4,172 research outputs found

    Infant mortality and social causality: Lessons from the history of Britain’s public health movement, c. 1834–1914

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    What are the historical conditions under which a sociologically informed understanding of health inequality can emerge in the public sphere? We seek to address this question through the lens of a strategically chosen historical puzzle—the stubborn persistence of and salient variation in high infant mortality rates across British industrial towns at the dawn of the previous century—as analysed by Arthur Newsholme, the Medical Officer of the Local Government Board. In doing so, we retrace the historical processes through which the evolving public health movement gradually helped crystallise a scientific understanding of the social causes of excess mortality. We map the dominant ideology of the public sphere at the time, chart the shifting roles of the state, and retrace the historical origins and emergence of ‘public health’ as a distinctive category of state policy and public discourse. We situate the public health movement in this historical configuration and identify the cracks in the existing ideological and administrative edifice through which this movement was able to articulate a novel approach to population health—one that spotlights the political economy of social inequality. We relate this historical sequence to the rise of industrial capitalism, the social fractures that it spawned, and the organised counter‐movements that it necessitated

    Neurophysiological markers of successful learning in healthy aging

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    The capacity to learn and memorize is a key determinant for the quality of life but is known to decline to varying degrees with age. However, neural correlates of memory formation and the critical features that determine the extent to which aging affects learning are still not well understood. By employing a visual sequence learning task, we were able to track the behavioral and neurophysiological markers of gradual learning over several repetitions, which is not possible in traditional approaches that utilize a remember vs. forgotten comparison. On a neurophysiological level, we focused on two learning-related centro-parietal event-related potential (ERP) components: the expectancy-driven P300 and memory-related broader positivity (BP). Our results revealed that although both age groups showed significant learning progress, young individuals learned faster and remembered more stimuli than older participants. Successful learning was directly linked to a decrease of P300 and BP amplitudes. However, young participants showed larger P300 amplitudes with a sharper decrease during the learning, even after correcting for an observed age-related longer P300 latency and increased P300 peak variability. Additionally, the P300 amplitude predicted learning success in both age groups and showed good test-retest reliability. On the other hand, the memory formation processes, reflected by the BP amplitude, revealed a similar level of engagement in both age groups. However, this engagement did not translate into the same learning progress in the older participants. We suggest that the slower and more variable timing of the stimulus identification process reflected in the P300 means that despite the older participants engaging the memory formation process, there is less time for it to translate the categorical stimulus location information into a solidified memory trace. The results highlight the important role of the P300 and BP as a neurophysiological marker of learning and may enable the development of preventive measures for cognitive decline

    Energetic, environmental and economic modelling of a solar-assisted residential micro-trigeneration system in a Mediterranean climate

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    Reducing energy consumption in buildings has become a priority for most countries. However, designing energy-efficient buildings is not a straightforward task - the increasing demand for high comfort standards, provided by conventional 'energy-hungry' cooling and heating devices conflicts with the need for demand reduction. Trigeneration, the simultaneous production of electricity, cooling and heating is often viewed as a means of improving energy-efficiency in large and medium sized buildings whilst still delivering thermal comfort. For hot climates, the benefit of utilising the waste heat emitted from an engine unit to power a thermally driven cooling device provides scope to utilise an otherwise wasted energy stream. However, in smaller sized residential buildings, the relatively low and intermittent energy demand coupled with high capital costs, has stifled the uptake of the technology - although the potential for substantial energy savings exists. Moreover, it is very common for home owners in hot climates to opt for other energy-saving devices such as solar water heaters (SWH), which would tend to reduce further the possible demand for space and water heating, possibly making the simultaneous use of both micro-trigeneration and SWH unfeasible. This paper compares the performance of a residential micro-trigeneration system to a hybrid micro-trigeneration/SWH system. The performance of both systems was simulated using a whole building simulation tool run at a high time resolution. The results obtained were then used to quantify the energetic and environmental performance of both systems; and also to assess their financial viability against the effect of varying fuel prices, electricity tariffs and a varying Feed-in Tariff (FIT). Results show that whereas the solar aided micro-trigeneration system obtains an overall higher (though marginal) energetic and environmental performance, the financial performance for the same fiscal parameters (fuel prices and electricity tariffs) deteriorates. Moreover FIT, plays an important role in the financial feasibility of the system

