24 research outputs found

    "Per cell" normalization method for mRNA measurement by quantitative PCR and microarrays

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    BACKGROUND: Transcriptome data from quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) and DNA microarrays are typically obtained from a fixed amount of RNA collected per sample. Therefore, variations in tissue cellularity and RNA yield across samples in an experimental series compromise accurate determination of the absolute level of each mRNA species per cell in any sample. Since mRNAs are copied from genomic DNA, the simplest way to express mRNA level would be as copy number per template DNA, or more practically, as copy number per cell. RESULTS: Here we report a method (designated the "Percellome" method) for normalizing the expression of mRNA values in biological samples. It provides a "per cell" readout in mRNA copy number and is applicable to both quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) and DNA microarray studies. The genomic DNA content of each sample homogenate was measured from a small aliquot to derive the number of cells in the sample. A cocktail of five external spike RNAs admixed in a dose-graded manner (dose-graded spike cocktail; GSC) was prepared and added to each homogenate in proportion to its DNA content. In this way, the spike mRNAs represented absolute copy numbers per cell in the sample. The signals from the five spike mRNAs were used as a dose-response standard curve for each sample, enabling us to convert all the signals measured to copy numbers per cell in an expression profile-independent manner. A series of samples was measured by Q-PCR and Affymetrix GeneChip microarrays using this Percellome method, and the results showed up to 90 % concordance. CONCLUSION: Percellome data can be compared directly among samples and among different studies, and between different platforms, without further normalization. Therefore, "percellome" normalization can serve as a standard method for exchanging and comparing data across different platforms and among different laboratories

    Transgenic rescue of hemolytic anemia due to red blood cell pyruvate kinase deficiency

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    Background and Objectives Red blood cell pyruvate kinase (R-PK) deficiency is the most common glycolytic enzyme defect associated with hereditary non-spherocytic hemolytic anemia. Cases with the most severe deficiency die in the peri- or neonatal period and no specific therapy exists at present. To test whether the targeted overexpression of the normal R-PK gene in erythroid cells could reduce hemolysis in R-PK mutant mice, we performed a genetic rescue study using human R-PK transgenic mice.Design and Methods Human R-PK promoter driven with human μLCR of the human β-globin locus was used for the erythroid-specific expression of human R-PK in murine erythrocytes. The transgenic lines were mated with homozygous R-PK mutant mice and subsequently back-crossed. Mutant homozygotes with the μLCR-R-PK transgene were examined for any therapeutic effects of transgene expression.Results Two PK transgenic lines, hRPK_lo and hRPK_hi, were obtained. R-PK activity of the transgenic mice reached as high as three times that of the animals with the endogenous PK gene. Overexpression of human R-PK in the homozygous mutant mice successfully reduced hemolytic anemia. Improvements of hemolysis were evaluated by hemoglobin concentration, reticulocyte count, and spleen weight, which showed significant correlations with the levels of expression of the transgene. Recovery from metabolic disturbance in mutant red blood cells was shown as normalized concentrations of the glycolytic intermediates upstream of PK. In addition, there was a remarkable negative correlation between R-PK activity and the number of TUNEL-positive erythroid progenitors in the spleen.Interpretation and Conclusions These results indicate that overexpression of the wild-type PK gene in mutant erythroid cells ameliorates both erythroid apoptosis and the shortened red blood cell lifespan observed in PK mutant mice. It is likely that the level of transgene expression required to achieve evident therapeutic effects should be equivalent to or more than that of the endogenous PK gene. This gene-addition strategy may be suitable for clinical application if there is a high level of transgene expression of R-PK in erythroid progenitors/red blood cells

    Minichromosome Maintenance 2 Bound with Retroviral Gp70 Is Localized to Cytoplasm and Enhances DNA-Damage-Induced Apoptosis

