23 research outputs found

    Prime Wetland Designation Activities

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    In 2008, Prime Wetland Designations (PWDs) were on the town ballot in the towns of Fremont, Hampton Falls, Brentwood, and Newfields. Three of the four passed (Appendix A); however, the Town of Newfields’ proposed designation was not approved due to significant opposition in the community (Appendix B). Portsmouth City Council will decide whether to designate the wetlands identified by their PWD report in the late spring or summer of 2008. This report documents the NHEP and community efforts to adopt PWD and offers insight into the unique situations of each community that may assist other communities in the PWD process. The report also describes the outreach activities of the NHEP to support the designation of Prime Wetlands, associated Action Plans from the NHEP Management Plan, and NHEP expenditures in those communities to support PWD

    Eye On Estuaries: NH tourist, the bluefish, soon to depart bay

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    Wetland Buffer Characterization and Public Outreach in North Hampton

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    This report includes a characterization of wetland buffers and buffer protection in North Hampton and a community outreach newsletter that focuses on the protection of the North Hampton wetland buffers. Consultants from Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc conducted field examinations of key North Hampton wetland buffer areas and issued a technical memorandium that characterize wetland buffer areas in the town and discusses of the value of these areas in terms of public interest and property values. Much of the information presented in the technical memo was communicated in an eight-page newsletter produced at Fosters Daily Democrate. Fosters produced 3,000 copies and UNH Mailing Services sent them using saturation mailing rates that delivered one to every household in North Hampton (1925 residences), The newsletter highlights community wetland resources, functions and values of wetland buffers in North Hampton, and actions citizens can take to protect wetland buffers in the community. An electronic version of the newsletter is posted on the Town of North Hampton website

    NHEP Strategic Communication Plan, Kellam, D

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    The New Hampshire Estuaries Project’s (NHEP) Strategic Communication Plan (SCP) facilitates the implementation of Action Plans related to public outreach and education (POE) and focuses resources on communication activities that strengthen the organization’s position in the resource management community. The plan begins with a situational audit that examines the history of the NHEP, its role in the natural resources management community and the target audiences identified in the NHEP Management Plan. Next, the SCP’s goals and objectives for the next three years are described. Finally, the SCP appendices include branding elements, program descriptions, Management Plan relevance to the SCP, and a draft of a survey to planning board members, conservation commissioners and regional planning commission staff

    New Hampshire Estuaries Project Launches Pilot Project To Help Coastal Communities Adapt To Climate Change

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    Evaluation of NHEP Outreach: A Survey of Planning Boards and Conservation Commissions

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    This report presents the findings of a survey conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center of planning board and conservation commissions in the 42 coastal watershed communities of New Hampshire from November 2007 to February 2008. Background information about a similar survey conducted in 2005 and a summary of New Hampshire Estuaries Project (NHEP) outreach activity from August 2005 to February 2008 is also provided to assist in the interpretation of the survey. Conclusions by NHEP staff are offered at the end of the report

    UNH Extension County Foresters & Natural Resources Staff

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    University of New Hampshire Welcomes the New Hampshire Estuaries Project

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    New Hampshire Estuaries Project Receives $20,000 For Estuaries Stewardship In N.H., Maine

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