7,909 research outputs found

    The epithelium of the dorsal marginal zone of Xenopus has organizer properties

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    We have investigated the properties of the epithelial layer of the dorsal marginal zone (DMZ) of the Xenopus laevis early gastrula and found that it has inductive properties similar to those of the entire Spemann organizer. When grafts of the epithelial layer of the DMZ of early gastrulae labelled with fluorescein dextran were transplanted to the ventral sides of unlabelled host embryos, they induced secondary axes composed of notochord, somites and posterior neural tube. The organizer epithelium rescued embryos ventralized by UV irradiation, inducing notochord, somites and posterior neural tube in these embryos, while over 90% of ventralized controls showed no such structures. Combinations of organizer epithelium and ventral marginal zone (VMZ) in explants of the early gastrula resulted in convergence, extension and differentiation of dorsal mesodermal tissues, whereas similar recombinants of nonorganizer epithelium and the VMZ did none of these things. In all cases, the axial structures forming in response to epithelial grafts were composed of labelled graft and unlabelled host cells, indicating an induction by the organizer epithelium of dorsal, axial morphogenesis and tissue differentiation among mesodermal cells that otherwise showed non-axial development. Serial sectioning and scanning electron microscopy of control grafts shows that the epithelial organizer effect occurs in the absence of contaminating deep cells adhering to the epithelial grafts. However, labelled organizer epithelium grafted to the superficial cell layer contributed cells to deep mesodermal tissues, and organizer epithelium developed into mesodermal tissues when deliberately grafted into the deep region. This shows that these prospective endodermal epithelial cells are able to contribute to mesodermal, mesenchymal tissues when they move or are moved into the deep environment. These results suggest that in normal development, the endodermal epithelium may influence some aspects of the cell motility underlying the mediolateral intercalation (see Shih, J. and Keller, R. (1992) Development 116, 901ā€“914), as well as the tissue differentiation of mesodermal cells. These results have implications for the analysis of mesoderm induction and for analysis of variations in the differentiation and morphogenetic function of the marginal zone in different species of amphibians

    Cell motility driving mediolateral intercalation in explants of Xenopus laevis

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    In Xenopus, convergence and extension are produced by active intercalation of the deep mesodermal cells between one another along the mediolateral axis (mediolateral cell intercalation), to form a narrower, longer array. The cell motility driving this intercalation is poorly understood. A companion paper shows that the endodermal epithelium organizes the outermost mesodermal cells immediately beneath it to undergo convergence and extension, and other evidence suggests that these deep cells are the most active participants in mediolateral intercalation (Shih, J. and Keller, R. (1992) Development 116, 887ā€“899). In this paper, we shave off the deeper layers of mesodermal cells, which allows us to observe the protrusive activity of the mesodermal cells next to the organizing epithelium with high resolution video microscopy. These mesodermal cells divide in the early gastrula and show rapid, randomly directed protrusive activity. At the early midgastrula stage, they begin to express a characteristic sequence of behaviors, called mediolateral intercalation behavior (MIB): (1) large, stable, filiform and lamelliform protrusions form in the lateral and medial directions, thus making the cells bipolar; (2) these protrusions are applied directly to adjacent cell surfaces and exert traction on them, without contact inhibition; (3) as a result, the cells elongate and align parallel to the mediolateral axis and perpendicular to the axis of extension; (4) the elongate, aligned cells intercalate between one another along the mediolateral axis, thus producing a longer, narrower array. Explants of essentially a single layer of deep mesodermal cells, made at stage 10.5, converge and extend by mediolateral intercalation. Thus by stage 10.5 (early midgastrula), expression of MIB among deep mesodermal cells is physiologically and mechanically independent of the organizing influence of the endodermal epithelium, described previously (Shih, J. and Keller, R. (1992) Development 116 887ā€“899), and is the fundamental cell motility underlying mediolateral intercalation and convergence and extension of the body axis

    Three-Dimensional Ray Tracing and Geophysical Inversion in Layered Media

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    In this paper the problem of finding seismic rays in a three-dimensional layered medium is examined. The "layers" are separated by arbitrary smooth interfaces that can vary in three dimensions. The endpoints of each ray and the sequence of interfaces it encounters are specified. The problem is formulated as a nonlinear system of equations and efficient, accurate methods of solution are discussed. An important application of ray tracing methods, which is discussed, is the nonlinear least squares estimation of medium parameters from observed travel times. In addition the "type" of each ray is also determined by the least squares processā€”this is in effect a deconvolution procedure similar to that desired in seismic exploration. It enables more of the measured data to be used without filtering out the multiple reflections that are not pure P-waves

