4,670 research outputs found

    Deriving the First Law of Black Hole Thermodynamics without Entanglement

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    In AdS/CFT, how is the bulk first law realized in the boundary CFT? Recently, Faulkner et al. showed that in certain holographic contexts, the bulk first law has a precise microscopic interpretation as a first law of entanglement entropy in the boundary theory. However, the bulk can also satisfy a first law when the boundary density matrix is pure, i.e. in the absence of entanglement with other degrees of freedom. In this note we argue that the bulk first law should generally be understood in terms of a particular coarse-graining of the boundary theory. We use geons, or single-exterior black holes, as a testing ground for this idea. Our main result is that for a class of small perturbations to these spacetimes the Wald entropy agrees to first order with the one-point entropy, a coarse-grained entropy recently proposed by Kelly and Wall. This result also extends the regime over which the one-point entropy is known to be equal to the causal holographic information of Hubeny and Rangamani.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures. v3: minor changes to agree with published version, v2: added a few references and a comment in section 4 on uniqueness of the main resul

    Phase Spaces for asymptotically de Sitter Cosmologies

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    We construct two types of phase spaces for asymptotically de Sitter Einstein-Hilbert gravity in each spacetime dimension d≥3d \ge 3. One type contains solutions asymptotic to the expanding spatially-flat (k=0k=0) cosmological patch of de Sitter space while the other is asymptotic to the expanding hyperbolic (k=−1)(k=-1) patch. Each phase space has a non-trivial asymptotic symmetry group (ASG) which includes the isometry group of the corresponding de Sitter patch. For d=3d=3 and k=−1k=-1 our ASG also contains additional generators and leads to a Virasoro algebra with vanishing central charge. Furthermore, we identify an interesting algebra (even larger than the ASG) containing two Virasoro algebras related by a reality condition and having imaginary central charges ±i3ℓ2G\pm i \frac{3\ell}{2G}. Our charges agree with those obtained previously using dS/CFT methods for the same asymptotic Killing fields showing that (at least some of) the dS/CFT charges act on a well-defined phase space. Along the way we show that, despite the lack of local degrees of freedom, the d=3,k=−1d=3, k=-1 phase space is non-trivial even in pure Λ>0\Lambda > 0 Einstein-Hilbert gravity due to the existence of a family of `wormhole' solutions labeled by their angular momentum, a mass-like parameter θ0\theta_0, the topology of future infinity (I+I^+), and perhaps additional internal moduli. These solutions are Λ>0\Lambda > 0 analogues of BTZ black holes and exhibit a corresponding mass gap relative to empty de Sitter

    Generalized gravitational entropy without replica symmetry

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    We explore several extensions of the generalized entropy construction of Lewkowycz and Maldacena, including a formulation that does not rely on preserving replica symmetry in the bulk. We show that an appropriately general ansatz for the analytically continued replica metric gives us the flexibility needed to solve the gravitational field equations beyond general relativity. As an application of this observation we study Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity with a small Gauss-Bonnet coupling and derive the condition that the holographic entanglement entropy must be evaluated on a surface which extremizes the Jacobson-Myers entropy. We find that in both general relativity and Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity replica symmetry breaking terms are permitted by the field equations, suggesting that they do not generically vanish.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures. v3: fixed some more typos, v2: fixed minor typo

    Coarse-grained entropy and causal holographic information in AdS/CFT

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    We propose bulk duals for certain coarse-grained entropies of boundary regions. The `one-point entropy' is defined in the conformal field theory by maximizing the entropy in a domain of dependence while fixing the one-point functions. We conjecture that this is dual to the area of the edge of the region causally accessible to the domain of dependence (i.e. the `causal holographic information' of Hubeny and Rangamani). The `future one-point entropy' is defined by generalizing this conjecture to future domains of dependence and their corresponding bulk regions. We show that the future one-point entropy obeys a nontrivial second law. If our conjecture is true, this answers the question "What is the field theory dual of Hawking's area theorem?"Comment: 43 pages, 9 figures. v3: minor changes suggested by referee v2: added a few additional reference

    't Hooft suppression and holographic entropy

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    Recent works have related the bulk first law of black hole mechanics to the first law of entanglement in a dual CFT. These are first order relations, and receive corrections for finite changes. In particular, the latter is naively expected to be accurate only for small changes in the quantum state. But when Newton's constant is small relative to the AdS scale, the former holds to good approximation even for classical perturbations that contain many quanta. This suggests that -- for appropriate states -- corrections to the first law of entanglement are suppressed by powers of NN in CFTs whose correlators satisfy 't Hooft large-NN power counting. We take first steps toward verifying that this is so by studying the large-NN structure of the entropy of spatial regions for a class of CFT states motivated by those created from the vacuum by acting with real-time single-trace sources. We show that 1/N1/N counting matches bulk predictions, though we require the effect of the source on the modular hamiltonian to be non-singular. The magnitude of our sources is ϵN\epsilon N with ϵ\epsilon fixed-but-small as N→∞N\rightarrow \infty. Our results also provide a perturbative derivation -- without relying on the replica trick -- of the subleading Faulkner-Lewkowycz-Maldacena correction to the Ryu-Takayagi and Hubeny-Rangamani-Takayanagi conjectures at all orders in 1/N1/N.Comment: 24 pages, no figures. v2: minor changes to agree with published versio

    Einstein-Maxwell Dirichlet walls, negative kinetic energies, and the adiabatic approximation for extreme black holes

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    The gravitational Dirichlet problem -- in which the induced metric is fixed on boundaries at finite distance from the bulk -- is related to simple notions of UV cutoffs in gauge/gravity duality and appears in discussions relating the low-energy behavior of gravity to fluid dynamics. We study the Einstein-Maxwell version of this problem, in which the induced Maxwell potential on the wall is also fixed. For flat walls in otherwise-asymptotically-flat spacetimes, we identify a moduli space of Majumdar-Papapetrou-like static solutions parametrized by the location of an extreme black hole relative to the wall. Such solutions may be described as balancing gravitational repulsion from a negative-mass image-source against electrostatic attraction to an oppositely-signed image charge. Standard techniques for handling divergences yield a moduli space metric with an eigenvalue that becomes negative near the wall, indicating a region of negative kinetic energy and suggesting that the Hamiltonian may be unbounded below. One may also surround the black hole with an additional (roughly spherical) Dirichlet wall to impose a regulator whose physics is more clear. Negative kinetic energies remain, though new terms do appear in the moduli-space metric. The regulator-dependence indicates that the adiabatic approximation may be ill-defined for classical extreme black holes with Dirichlet walls.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures. v3: made minor corrections to agree with published version, v2: added a brief discussion of the Landau-Lifshtiz technique on page 1

    Navigation and Irrigation in the Mountain States

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    Legal Institutes in Colorado

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    Opportunity Is in Denver

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