to better elucidate its utility. The average score corresponded to a minimally acceptable rating and nearly half of the patients had relative or absolute contraindications. Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) patients scored more favorably than non-ILD patients (U = 7.69, p < .05). The Total (β = − .05, SE = .018, p < .01), Social Support Subscale (β = − .133, SE = .058, p < .05), and Psychosocial Stability and Psychopathology Subscale (β = − .103, SE = .040, p < .05) significantly predicted listing status. The SIPAT has a unique profile in lung transplant candidates and demonstrated utility for guiding transplant decisions. Future research should examine which lung transplant outcomes are significantly associated with SIPAT scores

    Elevated amygdala responses to emotional faces in youths with chronic irritability or bipolar disorder

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    AbstractA major controversy in child psychiatry is whether bipolar disorder (BD) presents in children as severe, non-episodic irritability (operationalized here as severe mood dysregulation, SMD), rather than with manic episodes as in adults. Both classic, episodic BD and SMD are severe mood disorders characterized by deficits in processing emotional stimuli. Neuroimaging techniques can be used to test whether the pathophysiology mediating these deficits are similar across the two phenotypes. Amygdala dysfunction during face emotion processing is well-documented in BD, but little is known about amygdala dysfunction in chronically irritable youth. We compared neural activation in SMD (n=19), BD (n=19), and healthy volunteer (HV; n=15) youths during an implicit face-emotion processing task with angry, fearful and neutral expressions. In the right amygdala, both SMD and BD exhibited greater activity across all expressions than HV. However, SMD and BD differed from each other and HV in posterior cingulate cortex, posterior insula, and inferior parietal lobe. In these regions, only SMD showed deactivation in response to fearful expressions, whereas only BD showed deactivation in response to angry expressions. Thus, during implicit face emotion processing, youth with BD and those with SMD exhibit similar amygdala dysfunction but different abnormalities in regions involved in information monitoring and integration

    Family-Based Treatment for Anxiety, Depression, and ADHD for a Parent and Child

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    Children with mental illness commonly live with caregivers who suffer from mental illness. Integrated mental-health-treatment approaches can provide more convenient and comprehensive care for families. This case report describes family-based treatment (FBT) for one parent/child dyad. The parent was a 37-year-old female with a history of anxiety and major depressive disorder and concern for symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The child was an 8-year-old female with generalized anxiety disorder and concern for ADHD and behavioral problems. The parent received individual cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and parent management training. The child received CBT. Both also received medication management. The FBT team met regularly for coordinated treatment planning. Self-reported assessments via the Child Behavior Checklist showed meaningful improvement; anxiety decreased to nonclinical range week 12 and depression decreased to nonclinical range week 8. Clinician assessments showed improvement for both patients. Though more time intensive, FBT can yield significant improvement, particularly for children. Pragmatic approaches to treatment planning are important to minimize barriers to FBT

    White matter microstructure correlates of general and specific second-order factors of psychopathology

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    Increasing data indicate that prevalent forms of psychopathology can be organized into second-order dimensions based on their correlations, including a general factor of psychopathology that explains the common variance among all disorders and specific second-order externalizing and internalizing factors. Nevertheless, most existing studies on the neural correlates of psychopathology employ case-control designs that treat diagnoses as independent categories, ignoring the highly correlated nature of psychopathology. Thus, for instance, although perturbations in white matter microstructure have been identified across a range of mental disorders, nearly all such studies used case-control designs, leaving it unclear whether observed relations reflect disorder-specific characteristics or transdiagnostic associations. Using a representative sample of 410 young adult twins oversampled for psychopathology risk, we tested the hypothesis that some previously observed relations between white matter microstructure properties in major tracts and specific disorders are related to second-order factors of psychopathology. We examined fractional anisotropy (FA), radial diffusivity (RD), and axial diffusivity (AD). White matter correlates of all second-order factors were identified after controlling for multiple statistical tests, including the general factor (FA in the body of the corpus callosum), specific internalizing (AD in the fornix), and specific externalizing (AD in the splenium of the corpus callosum, sagittal stratum, anterior corona radiata, and internal capsule). These findings suggest that some features of white matter within specific tracts may be transdiagnostically associated multiple forms of psychopathology through second-order factors of psychopathology rather with than individual mental disorders. Keywords: White matter microstructure, P factor, General factor of psychopathology, Bifactor model, Dimensional psychopathology, Second-order factors of psychopatholog

    Right Fronto-Subcortical White Matter Microstructure Predicts Cognitive Control Ability on the Go/No-go Task in a Community Sample

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    Go/no-go tasks are widely used to index cognitive control. This construct has been linked to white matter microstructure in a circuit connecting the right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), subthalamic nucleus (STN), and pre-supplementary motor area. However, the specificity of this association has not been tested. A general factor of white matter has been identified that is related to processing speed. Given the strong processing speed component in successful performance on the go/no-go task, this general factor could contribute to task performance, but the general factor has often not been accounted for in past studies of cognitive control. Further, studies on cognitive control have generally employed small unrepresentative case-control designs. The present study examined the relationship between go/no-go performance and white matter microstructure in a large community sample of 378 subjects that included participants with a range of both clinical and subclinical nonpsychotic psychopathology. We found that white matter microstructure properties in the right IFG-STN tract significantly predicted task performance, and remained significant after controlling for dimensional psychopathology. The general factor of white matter only reached statistical significance when controlling for dimensional psychopathology. Although the IFG-STN and general factor tracts were highly correlated, when both were included in the model, only the IFG-STN remained a significant predictor of performance. Overall, these findings suggest that while a general factor of white matter can be identified in a young community sample, white matter microstructure properties in the right IFG-STN tract show a specific relationship to cognitive control. The findings highlight the importance of examining both specific and general correlates of cognition, especially in tasks with a speeded component