14 research outputs found

    Mapping ammonia risk on sensitive habitats in Ireland

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. The aim of this study was to provide a simple, cost-effective, risk-based map of terrestrial areas in Ireland where environmental quality may be at risk from atmospheric ammonia. This risk-based approach identifies Natura 2000 sites in Ireland at risk from agricultural atmospheric ammonia, collating best available data using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). In mapping ammonia risk on sensitive habitats (MARSH), the method identifies sources of ammonia, classifying them on a scale of risk from 0 to 5. These sources are subsequently summed based on a weighting determined by their contribution to national emissions divided by their potentially impacted area. A Pearson's correlation coefficient of 0.72 allows for concentrations from United Kingdom's FRAME modelling to be applied to the MARSH model, which are corrected based on recent monitoring. Applying Designation Weighted Indicators (DWI), the MARSH model predicts that 80.7, 34.3 and 5.9% of Natura 2000 sites in Ireland may exceed ambient concentrations of 1, 2, and 3 μg/m3, respectively. A Nitroindex map of Ireland based on available lichen records was also developed and is presented as part of this study. This Nitroindex was used to identify areas where impacts have already been recorded, thus informing the classification of sites “at-risk”. The combination of both the MARSH and Nitroindex models ascertains which Natura 2000 sites are most at risk, thereby providing valuable data to relevant authorities. The MARSH model acts as a first step towards screening and assessing Natura 2000 sites most at risk from atmospheric ammonia, providing a tool to demonstrate compliance with the National Emissions Ceilings Directive

    Predicting atmospheric ammonia dispersion and potential ecological effects using monitored emission rates from an intensive laying hen facility in Ireland

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    Agriculture is responsible for 98% of atmospheric ammonia (NH3) in Ireland, of which pigs and poultry produce 7%; with laying hens specifically contributing 0.6%. Though a small proportion of the national NH3 total emissions, the ecological impacts on sensitive sites attributed to laying hen farms can be substantial. NH3 emission monitoring was conducted in Spring (February to March) and Summer (July to August) 2016 to account for seasonal variation. The total average emission and ventilation rate was 0.25 g bird−1 day−1 and 931 cm3 s−1 bird−1. This is lower than the previously used emission factor for the Irish national inventory of 0.5 g bird−1 day−1, but broadly similar to factors reported in the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU). Dispersion modelling using monitored data indicated potentially acute effects within 84 m, critical level exceedance within 312 m and exceedance of 0.3 kg N ha−1 year−1 deposition within 2.9–5.2 km. The sensitivity of the model was tested using SCAIL-Agriculture emission and ventilation rates which showed P-values for one tailed critical level below 0.01 for all models, indicating that when normalised the maximum extents modelled by AERMOD were significantly different. This analysis showed emission rate having more influence than ventilation rate. Both parameters combined had the greatest increase in dispersion extent, on average 55.8% greater than the use of monitored rates. A deposition rate of 0.3 kg N ha−1 year−1 was modelled to occur within 5.1–7.7 km when using SCAIL-Agriculture rates. Indicating that the use of SCAIL-Agriculture recommended emission and ventilation rates would have been sufficiently precautionary to assess negative ecological effects on a Natura 2000 site under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). In relation to Appropriate Assessment (AA) screening, the use of any contribution from a source within a set distance may be an appropriate full AA trigger

    Amóinia? Amóinia? Cad faoi Amóinia?

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    This is a comic aimed at children from the age of eight upwards. It highlights impacts from ammonia in agriculture, plus sources and solutions to the problem

    There's something about ammonia

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    This is a comic aimed at children from the age of eight upwards. It highlights impacts from ammonia in agriculture, plus sources and solutions to the problem.Environmental Protection AgencyEuropean Commission Horizon 202

    Profile of ammonia and water vapor in an Irish broiler production house

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    American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Annual International Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA, 17-20 July 2016Ireland produces approximately 8 million broilers annually from 550 farms. In Irish systems, broiler litter is allowed to build up during the 37 day growing cycle, after which it is removed and used for either land spreading or mushroom compost production. It is important to monitor key indoor environmental parameters in order to optimize bird performance but also to comply with legislation such as the EU National Emissions Ceilings Directive. This study used Off Axis - Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy to evaluate the ammonia and water vapor content of air within an Irish broiler house. Three broiler cycles were measured at different times of the year to account for seasonal variation, covering spring, summer and autumn. This paper examines the difference in ammonia and water concentrations at 1 m, 2.5 m, and 4 m above floor level following the flow of air from the ground through to the exhaust fan. Autumn had the highest concentration of ammonia indoors throughout the cycle with an average of 1.23 ppm, while summer had the lowest concentration for the majority of the cycle, though increased by a spike towards the end with an average of 0.69 ppm.Environmental Protection Agenc