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    The interaction of viral proteins with host-cellular proteins elicits the activation of cellular signal transduction pathways and possibly leads to viral pathogenesis as well as cellular biological events. Apoptotic signals induced by DNA-damage are remarkably up-regulated by Friend leukemia virus (FLV) exclusively in C3H hosts; however, the mechanisms underlying the apoptosis enhancement and host-specificity are unknown. Here, we show that C3H mouse-derived hematopoietic cells originally express higher levels of the minichromosome maintenance (MCM) 2 protein than BALB/c- or C57BL/6-deriverd cells, and undergo more frequent apoptosis following doxorubicin-induced DNA-damage in the presence of the FLV envelope protein gp70. Dual transfection with gp70/Mcm2 reproduced doxorubicin-induced apoptosis even in BALB/c-derived 3T3 cells. Immunoprecipitation assays using various deletion mutants of MCM2 revealed that gp70 bound to the nuclear localization signal (NLS) 1 (amino acids 18–24) of MCM2, interfered with the function of NLS2 (amino acids 132–152), and suppressed the normal nuclear-import of MCM2. Cytoplasmic MCM2 reduced the activity of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) leading to the subsequent hyperphosphorylation of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK). Phosphorylated DNA-PK exhibited elevated kinase activity to phosphorylate P53, thereby up-regulating p53-dependent apoptosis. An apoptosis-enhancing domain was identified in the C-terminal portion (amino acids 703–904) of MCM2. Furthermore, simultaneous treatment with FLV and doxorubicin extended the survival of SCID mice bearing 8047 leukemia cells expressing high levels of MCM2. Thus, depending on its subcellular localization, MCM2 plays different roles. It participates in DNA replication in the nucleus as shown previously, and enhances apoptosis in the cytoplasm

    Gene expression response to EWS–FLI1 in mouse embryonic cartilage

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    Ewing's sarcoma is a rare bone tumor that affects children and adolescents. We have recently succeeded to induce Ewing's sarcoma-like small round cell tumor in mice by expression of EWS–ETS fusion genes in murine embryonic osteochondrogenic progenitors. The Ewing's sarcoma precursors are enriched in embryonic superficial zone (eSZ) cells of long bone. To get insights into the mechanisms of Ewing's sarcoma development, gene expression profiles between EWS–FLI1-sensitive eSZ cells and EWS–FLI1-resistant embryonic growth plate (eGP) cells were compared using DNA microarrays. Gene expression of eSZ and eGP cells (total, 30 samples) was evaluated with or without EWS–FLI1 expression 0, 8 or 48 h after gene transduction. Our data provide useful information for gene expression responses to fusion oncogenes in human sarcoma

    Active repression by RARγ signaling is required for vertebrate axial elongation.

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    Retinoic acid receptor gamma 2 (RARγ2) is the major RAR isoform expressed throughout the caudal axial progenitor domain in vertebrates. During a microarray screen to identify RAR targets, we identified a subset of genes that pattern caudal structures or promote axial elongation and are upregulated by increased RAR-mediated repression. Previous studies have suggested that RAR is present in the caudal domain, but is quiescent until its activation in late stage embryos terminates axial elongation. By contrast, we show here that RARγ2 is engaged in all stages of axial elongation, not solely as a terminator of axial growth. In the absence of RA, RARγ2 represses transcriptional activity in vivo and maintains the pool of caudal progenitor cells and presomitic mesoderm. In the presence of RA, RARγ2 serves as an activator, facilitating somite differentiation. Treatment with an RARγ-selective inverse agonist (NRX205099) or overexpression of dominant-negative RARγ increases the expression of posterior Hox genes and that of marker genes for presomitic mesoderm and the chordoneural hinge. Conversely, when RAR-mediated repression is reduced by overexpressing a dominant-negative co-repressor (c-SMRT), a constitutively active RAR (VP16-RARγ2), or by treatment with an RARγ-selective agonist (NRX204647), expression of caudal genes is diminished and extension of the body axis is prematurely terminated. Hence, gene repression mediated by the unliganded RARγ2-co-repressor complex constitutes a novel mechanism to regulate and facilitate the correct expression levels and spatial restriction of key genes that maintain the caudal progenitor pool during axial elongation in Xenopus embryos