1,862 research outputs found

    Modelling the alumina abundance of oxygen-rich evolved stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    In order to determine the composition of the dust in the circumstellar envelopes of oxygen-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars we have computed a grid of modust radiative-transfer models for a range of dust compositions, mass-loss rates, dust shell inner radii and stellar parameters. We compare the resulting colours with the observed oxygen-rich AGB stars from the SAGE-Spec Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) sample, finding good overall agreement for stars with a mid-infrared excess. We use these models to fit a sample of 37 O-rich AGB stars in the LMC with optically thin circumstellar envelopes, for which 5-35-μ\mum Spitzer infrared spectrograph (IRS) spectra and broadband photometry from the optical to the mid-infrared are available. From the modelling, we find mass-loss rates in the range 8×108\sim 8\times10^{-8} to 5×1065\times10^{-6} M yr1_{\odot}\ \mathrm{yr}^{-1}, and we show that a grain mixture consisting primarily of amorphous silicates, with contributions from amorphous alumina and metallic iron provides a good fit to the observed spectra. Furthermore, we show from dust models that the AKARI [11]-[15] versus [3.2]-[7] colour-colour diagram, is able to determine the fractional abundance of alumina in O-rich AGB stars.Comment: 22 pages, 17 figures, accepted MNRA

    Biorthonormal Matrix-Product-State Analysis for Non-Hermitian Transfer-Matrix Renormalization-Group in the Thermodynamic Limit

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    We give a thorough Biorthonormal Matrix-Product-State (BMPS) analysis of the Transfer-Matrix Renormalization-Group (TMRG) for non-Hermitian matrices in the thermodynamic limit. The BMPS is built on a dual series of reduced biorthonormal bases for the left and right Perron states of a non-Hermitian matrix. We propose two alternative infinite-size Biorthonormal TMRG (iBTMRG) algorithms and compare their numerical performance in both finite and infinite systems. We show that both iBTMRGs produce a dual infinite-BMPS (iBMPS) which are translationally invariant in the thermodynamic limit. We also develop an efficient wave function transformation of the iBTMRG, an analogy of McCulloch in the infinite-DMRG [arXiv:0804.2509 (2008)], to predict the wave function as the lattice size is increased. The resulting iBMPS allows for probing bulk properties of the system in the thermodynamic limit without boundary effects and allows for reducing the computational cost to be independent of the lattice size, which are illustrated by calculating the magnetization as a function of the temperature and the critical spin-spin correlation in the thermodynamic limit for a 2D classical Ising model.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Influence of single-neutron stripping on near-barrier <sup>6</sup>He+<sup>208</sup>Pb and <sup>8</sup>He+<sup>208</sup>Pb elastic scattering

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    The influence of single-neutron stripping on the near-barrier elastic scattering angular distributions for the 6,8He+208Pb systems is investigated through coupled reaction channels (CRC) calculations fitting recently published data to explore the differences in the absorptive potential found in the scattering of these two neutron-rich nuclei. The inclusion of the coupling reduces the elastic cross section in the Coulomb-nuclear interference region for 8He scattering, whereas for 6He its major impact is on the large-angle elastic scattering. The real and imaginary dynamic polarization potentials are obtained by inverting the CRC elastic scattering S-matrix elements. These show that the main absorptive features occur between 11 and 12 fm for both projectiles, while the attractive features are separated by about 1 fm, with their main structures occurring at 10.5 fm for 6He and 11.5 fm for 8He

    Multi-neutron transfer in 8^{8}He induced reactions near the Coulomb barrier

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    The measured inclusive 6^6He and 4^4He production cross sections of G. Marqu{\'i}nez-Dur{\'a}n {\em et al.}, Phys.\ Rev.\ C {\bf 98}, 034615 (2018) are reexamined and the conclusions concerning the relative importance of 1n and 2n transfer to the production of 6^6He arising from the interaction of a 22 MeV 8^8He beam with a 208^{208}Pb target revised. A consideration of the kinematics of the 2n-stripping reaction when compared with the measured 6^6He total energy versus angle spectrum places strict limits on the allowed excitation energy of the 210^{210}Pb residual, so constraining distorted wave Born approximation calculations that the contribution of the 2n stripping process to the inclusive 6^6He production can only be relatively small. It is therefore concluded that the dominant 6^6He production mechanism must be 1n stripping followed by decay of the 7^7He ejectile. Based on this result we present strong arguments in favor of direct, one step four-neutron (4n) stripping as the main mechanism for 4^4He production.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Structure of 8B from elastic and inelastic 7Be+p scattering

