46 research outputs found

    Land reform and the formalization of household credit in rural Vietnam

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    This article evaluates the impact of land-use certificate (LUC) issuance on credit market outcomes of households in rural Vietnam. Given the absence of appropriate data for the creation of a baseline (e.g. for difference-in-difference estimation), we propose an alternative regression-based evaluation procedure hinging on two pivotal steps: Firstly, we express the covariates related to a change in LUC status in terms of the household specific economic, social and geographic environment at the time the change occurred. Secondly, we estimate the propensity score to account for systematic pretreatment differences between households in the observational data. Conditional on the propensity score, we estimate the causal effect of LUC status on borrowing outcomes. We find that LUCs have a strong positive effect on formal borrowing, while households without LUCs collect loans in the informal credit sector. --Credit,consistency,land reform,program evaluation,Vietnam

    Representation of property rights and credit market outcomes: Evidence from a land reform in Vietnam

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    This article evaluates the impact of a land certification program on credit market outcomes in rural Vietnam. We hypothesize that the representation of property increases households' participation in formal credit markets. We compare credit market outcomes for certified and non-certified households controlling for socioeconomic and geographic characteristics, and use an instrumental variable approach exploiting a partial delay in program rollout. Certified households are more likely to borrow from formal banks with a collateral-based lending policy. There is no evidence for an effect on borrowing from formal sources without such a policy. Moreover, certified households pay lower interest rates on formal loans than non-certified households on formal and informal loans. --Credit,Land reform,Vietnam

    Balanced growth and structural breaks: Evidence for Germany

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    One of the central hypotheses of the neoclassical growth literature is the balanced- growth hypothesis, which predicts that output, consumption, and investment grow at the same rate. Empirically, this implies that the consumption-to-output ratio and the investment-to-output ratio must be stationary and that consumption and investment must be cointegrated with output. This paper tests these implications with respect to Germany, using unit root tests and cointegration techniques that allow for an endogenously determined structural break. We find that the long-run growth path of the German economy is consistent with the balanced-growth hypothesis if we allow for a structural break associated with the worldwide productivity slowdown of the early 1970s.Balanced growth × Unit roots × Cointegration × Endogenous structural breaks

    Balanced growth and structural breaks: Evidence for Germany

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    One of the central hypotheses of the neoclassical growth literature is the balanced- growth hypothesis, which predicts that output, consumption, and investment grow at the same rate. Empirically, this implies that the consumption-to-output ratio and the investment-to-output ratio must be stationary and that consumption and investment must be cointegrated with output. This paper tests these implications with respect to Germany, using unit root tests and cointegration techniques that allow for an endogenously determined structural break. We find that the long-run growth path of the German economy is consistent with the balanced-growth hypothesis if we allow for a structural break associated with the worldwide productivity slowdown of the early 1970s

    Qualitätsentwicklung mit Kontext. Die besonderen Bedarfe von Kindertageseinrichtungen in benachteiligten Sozialräumen

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    Kindertageseinrichtungen in benachteiligten Sozialräumen stehen vor besonderen Herausforderungen. Es gibt bereits verschiedene Ansätze, diese Einrichtungen gezielt zu unterstützen. Die vorgestellten Daten aus einer bundesweiten Umfrage unter Kindertageseinrichtungen weisen darauf hin, dass diese Ansätze derzeit noch nicht ausreichen. Demnach haben viele Einrichtungen in benachteiligten Sozialräumen in beinahe allen Handlungsfeldern der Kindertagesbetreuung schlechtere Rahmenbedingungen und größere Defizite als vergleichbare Einrichtungen in wenig benachteiligten Umgebungen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Maßnahmen der Länder zum Abbau von Benachteiligungen in der Kindertagesbetreuung. Expertise