    Agricultural atmospheric ammonia: identification & assessment of potential impacts

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    This Irish Wildlife Manual aims to summarise: The effects of emissions of ammonia from intensive agricultural sources and its deposition on biodiversity. The regulatory requirements for the assessment of these effects and the indicators of adverse effects including physical observations and theoretical limits used in modelling assessment. The approach recommended by the Irish EPA and approaches used in various European Countries that are currently used to assess and report on the potential effects of emissions of ammonia from agricultural development. A framework for high-level review of dispersion modelling assessment intended for non-expert users of dispersion models that details a non-technical basis to consider whether the critical components of a dispersion modelling study meet the requirements of dispersion modelling guidance issued by the Irish EPA.National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS

    AmmoniaN2K: Improving Environmental Assessments for Atmospheric Ammonia

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    Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) 2020 Spring Conference (CIEEM 2020), Sheffield, United Kingdom, 4 March 2020Since 2016 Ireland has exceeded it’s National Emissions Ceilings Directive limit for ammonia. With government led agricultural expansions (Food Wise 2025) it will be difficult for Ireland not only to meet targets required by the NECD Directive, but also to comply with the EU Habitats Directive to protect against environmental impacts on sensitive sites.Environmental Protection Agenc

    Assessment of the Impact of Ammonia Emissions from Intensive Agriculture Installations on Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas

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    Atmospheric ammonia poses a significant threat to biodiversity and human health around the world. A high concentration can result in significant changes to the structure of ecosystems, as atmospheric ammonia is particularly harmful to a number of nitrogen-sensitive habitats (bogs, heath, semi-natural grasslands, etc.). In addition, ammonia reacts with other pollutants in the air to form particulate matter, which disperses over great distances. Atmospheric particulate matter has been linked to a range of pulmonary and cardiac issues in humans. Concentrations of ammonia in the air downwind of hotspot sources, such as pig and poultry farms, are likely to negatively affect the environment. The contribution of multiple sources of ammonia to cumulative impacts in Ireland is currently poorly understood. The AmmoniaN2K project aimed to assist the EPA licensing of intensive agriculture installations (pig and poultry farms) in Ireland. This work is particularly relevant to appropriate assessments on Natura 2000 sites under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), where modelling of contributions from agricultural sources is required. Emission rates generated and recommendations from detailed monitoring will support future assessments. The identification of farms below the Industrial Emission Directive (2010/75/EU) threshold will also assist the required cumulative impact assessments under appropriate assessment. This information has also aided the spatial reporting of emissions, which has benefited European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme concentration and deposition modelling. The emission rates generated can be used to validate and inform the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register reporting of national emissions in Ireland. Improving inventory reporting is a vital step to ensure compliance with limits set under the National Emissions Ceilings Directive (2016/2284/EU) –Ireland currently exceeds its ammonia emission limit under this directive. Monitoring on Natura 2000 sites has highlighted the need for alternative agricultural practices to reduce this impact. The AmmoniaN2K project quantified and assessed the impact of ammonia emissions from intensive pig and poultry units on Natura 2000 sites in Ireland. This was done by monitoring detailed ammonia emissions from 17 animal production houses across four farms. These rates are compared with best available techniques-ammonia emission levels (BAT-AELs), past monitoring in Ireland and recommended rates by Simple Calculation of Atmospheric Impact Limits (SCAIL-Agriculture). Dispersion modelling of all farms was conducted using monitored rates to identify distance downwind from where both impacts and estimated minimum contributions occurred. An approach to identify farms below the Industrial Emission Directive (2010/75/EU) threshold was developed, in order to identify the total number of intensive agriculture units that are proximal to Natura 2000 sites. The Mapping Ammonia Risk on Sensitive Habitats (MARSH) model, developed as part of this study, assigned a risk of impacts from all sources of ammonia (including cattle and sheep) to Natura 2000 sites in Ireland. This model was checked against monitoring on Natura 2000 sites, which also identified potential impacts at these locations.Environmental Protection AgencyWatch Project Highlights Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLdfyTCCh50&feature=youtu.be2020-10-22 JG: 5 appendix bitstreams updated at author's request2020-10-23 JG: 2 appendix bitstreams updated at author's reques

    National Ecosystem Monitoring Network (NEMN) - 2020 Update

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    National Ecosystem Monitoring Network - 2020 Update, Webinar, 2 December 2020Environmental Protection Agenc

    There's something about ammonia

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    This is a comic aimed at children from the age of eight upwards. It highlights impacts from ammonia in agriculture, plus sources and solutions to the problem.Environmental Protection AgencyEuropean Commission Horizon 202