55 research outputs found

    Plasmon resonances in coupled Babinet complementary arrays in the mid-infrared range

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    A plasmonic structure with transmission highly tunable in the mid-infrared spectral range is developed. This structure consists of a hexagonal array of metallic discs located on top of silicon pillars protruding through holes in a metallic Babinet complementary film. We reveal with FDTD simulations that changing the hole diameter tunes the main plasmonic resonance frequency of this structure throughout the infrared range. Due to the underlying Babinet physics of these coupled arrays, the spectral width of these plasmonic resonances is strongly reduced, and the higher harmonics are suppressed. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this structure can be easily produced by a combination of the nanosphere lithography and the metal-assisted chemical etching technique

    Evidence for critical scaling of plasmonic modes at the percolation threshold in metallic nanostructures

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    In this work we provide the experimental demonstration of critical scaling of plasmonic resonances in a percolation series of periodic structures which evolve from arrays of holes to arrays of quasi-triangles. Our observations are in agreement with the general percolation theory and could lead to sensor and detector applications

    Transcriptome profiling disclosed the effect of single and combined drought and heat stress on reprogramming of genes expression in barley flag leaf

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    Despite numerous studies aimed at unraveling the genetic background of barley’s response to abiotic stress, the modulation of the transcriptome induced by combinatorial drought and increased temperature remains largely unrecognized. Very limited studies were done, especially on the flag leaf, which plays an important role in grain filling in cereals. In the present study, transcriptome profiles, along with chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and yield components, were compared between barley genotypes with different flag leaf sizes under single and combined drought and heat stress. High-throughput mRNA sequencing revealed 2,457 differentially expressed genes, which were functionally interpreted using Gene Ontology term enrichment analysis. The transcriptomic signature under double stress was more similar to effects caused by drought than by elevated temperature; it was also manifested at phenotypic and chlorophyll fluorescence levels. Both common and stress-specific changes in transcript abundance were identified. Genes regulated commonly across stress treatments, determining universal stress responses, were associated, among others, with responses to drought, heat, and oxidative stress. In addition, changes specific to the size of the flag leaf blade were found. Our study allowed us to identify sets of genes assigned to various processes underlying the response to drought and heat, including photosynthesis, the abscisic acid pathway, and lipid transport. Genes encoding LEA proteins, including dehydrins and heat shock proteins, were especially induced by stress treatments. Some association between genetic composition and flag leaf size was confirmed. However, there was no general coincidence between SNP polymorphism of genotypes and differential expression of genes induced by stress factors. This research provided novel insight into the molecular mechanisms of barley flag leaf that determine drought and heat response, as well as their co-occurrence

    A broadband solar absorber with 12 nm thick ultrathin a-Si layer by using random metallic nanomeshes

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    We show in theory, simulations, and experiments that, by applying random metallic nanomeshes, a broad-band multilayered structure with a 12 nm thick a-Si film as the active layer can absorb 89% of the total solar energy in the visible range from 400 nm to 700 nm. Such broadness and high absorption can be attributed to the random scattering introduced by the aperiodic metallic nanomeshes and the plasmonic-metamaterial design. The broadband and smooth electromagnetic response, combined with a very high absorption, is desired for solar energy harvesting devices, making this structure a good candidate for high efficiency photovoltaics with ultra-thin active layers

    Enhanced broad-band extraordinary optical transmission through subwavelength perforated metallic films on strongly polarizable substrates

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    We demonstrate through simulations and experiments that a perforated metallic film, with subwavelength perforation dimensions and spacing, deposited on a substrate with a sufficiently large dielectric constant, can develop a broad- band frequency window where the transmittance of light into the substrate becomes essentially equal to that in the film absence. We show that the location of this broad-band extraordinary optical transmission window can be engineered in a wide frequency range (from IR to UV), by varying the geometry and the material of the perforated film as well as the dielectric constant of the substrate. This effect could be useful in the development of transparent conducting electrodes for various photonic and photovoltaic devices

    Quantitative trait loci for plant height in Maresi × CamB barley population and their associations with yield-related traits under different water regimes

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    High-yielding capacity of the modern barley varieties is mostly dependent on the sources of semi-dwarfness associated with the sdw1/denso locus. The objective of the study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with the plant height and yield potential of barley recombinant inbred lines (RILs) grown under various soil moisture regimes. The plant material was developed from a hybrid between the Maresi (European cv.) and CamB (Syrian cv.). A total of 103 QTLs affecting analysed traits were detected and 36 of them showed stable effects over environments. In total, ten QTLs were found to be significant only under water shortage conditions. Nine QTLs affecting the length of main stem were detected on 2H-6H chromosomes. In four of the detected QTLs, alleles contributed by Maresi had negative effects on that trait, the most significant being the QLSt-3H.1-1 in the 3H.1 linkage group. The close linkage between QTLs identified around the sdw1/denso locus, with positive alleles contributed by Maresi, indicates that the semi-dwarf cv. Maresi could serve as a donor of favourable traits resulting in grain yield improvement, also under water scarcity. Molecular analyses revealed that the Syrian cv. also contributed alleles which increased the yield potential. Available barley resources of genomic annotations were employed to the biological interpretation of detected QTLs. This approach revealed 26 over-represented Gene Ontology terms. In the projected support intervals of QGWSl-5H.3-2 and QLSt-5H.3 on the chromosome 5H, four genes annotated to ‘response to stress’ were found. It suggests that these QTL-regions may be involved in a response of plant to a wide range of environmental disturbances

    Subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapy in Poland: Results of the Polish S-ICD Registry

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    Background: The use of a subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (S-ICD) has been expanding in Poland since 2014. The Polish Registry of S-ICD Implantations was held by the Heart Rhythm Section of the Polish Cardiac Society between May 2020 and September 2022 to monitor the implementation of that therapy in Poland. Aims: To investigate and present the state-of-the-art of S-ICD implantation in Poland. Methods: Implanting centers reported clinical data of patients undergoing S-ICD implantations and replacements, including: age, gender, height, weight, underlying disease, history of pacemaker and defibrillator implantations, indications for S-ICD, electrocardiographical parameters, procedural techniques, and complications. Results: 440 patients undergoing S-ICD implantation (411) or replacement (29) were reported by 16 centers. Most patients were in New York Heart Association class II (218 patients, 53%) or I (150 patients, 36.5%). Left ventricular ejection fraction was 10-80%, median (IQR) 33% (25%‒55%). Primary prevention indications were present in 273 patients (66.4%). Non-ischemic cardiomyopathy was reported in 194 patients (47.2%). The main reason for the choice of S-ICD were: young age (309, 75.2%), risk of infective complications (46, 11.2%), prior infective endocarditis (36, 8.8%), hemodialysis (23, 5.6%), and immunosuppressive therapy (7, 1.7%). Electrocardiographic screening was performed in 90% of patients. The rate of adverse events was low (1.7%). No surgical complications were observed. Conclusions: Qualification for S-ICD in Poland was slightly different when compared to the rest of Europe. The implantation technique was mostly consistent with the current guidelines. S-ICD implantation was safe, and the complication rate was low

    Wartość diagnostyczna czynnego testu pochyleniowego z zastosowaniem nitrogliceryny

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    Wstęp: Omdlenia wazowagalne (VVS) stanowią około 30% wszystkich omdleń. Uznaną metodą w diagnostyce tych utrat przytomności jest test pochyleniowy (HUTT), którego czułość waha się od 32% do 74%. Aby ją zwiększyć, stosuje się prowokację farmakologiczną. Do najczęściej stosowanych leków należą izoprenalina i nitrogliceryna. Materiał i metody: Badaniem objęto 157 chorych (99 kobiet i 58 mężczyzn w wieku 13-70 lat) z omdleniami o nieustalonej etiologii oraz 15 zdrowych ochotników. Pionizację pacjenta poprzedzal 30-minutowy okres odpoczynku, po którym następowała pionizacja do kąta 60°. Test bierny (bez obciążenia farmakologicznego) trwał 60 min (40 pts.) lub 45 min (117 pts.). W wypadku braku przedomdlenia lub omdlenia podawano podjęzykowo 0,25 mg nitrogliceryny i kontynuowano badanie przez kolejnych 20 min. Typ omdlenia rozpoznawano na podstawie klasyfikacji VASIS z 1992 roku (z uwzględnieniem poprawek VASIS z 1999 roku). Wyniki: Na podstawie wyników grupy badanej i kontrolnej oceniono czułość i swoistość HUTT z zastosowaniem nitrogliceryny na 59% i 87%. Odpowiedź fałszywie dodatnia po nitroglicerynie wystąpiła w 8 (5%) przypadkach w grupie badanej i u 1 (7%) chorego z grupy kontrolnej. Ciśnienie tętnicze < 95/65 mm Hg bezpośrednio przed podaniem nitrogliceryny może zwiększać prawdopodobieństwo odpowiedzi fałszywie dodatniej. W grupie pacjentów diagnozowanych za pomocą biernego i czynnego HUTT występowały kolejno poszczególne typy omdleń wazowagalnych: typ 1 - 58% i 60%, 2A -18% i 19%, 2B -11 % i 2%, typ 3 - 13% i 19%. U 7 (6%) chorych po zastosowaniu nitrogliceryny wystąpiły bóle głowy, a u 2 osób (2%) pojawiły się ogniskowe objawy neurologiczne. Wnioski: Zastosowanie nitrogliceryny podanej podjęzykowo w czasie HUTT pozwala zwiększyć czułość badania, przy umiarkowanym zmniejszeniu jego swoistości. W czasie kwalifikacji pacjentów do czynnego testu z użyciem nitrogliceryny należy zachować szczególną ostrożność