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    Motivation: Detailed experimental knowledge of the level structure of light weakly bound nuclei is necessary to guide the development of new theoretical approaches that combine nuclear structure with reaction dynamics. Purpose: The resonant structure of 8B is studied in this work. Method: Excitation functions for elastic and inelastic 7Be+p scattering were measured using a 7Be rare isotope beam. Excitation energies ranging between 1.6 and 3.4 MeV were investigated. An R-matrix analysis of the excitation functions was performed. Results: New low-lying resonances at 1.9, 2.5, and 3.3 MeV in 8B are reported with spin-parity assignment 0+, 2+, and 1+, respectively. Comparison to the Time Dependent Continuum Shell (TDCSM) model and ab initio no-core shell model/resonating-group method (NCSM/RGM) calculations is performed. This work is a more detailed analysis of the data first published as a Rapid Communication. [J.P. Mitchell, et al, Phys. Rev. C 82, 011601(R) (2010)] Conclusions: Identification of the 0+, 2+, 1+ states that were predicted by some models at relatively low energy but never observed experimentally is an important step toward understanding the structure of 8B. Their identification was aided by having both elastic and inelastic scattering data. Direct comparison of the cross sections and phase shifts predicted by the TDCSM and ab initio No Core Shell Model coupled with the resonating group method is of particular interest and provides a good test for these theoretical approaches.Comment: 15 pages, 19 figures, 3 tables, submitted to PR

    Low-lying states in 8B

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    Excitation functions of elastic and inelastic 7Be+p scattering were measured in the energy range between 1.6 and 2.8 MeV in the c.m. An R-matrix analysis of the excitation functions provides strong evidence for new positive parity states in 8B. A new 2+ state at an excitation energy of 2.55 MeV was observed and a new 0+ state at 1.9 MeV is tentatively suggested. The R-matrix and Time Dependent Continuum Shell Model were used in the analysis of the excitation functions. The new results are compared to the calculations of contemporary theoretical models.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted as Rapid Communication in Phys. Rev.

    Stochastic Light-Cone CTMRG: a new DMRG approach to stochastic models

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    We develop a new variant of the recently introduced stochastic transfer-matrix DMRG which we call stochastic light-cone corner-transfer-matrix DMRG (LCTMRG). It is a numerical method to compute dynamic properties of one-dimensional stochastic processes. As suggested by its name, the LCTMRG is a modification of the corner-transfer-matrix DMRG (CTMRG), adjusted by an additional causality argument. As an example, two reaction-diffusion models, the diffusion-annihilation process and the branch-fusion process, are studied and compared to exact data and Monte-Carlo simulations to estimate the capability and accuracy of the new method. The number of possible Trotter steps of more than 10^5 shows a considerable improvement to the old stochastic TMRG algorithm.Comment: 15 pages, uses IOP styl

    XSHOOTER spectroscopy of the enigmatic planetary nebula Lin49 in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We performed a detailed spectroscopic analysis of the fullerene C60-containing planetary nebula (PN) Lin49 in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) using XSHOOTER at the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope and the Spitzer/Infrared Spectrograph instruments. We derived nebular abundances for nine elements. We used TLUSTY to derive photospheric parameters for the central star. Lin49 is C-rich and metal-deficient PN (Z ∼ 0.0006). The nebular abundances are in good agreement with asymptotic giant branch nucleosynthesis models for stars with initial mass 1.25 M⊙ and metallicity Z = 0.001. Using the TLUSTY synthetic spectrum of the central star to define the heating and ionizing source, we constructed the photoionization model with CLOUDY that matches the observed spectral energy distribution (SED) and the line fluxes in the UV to far-IR wavelength ranges simultaneously. We could not fit the ∼1–5 μm SED using a model with 0.005–0.1-μm-sized graphite grains and a constant hydrogen density shell owing to the prominent near-IR excess, while at other wavelengths the model fits the observed values reasonably well. We argue that the near-IR excess might indicate either (1) the presence of very small particles in the form of small carbon clusters, small graphite sheets, or fullerene precursors, or (2) the presence of a high-density structure surrounding the central star. We found that SMC C60 PNe show a near-IR excess component to lesser or greater degree. This suggests that these C60 PNe might maintain a structure nearby their central star