    Attention Strongly Modulates Reliability of Neural Responses to Naturalistic Narrative Stimuli

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    Attentional engagement is a major determinant of how effectively we gather information through our senses. Alongside the sheer growth in the amount and variety of information content that we are presented with through modern media, there is increased variability in the degree to which we “absorb” that information. Traditional research on attention has illuminated the basic principles of sensory selection to isolated features or locations, but it provides little insight into the neural underpinnings of our attentional engagement with modern naturalistic content. Here, we show inhumansubjects that the reliability of an individual’s neural responses with respect to a larger group provides a highly robust index of the level of attentional engagement with a naturalistic narrative stimulus. Specifically, fast electroencephalographic evoked responses were more strongly correlated across subjects when naturally attending to auditory or audiovisual narratives than when attention was directed inward to a mental arithmetic task during stimulus presentation. This effect was strongest for audiovisual stimuli with a cohesive narrative and greatly reduced for speech stimuli lacking meaning. For compelling audiovisual narratives, the effect is remarkably strong, allowing perfect discrimination between attentional state across individuals. Control experiments rule out possible confounds related to altered eye movement trajectories or order of presentation. We conclude that reliability of evoked activity reproduced across subjects viewing the same movie is highly sensitive to the attentional state of the viewer and listener, which is aided by a cohesive narrative

    Toxoplasma retinochoroiditis in pregnancy: Using current evidence to inform management

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    Toxoplasma retinochoroiditis in pregnancy may create considerable patient anxiety and is a dilemma for the treating ophthalmologist. A case report highlighting this clinical issue is presented followed by a review of the literature. Consensus in relation to the management of toxoplasma retinochoroiditis in pregnancy is lacking and is discussed

    Isolating endogenous visuo-spatial attentional effects using the novel visual-evoked spread spectrum analysis (VESPA) technique

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    In natural visual environments, we use attention to select between relevant and irrelevant stimuli that are presented simultaneously. Our attention to objects in our visual field is largely controlled endogenously, but is also affected exogenously through the influence of novel stimuli and events. The study of endogenous and exogenous attention as separate mechanisms has been possible in behavioral and functional imaging studies, where multiple stimuli can be presented continuously and simultaneously. It has also been possible in electroencephalogram studies using the steady-state visual-evoked potential (SSVEP); however, it has not been possible in conventional event-related potential (ERP) studies, which are hampered by the need to present suddenly onsetting stimuli in isolation. This is unfortunate as the ERP technique allows for the analysis of human physiology with much greater temporal resolution than functional magnetic resonance imaging or the SSVEP. While ERP studies of endogenous attention have been widely reported, these experiments have a serious limitation in that the suddenly onsetting stimuli, used to elicit the ERP, inevitably have an exogenous, attention-grabbing effect. Recently we have shown that it is possible to derive separate event-related responses to concurrent, continuously presented stimuli using the VESPA (visual-evoked spread spectrum analysis) technique. In this study we employed an experimental paradigm based on this method, in which two pairs of diagonally opposite, non-contiguous disc-segment stimuli were presented, one pair to be ignored and the other to be attended. VESPA responses derived for each pair showed a strong modulation at 90–100 ms (during the visual P1 component), demonstrating the utility of the method for isolating endogenous visuospatial attention effects

    Criteria for the use of omics-based predictors in clinical trials.

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    The US National Cancer Institute (NCI), in collaboration with scientists representing multiple areas of expertise relevant to 'omics'-based test development, has developed a checklist of criteria that can be used to determine the readiness of omics-based tests for guiding patient care in clinical trials. The checklist criteria cover issues relating to specimens, assays, mathematical modelling, clinical trial design, and ethical, legal and regulatory aspects. Funding bodies and journals are encouraged to consider the checklist, which they may find useful for assessing study quality and evidence strength. The checklist will be used to evaluate proposals for NCI-sponsored clinical trials in which omics tests will be used to guide therapy