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    Die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe hat gemäß § 1 Abs. 3 Nr. 1 SGB VIII den gesetzlichen Auftrag, Benachteiligung zu vermeiden und abzubauen. Der Auftrag gilt damit auch für die Kindertagesbetreuung. In der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung stehen die Betreuungs- und Bildungsaspekte der Kindertagesbetreuung vielfach im Vordergrund. Dabei wird manchmal übersehen, dass der Abbau von Benachteiligungen ebenfalls ein zentraler gesetzlicher Auftrag der Kindertagesbetreuung ist, der in § 1 Abs. 3 Nr. 1 SGB VIII grundsätzlich für die gesamte Kinder- und Jugendhilfe als Handlungsprinzip festgehalten ist. Demnach soll die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe dazu beitragen, Benachteiligungen zu vermeiden oder abzubauen. Der Gesetzgeber hat in der Gesetzesbegründung dem § 1 SGB VIII die Funktion einer Generalklausel und Leitnorm zugeschrieben, die auch für die Kindertagesbetreuung verbindlich ist. Obwohl seit vielen Jahren bekannt ist, dass das Bildungssystem Benachteiligungen nicht abbaut bzw. sogar verstärkt und die negativen Effekte von Benachteiligungen sowohl auf individueller als auch auf gesellschaftlicher Ebene gravierend sind, gibt es bislang kaum Auseinandersetzungen darüber, wie das System der Kindertagesbetreuung diesen Anforderungen gerecht werden kann. So spielen Bildungsbenachteiligungen etwa im Monitoring des Gute-KiTa-Gesetzes keine Rolle – obschon das Gesetz explizit den Anspruch einer Teilhabeverbesserung hat (BMFSFJ 2023: Monitoringbericht zum KiQuTG 2022). Diese Expertise wertet verschiedene Ansätze der Bundesländer aus, die dieses Ziel über eine Verbesserung der Personalausstattung in Kindertageseinrichtungen anhand benachteiligungsrelevanter Kriterien verfolgen. Ein Vergleich dieser Maßnahmen verdeutlicht, dass die Länder sehr unterschiedliche Methoden verwenden, die zudem unterschiedlich gut geeignet sind. Gegenwärtig erhält die sprachliche Entwicklung eine besondere Aufmerksamkeit als Kriterium für zusätzliche Förderung. Dieses Kriterium weist aber zahlreiche Probleme auf, da die sprachliche Entwicklung nur ein Aspekt unter vielen ist und eine Unterstützung erst dann erfolgt, wenn sich Benachteiligungen bereits verfestigt haben. Auch wenn Sprachstandsfeststellungen ihre Berechtigung haben, zeigt die Expertise, dass es geeignetere Indikatoren für Maßnahmen zum Abbau von Benachteiligungen gibt. (DIPF/Orig.

    Balanced growth and structural breaks: Evidence for Germany

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    One of the central hypotheses of the neoclassical growth literature is the balanced- growth hypothesis, which predicts that output, consumption, and investment grow at the same rate. Empirically, this implies that the consumption-to-output ratio and the investment-to-output ratio must be stationary and that consumption and investment must be cointegrated with output. This paper tests these implications with respect to Germany, using unit root tests and cointegration techniques that allow for an endogenously determined structural break. We find that the long-run growth path of the German economy is consistent with the balanced-growth hypothesis if we allow for a structural break associated with the worldwide productivity slowdown of the early 1970s

    Effectiveness of a web-based health risk assessment with individually-tailored feedback on lifestyle behaviour: study protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Physical inactivity, unhealthy dietary habits, smoking and high alcohol consumption are recognized risk factors for cardiovascular disease and cancer. Web-based health risk assessments with tailored feedback seem promising in promoting a healthy lifestyle. This study evaluates the effectiveness of a web-based health risk assessment with individually-tailored feedback on lifestyle behaviour, conducted in a worksite setting.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The web-based health risk assessment starts with a questionnaire covering socio-demographic variables, family and personal medical history, lifestyle behaviour and psychological variables. Prognostic models are used to estimate individual cardiovascular risks. In case of high risk further biometric and laboratory evaluation is advised. All participants receive individually-tailored feedback on their responses to the health risk assessment questionnaire. The study uses a quasi-experimental design with a waiting list control group. Data are collected at baseline (T0) and after six months (T1). Within each company, clusters of employees are allocated to either the intervention or the control group. Primary outcome is lifestyle behaviour, expressed as the sum of five indicators namely physical activity, nutrition, smoking behaviour, alcohol consumption, and symptoms of burnout. Multilevel regression analysis will be used to answer the main research question and to correct for clustering effects. Baseline differences between the intervention and control group in the distribution of characteristics with a potential effect on lifestyle change will be taken into account in further analyses using propensity scores.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This study will increase insight into the effectiveness of health risk assessments with tailored feedback and into conditions that may modify the effectiveness. This information can be used to design effective interventions for lifestyle behaviour change among employees.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Dutch Trial Register <a href="http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=NTR8148">NTR8148</a>.</p