44 research outputs found

    Information Technology Infusion Case Study: Integrating Google Earth(Trademark) into the A-Train Data Depot

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    This poster paper represents the NASA funded project that was to employ the latest three dimensional visualization technology to explore and provide direct data access to heterogeneous A-Train datasets. Google Earth (tm) provides foundation for organizing, visualizing, publishing and synergizing Earth science data

    3D Online Visualization and Synergy of NASA A-Train Data Using Google Earth

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    This poster presentation reviews the use of Google Earth to assist in three dimensional online visualization of NASA Earth science and geospatial data. The NASA A-Train satellite constellation is a succession of seven sun-synchronous orbit satellites: (1) OCO-2 (Orbiting Carbon Observatory) (will launch in Feb. 2013), (2) GCOM-W1 (Global Change Observation Mission), (3) Aqua, (4) CloudSat, (5) CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar & Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations), (6) Glory, (7) Aura. The A-Train makes possible synergy of information from multiple resources, so more information about earth condition is obtained from the combined observations than would be possible from the sum of the observations taken independentl

    A-Train Data Search and Visualization to Facilitate Multi-Instrument Cloud Studies

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    Now that the A-Train suite of datasets have become more mature, new and innovative science utilizing the various products has become more reliable and challenging. To perform multi-satellite research with A-Train data originating from heterogenous missions, scientists must access, subset visualize and analyze user specified datasets in ways unique to the dataset. Then hte datasets need to be co-registered and maybe merged. The A-Train Data Depot (ATDD) has been developed to save each scientist the effort and expense of developing these functions individually

    A-Train Data Depot (ATDD)

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    ATDD is a web based tool which provides collocated data and display products for a number of A-train instruments Cloudsat, Calipso, OMI, AIRS, MODIS, MLS, POLDER-3, and ECWMF model data. Products provided include Clouds, Aerosols, Water Vapor, Temperatures and trace gases. All input data is online and in HDF4, HDF5 format. Display products include curtain images, horizontal strips, line plot overlays, and GE kmz files. Sample products are shown for two type of events. Hurricane event, Norbert, Oct 8, 2008 and a dust storm event over the Arabian Sea, Nov 13-14, 2008

    A-Train Data Depot - Bringing Atmospheric Measurements Together

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    This paper describes the satellite data processing and services that constitute current functionalities of the A-Train Data Depot. We first provide a brief introduction to the original geometrical intricacies of the platforms and instruments of the A-Train constellation, and then proceed with description of our ATrain collocation processing algorithm that provides subsets that facilitate synergistic use of the various instruments. Finally, we present some sample image products from our web-based Giovanni tool which allows users to display, compare and download coregistered A-Train related data

    Поиск патогенетической терапии диабетической дистальной симметричной полинейропатии

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    Диабетическая дистальная симметричная полинейропатия (ДДСП) встречается приблизительно у трети больных с диабетом и ассоциируется с выраженными болевыми синдромами и повышенной смертностью. Диагностика и клиническая оценка ДДСП остается непростой проблемой не только для врачей общей практики, но и для специалистов, принимающих участие в клинических испытаниях. Оптимальный контроль диабета является первоочередной задачей в профилактике развития и ведении пациентов с ДДСП. Однако одного гликемического контроля недостаточно для предотвращения развития и прогрессирования ДДСП, особенно при диабете 2-го типа. Кроме того, у значительной части больных не удается достичь нормогликемии. Значительные успехи достигнуты в контроле симптоматических нейропатических болей, но при этом остается проблема сенсорного дефицита и патогенеза ДДСП. Выбор терапевтических возможностей влияния на естественное течение болезни ограничен. Исследовано несколько патогенетических терапевтических подходов, но результаты клинических испытаний не далиожидаемых результатов, а в некоторых случаях даже оказались разочаровывающими. Несмотря на это, в ряде рандомизированных контролируемых исследований по использованию патогенетического лечения показано обнадеживающее клиническое улучшение относительно нейропатических нарушений в конечных точках, особенно при использовании α-липоевой кислоты и актовегина. Возможность влияния на течение ДДСП требует дальнейшего подтверждения в клинических исследованиях наряду с пониманием механизмов действия многообещающего лечения

    Microvascular Complications of Diabetes Mellitus: Focus on Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) and Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU)

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    Diabetic retinopathy and diabetic foot ulcer are the most frequent, but also the most disabling complications of diabetes mellitus, with a sinister impact on patients’ quality of life. Microvascular changes related to the deleterious effect of chronic hyperglycemia play an important role in the pathophysiology of both clinical entities by multiple molecular pathways. Vision-threating diabetic retinopathy may be treated by laser photocoagulation, anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) agents and vitreoretinal surgery. Diabetic foot lesions are best treated by revascularization if needed, off-loading, infection control and therapeutic adjuncts (e.g. special dressings). Treatment should ideally be offered by a multidisciplinary expert team. Prevention and early detection, along with adequate control of glucose, lipids and arterial hypertension are of paramount importance to avoid and mitigate these fearful complications

    Adoption of the ADA/EASD guidelines in 10 Eastern and Southern European countries: Physician survey and good clinical practice recommendations from an international expert panel

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    Aims: Evidence from cardiovascular outcomes trials (CVOTs) of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists and sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors was reflected in the most recent guidelines from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). The aim of the present study was to assess the adoption of the ADA/EASD guidelines in a convenience sample of physicians from Eastern and Southern Europe, the barriers to the implementation of these guidelines and the measures needed to facilitate their implementation. Methods: Attendees at two international diabetes conferences could volunteer to respond to a fully anonymous survey. Responses were analysed descriptively and a panel of experts from around the region was consulted to interpret the survey results. Results: Responses (n = 96) from 10 countries were analysed. Most participants (63.4%) considered the ADA/EASD guidelines fundamental to their practice. All respondents saw the value of the CVOT-based ADA/EASD recommendations and 77-80% generally implemented them. Measures suggested to improve adherence to the ADA/EASD guidelines included aligning reimbursement policy with the guidelines (54.4%), publishing guidelines in a simple and concise form (42.4%) and translating guidelines into local languages (33.3%). Conclusions: Aligning reimbursement with recent evidence and providing short summaries of the ADA/EASD guidelines in local languages could facilitate physician adherence.(c) 2020 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    The Dual Pandemics of COVID-19 and Obesity: Bidirectional Impact

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    : The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, has been shown to disrupt many organ systems in the human body. Though several medical disorders have been affected by this infection, a few illnesses in addition may also play a role in determining the outcome of COVID-19. Obesity is one such disease which is not only affected by the occurrence of COVID-19 but can also result in a worse clinical outcome of COVID-19 infection. This manuscript summarizes the most recent evidence supporting the bidirectional impact of COVID-19 and obesity. It highlights how the presence of obesity can be detrimental to the outcome of COVID-19 in a given patient because of the mechanical limitations in lung compliance and also by the activation of several thrombo-inflammatory pathways. The sociodemographic changes brought about by the pandemic in turn have facilitated the already increasing prevalence of obesity. This manuscript highlights the importance of recognizing these pathways which may further help in policy changes that facilitate appropriate measures to prevent the further worsening of these two pandemics