10,974 research outputs found

    Conceptual design studies and experiments related to cavity exhaust systems for nuclear light bulb configurations

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    Investigations of various phases of gaseous nuclear rocket technology have been conducted. The principal research efforts have recently been directed toward the closed-cycle, vortex-stabilized nuclear light bulb engine and toward a small-scale fissioning uranium plasma experiment that could be conducted in the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory's Nuclear Furnace. The engine concept is based on the transfer of energy by thermal radiation from gaseous fissioning uranium, through a transparent wall, to hydrogen propellant. The reference engine configuration is comprised of seven unit cavities, each having its own fuel transparent wall and propellant duct. The basic design of the engine is described. Subsequent studies performed to supplement and investigate the basic design are reported. Summaries of other nuclear light bulb research programs are included

    Sea-surface temperature and salinity mapping from remote microwave radiometric measurements of brightness temperature

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    A technique to measure remotely sea surface temperature and salinity was demonstrated with a dual frequency microwave radiometer system. Accuracies in temperature of 1 C and in salinity of part thousand for salinity greater than 5 parts per thousand were attained after correcting for the influence of extraterrestrial background radiation, atmospheric radiation and attenuation, sea-surface roughness, and antenna beamwidth. The radiometers, operating at 1.43 and 2.65 GHz, comprise a third-generation system using null balancing and feedback noise injection. Flight measurements from an aircraft at an altitude of 1.4 km over the lower Chesapeake Bay and coastal areas of the Atlantic Ocean resulted in contour maps of sea-surface temperature and salinity with a spatial resolution of 0.5 km

    Initial radio-frequency gas heating experiments to simulate the thermal environment in a nuclear light bulb reactor

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    Initial radio frequency gas heating experiments to simulate thermal environment in nuclear light bulb reacto

    Evaluation of phylogenetic reconstruction methods using bacterial whole genomes: a simulation based study

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    Background: Phylogenetic reconstruction is a necessary first step in many analyses which use whole genome sequence data from bacterial populations. There are many available methods to infer phylogenies, and these have various advantages and disadvantages, but few unbiased comparisons of the range of approaches have been made. Methods: We simulated data from a defined "true tree" using a realistic evolutionary model. We built phylogenies from this data using a range of methods, and compared reconstructed trees to the true tree using two measures, noting the computational time needed for different phylogenetic reconstructions. We also used real data from Streptococcus pneumoniae alignments to compare individual core gene trees to a core genome tree. Results: We found that, as expected, maximum likelihood trees from good quality alignments were the most accurate, but also the most computationally intensive. Using less accurate phylogenetic reconstruction methods, we were able to obtain results of comparable accuracy; we found that approximate results can rapidly be obtained using genetic distance based methods. In real data we found that highly conserved core genes, such as those involved in translation, gave an inaccurate tree topology, whereas genes involved in recombination events gave inaccurate branch lengths. We also show a tree-of-trees, relating the results of different phylogenetic reconstructions to each other. Conclusions: We recommend three approaches, depending on requirements for accuracy and computational time. Quicker approaches that do not perform full maximum likelihood optimisation may be useful for many analyses requiring a phylogeny, as generating a high quality input alignment is likely to be the major limiting factor of accurate tree topology. We have publicly released our simulated data and code to enable further comparisons

    Antimicrobial Susceptibilities of Aerobic Isolates from Respiratory Samples of Young New Zealand Horses

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    3rd Annual IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2011, Phoenix, AZ, 17-22 September 2011This paper presents a method of mitigating the transient overshoots of DC-DC converters operating with large load disturbances. The method involves a small auxiliary power circuit with a complementary control scheme that provides a smooth absorption and release of excess energy from and to the main DC-DC converter in the events of large load changes. This control mechanism interactively mitigates the large transient overshoots which would otherwise appear at the converter output. Since the control scheme involves an adjustable-energy-storage feature, the proposed solution is effective for any level of step-load change within a pre-specified range.Department of Electronic and Information EngineeringRefereed conference pape

    Development of UHF radiometer

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    A wideband multifrequency UHF radiometer was initially developed to operate in the 500 to 710 MHz frequency range for the remote measurement of ocean water salinity. However, radio-frequency interference required a reconfiguration to operate in the single-frequency radio astronomy band of 608 to 614 MHz. Details of the radiometer development and testing are described. Flight testing over variable terrain provided a performance comparison of the UHF radiometer with an L-band radiometer for remote sensing of geophysical parameters. Although theoretically more sensitive, the UHF radiometer was found to be less desirable in practice than the L-band radiometer

    Calculation of three-dimensional compressible laminar and turbulent boundary flows. Three-dimensional compressible boundary layers of reacting gases over realistic configurations

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    A three-dimensional boundary-layer code was developed for particular application to realistic hypersonic aircraft. It is very general and can be applied to a wide variety of boundary-layer flows. Laminar, transitional, and fully turbulent flows of compressible, reacting gases are efficiently calculated by use of the code. A body-oriented orthogonal coordinate system is used for the calculation and the user has complete freedom in specifying the coordinate system within the restrictions that one coordinate must be normal to the surface and the three coordinates must be mutually orthogonal

    Prenatal and Postnatal Nutrition Influence Pancreatic and Intestinal Carbohydrase Activities of Ruminants

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    In ruminant livestock species, nutrition can play an important role in the long-term programming of gastrointestinal function. Pancreatic and small intestinal digestive enzymes are important for postruminal digestion of carbohydrates and protein. Carbohydrases have been shown to respond to changes in the level of feed intake and the dietary inclusion of specific nutrients, including arginine, butyrate, folic acid, fructose, and leucine. Understanding how diet influences enzyme development and activity during prenatal and postnatal life could lead to the development of dietary strategies to optimize offspring growth and development to increase digestive efficiency of ruminant livestock species. More research is needed to understand how changes in fetal or neonatal carbohydrase activities in response to nutrition influence long-term growth performance and efficiency in ruminant livestock species to optimize nutritional strategies