150 research outputs found

    Governing digital health for infectious disease outbreaks

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    How can governing digital health for infectious disease outbreaks be enhanced? In many ways, the COVID-19 pandemic has simultaneously represented both the potential and marked limitations of digital health practices for infectious disease outbreaks. During the pandemic’s initial stages, states along with Big Data and Big Tech actors unleashed a scope of both established and experimental digital technologies for tracking infections, hospitalisations, and deaths from COVID-19 – and sometimes exposure to the virus SARS-CoV-2. Despite the proliferation of these technologies at the global level, transnational and cross-border integration, and cooperation within digital health responses to COVID-19 often faltered, while digital health regulations were fragmented, contested, and uncoordinated. This article presents a critiquing reflection of approaches to conceptualising, understanding, and implementing digital health for infectious disease outbreaks, observed from COVID-19 and previous examples. In assessing the strengths and limitations of existing practices of governing digital health for infectious disease outbreaks, this article particularly examines ‘informal’ digital health to build upon and consider how digitised responses to addressing and governing infectious disease outbreaks may be reconceptualised, revisited, or revised

    Global health security and islands as seen through COVID-19 and vaccination

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    Since the declaration of COVID-19 as a pandemic in March 2020, significant research and attention has focused on countries’ abilities and interests in enacting response measures to the spread of the coronavirus including lockdowns, travel restrictions, and vaccination programmes to contain infections, hospitalisations, and deaths. As the pandemic has continued, much discussion has also centred on the ability of islands to control borders, enact public health measures, and keep the virus out or controlled, owing in part to presumed islandness characteristics of isolation and remoteness. Drawing from ongoing empirical examples of island experiences in the context of COVID-19, this article examines to what extent islandness impacts health concerns and health responses within aspects of global health security and health systems. In considering how islands around the world have been implementing health security measures regarding COVID-19, linkages or suggested linkages among islands, global health security, and pandemics indicate the lack of exceptionality of islands and archipelagos. That is, how islandness or lack thereof is managed ends up being far more important for global health security outcomes than islandness itself

    Rotational scanning techniques for hyperspectral imaging

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    Since hyperspectral images form three dimensional data structures, data acquisition usually requires that two of the dimensions remain constant, whilst the third is varied. A popular method for capturing hyperspectral data is pushbroom scanning. This technique builds an image by incrementally capturing all available wavelengths on a spatial line scan over time. One drawback of this technique is that an accurate way of linearly moving the camera or the object is required. Rotational movement is often easier to achieve or naturally available, hence the work presented here investigates an alternative approach to the traditional pushbroom method. If the rotation of the object is perfectly aligned (i.e. the axis of rotation is coincident with the leftmost pixel for anti-clockwise rotation) the acquired hypercube is, in fact, a polar representation of the scanned object. This ideal polar representation can be easily converted to Cartesian form using existing toolboxes [1] to produce a conventional hypercube. While rotational movement is often easier to achieve than the translational motion required by pushbroom, near perfect rotation is often not possible. There are two main sources of error when using rotational scanning: horizontal offset and vertical offset. These offsets occur when the axis of rotation does not precisely coincide with the desired pixel as described above. This paper explains, using examples, a method to compute these two parameters such that they can be used to compensate for the errors caused by these offsets. Although polar to Cartesian conversion can be calculated, there is no guarantee that each pixel stored in polar form can be mapped to a unique point in Cartesian space. As such, a suitable interpolation method is required to compensate for this. A number of such techniques are discussed and evaluated in this paper. This work will lead to the development of a tool which will be capable of automatically estimating the offset parameters. Further investigation into other forms of error in rotational scanning will also be carried out (e.g. non-circular rotation)

    Hyperspectral imaging for food applications

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    Food quality analysis is a key area where reliable, nondestructive and accurate measures are required. Hyperspectral imaging is a technology which meets all of these requirements but only if appropriate signal processing techniques are implemented. In this paper, a discussion of some of these state-of-the-art processing techniques is followed by an explanation of four different applications of hyperspectral imaging for food quality analysis: shelf life estimation of baked sponges; beef quality prediction; classification of Chinese tea leaves; and classification of rice grains. The first two of these topics investigate the use of hyperspectral imaging to produce an objective measure about the quality of the food sample. The final two studies are classification problems, where an unknown sample is assigned to one of a previously defined set of classes