    Barriers To Recovery For Bangor\u27s Buprenorphine Patients

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    There are several buprenorphine providers at EMMc\u27s Center for Family Medicine serving the greater Bangor, ME region - an area of substantial opiate use. Among the patient population of outpatient buprenorphine users, both locally and nationally, there are high rates of relapse (~32%). In order to decrease relapse rates, it\u27s first imperative to conduct a baseline review of the current buprenorphine population to identify specific types of patients who are at higher risk of relapse. By understanding the barriers to recovery, the office hopes to apply an intervention to the current program, targeting this local demographic more effectively.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/fmclerk/1098/thumbnail.jp

    A multigrid continuation method for elliptic problems with folds

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    We introduce a new multigrid continuation method for computing solutions of nonlinear elliptic eigenvalue problems which contain limit points (also called turning points or folds). Our method combines the frozen tau technique of Brandt with pseudo-arc length continuation and correction of the parameter on the coarsest grid. This produces considerable storage savings over direct continuation methods,as well as better initial coarse grid approximations, and avoids complicated algorithms for determining the parameter on finer grids. We provide numerical results for second, fourth and sixth order approximations to the two-parameter, two-dimensional stationary reaction-diffusion problem: Ī”u+Ī» exp(u/(1+au)) = 0. For the higher order interpolations we use bicubic and biquintic splines. The convergence rate is observed to be independent of the occurrence of limit points

    The patterning and functioning of protrusive activity during convergence and extension of the Xenopus organiser

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    We discuss the cellular basis and tissue interactions regulating convergence and extension of the vertebrate body axis in early embryogenesls of Xenopus. Convergence and extension occur in the dorsal mesoderm (prospective notochord and somite) and in the posterior nervous system (prospective hindbrain and spinal cord) by sequential cell intercalations. Several layers of cells intercalate to form a thinner, longer array (radial intercalation) and then cells intercalate in the mediolateral orientation to form a longer, narrower array (mediolateral intercalation). Fluorescence microscopy of labeled mesodermal cells in explants shows that protrusive activity is rapid and randomly directed until the midgastrula stage, when it slows and is restricted to the medial and lateral ends of the cells. This bipolar protrusive activity results in elongation, alignment and mediolateral intercalation of the cells. Mediolateral intercalation behavior (MIB) is expressed in an anterior- posterior and lateral-medial progression in the mesoderm. MIB is first expressed laterally in both somitic and notochordal mesoderm. From its lateral origins in each tissue, MIB progresses medially. If convergence does not bring the lateral boundaries of the tissues closer to the medial cells in the notochordal and somitic territories, these cells do not express MIB. Expression of tissue-specific markers follows and parallels the expression of MIB. These facts argue that MIB and some aspects of tissue differentiation are induced by signals emanating from the lateral boundaries of the tissue territories and that convergence must bring medial cells and boundaries closer together for these signals to be effective. Grafts of dorsal marginal zone epithelium to the ventral sides of other embryos, to ventral explants and to UV-ventralized embryos show that it has a role in organising convergence and extension, and dorsal tissue differentiation among deep mesodermal cells. Grafts of involuting marginal zone to animal cap tissue of the early gastrula shows that convergence and extension of the hindbrain-spinal cord are induced by planar signals from the involuting marginal zone

    Samuel Beckett and the primacy of love

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    This study is about the central place of the emotional world in Beckett's writing. Stating that Beckett is 'primarily about love', Dr. Keller makes a radical re-assessment of his influence and immense popularity. The book examines numerous Beckettian texts, arguing that they embody a struggle to remain in contact with a primal sense of internal goodness, one founded on early experience with the mother. Writing itself becomes an internal dialogue, in which the reader is engaged, between a 'narrative-self' and a mother. Keller suggests that this is Beckett's greatest accomplishment as an artist: to document a universal struggle that allows for the birth of the mind, and to connect this struggle to the origin, and possibility of the creative act. This study integrates highly readable discussions of psychoanalytic theory, as well as clinical examples. It will be of value to scholars and readers of Beckett, and anyone interested in his place in literature and culture

    Excavation of 41FY58, Fayette County, Texas

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    The site 41FY58 was discovered on U.S. 71 in eastern Fayette County and reported in 1973 by the survey archaeologist of the Texas Highway Department. Surface indications were highly encouraging and the site was recommended for extensive investigation
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