    Archaeal MCM has separable processivity, substrate choice and helicase domains

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    The mini-chromosome maintenance (MCM) complex is the principal candidate for the replicative helicase of archaea and eukaryotes. Here, we describe a functional dissection of the roles of the three principal structural modules of the homomultimeric MCM of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. Our results include the first analysis of the central AAA+ domain in isolation. This domain possesses ATPase and helicase activity, defining this as the minimal helicase domain. Reconstitution experiments show that the helicase activity of the AAA+ domain can be stimulated by addition of the isolated N-terminal half in trans. Addition of the N-terminus influences both the processivity of the helicase and the choice of substrate that can be melted by the ATPase domain. The degenerate helix-turn-helix domain at the C-terminus of MCM exerts a negative effect on the helicase activity of the complex. These results provide the first evidence for extensive regulatory inter-domain communication within the MCM complex

    Hyperspectral imaging combined with data classification techniques as an aid for artwork authentication

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    In recent years various scientific practices have been adapted to the artwork analysis process. Although a set of techniques is available for art historians and scientists, there is a constant need for rapid and non-destructive methods to empower the art authentication process. In this paper hyperspectral imaging combined with signal processing and classification techniques are proposed as a tool to enhance the process for identification of art forgeries. Using bespoke paintings designed for this work, a spectral library of selected pigments was established and the viability of training and the application of classification techniques based on this data was demonstrated. Using these techniques for the analysis of actual forged paintings resulted in the identification of anachronistic paint, confirming the falsity of the artwork. This paper demonstrates the applicability of infrared (IR) hyperspectral imaging for artwork authentication

    Structure of an archaeal PCNA1-PCNA2-FEN1 complex: elucidating PCNA subunit and client enzyme specificity.

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    The archaeal/eukaryotic proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) toroidal clamp interacts with a host of DNA modifying enzymes, providing a stable anchorage and enhancing their respective processivities. Given the broad range of enzymes with which PCNA has been shown to interact, relatively little is known about the mode of assembly of functionally meaningful combinations of enzymes on the PCNA clamp. We have determined the X-ray crystal structure of the Sulfolobus solfataricus PCNA1-PCNA2 heterodimer, bound to a single copy of the flap endonuclease FEN1 at 2.9 A resolution. We demonstrate the specificity of interaction of the PCNA subunits to form the PCNA1-PCNA2-PCNA3 heterotrimer, as well as providing a rationale for the specific interaction of the C-terminal PIP-box motif of FEN1 for the PCNA1 subunit. The structure explains the specificity of the individual archaeal PCNA subunits for selected repair enzyme 'clients', and provides insights into the co-ordinated assembly of sequential enzymatic steps in PCNA-scaffolded DNA repair cascades

    Sheep Updates 2015 - Merredin

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    This session covers fourteen papers from different authors: 1. The Sheep Industry Business Innovation project, Bruce Mullan, Sheep Industry Development Director, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia 2. Western Australian sheep stocktake, Kate Pritchett and Kimbal Curtis, Research Officers, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia 3. Wool demand and supply - short term volatility, long term opportunities, Chris Wilcox, Principal of Poimena Analysis 4. Myths, Facts and the role of animal welfare in farming, Lynne Bradshaw, president, RSPCA WA 5. Latest research and development on breech strike prevention, Geoff Lindon, Manager Productivity and Animal Welfare, AWI 6. Lamb Survival Initiative and 100% Club, Katherine Davies, Development Officer, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia 7. How to boost your lamb survival, Joe Young, Sheep Consultant, R.B. Young and Son 8. Using genomic technology to increase genetic gain, Stephen Lee, School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, University of Adelaide and Sheep Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) 9. A case study of sheep breeding using the latest genetic and genomic technology, Dawson Bradford Producer, Hillcroft Farms, Narrogin WA 10. The impact of lamb growth on meat quality, Khama Kelman Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia 11. Economics of feed lotting - to feed-lot or not?, Lucy Anderton, Economist, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia 12. National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) for sheep and goats - what is the NLIS database? Jaq Pearson Biosecurity Officer, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia 13. Sheep industry traineeships - encouraging a new generation of farmers, Jackie Jarvis, Consultant, Agrifood Labour & Skills 14. Opportunities and challenges facing youth in the sheep and wool industry, Ben Patrick, Yarrawonga Stu