19 research outputs found

    Gambaran CT Scan Toraks Sesuai dengan Jenis Sitologi/Histologi pada Pasien Kanker Paru yang Merokok

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    Kanker paru merupakan  penyebab kematian paling banyak akibat keganasan. Kanker paru memberikan gambaran CT scan yang berbeda sesuai dengan jenis sitologi/histologinya. Pemeriksaan CT scan  toraksdengan teknik high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) dapat memperlihatkan kelainan kanker parusecara rinci. Penelitian dilakukan di Instalasi Radiologi RSU Persahabatan, Jakarta bekerja sama denganDepartemen Pulmonologi dan Respirasi RSU Persahabatan terhadap 100 sampel yang diperoleh pada bulanNovember 2014 hingga Maret 2015. Berdasarkan jenis sitologi/histologi kanker paru (adenokarsinoma dankarsinoma sel skuamosa/KSS) tidak ditemukan  variabel yang bermakna secara statistik  (bentuk, letak, tepispikulasi, tepi lobulasi, nodul satelit). Variabel yang paling banyak ditemukan pada adenokarsinoma maupunKSS adalah bentuk massa, lokasi di sentral dan paru sebelah kanan. Gambaran kanker paru adenokarsinomadan KSS pada pasien merokok paling banyak berupa massa, lokasi di sentral dan lobus kanan paru

    Perubahan Ketebalan Jaringan Fibroglandular pada Pemeriksaan Ultrasonografi Payudara Perempuan Menopause yang Mendapat Terapi Hormon Tibolon

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    Penggunaan terapi hormon memiliki efek samping pada payudara yang dapat terdeteksi pada ultrasonografi (USG) berupa peningkatan ketebalan jaringan fibroglandular yang berhubungan dengan peningkatan risiko kanker payudara. Hingga saat ini masih terdapat kontroversi mengenai efek samping terapi hormon tibolon terhadap payudara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Perubahan ketebalan jaringan fibroglandular setelah terapi hormon tibolon. Penelitian ini berlangsung dari bulan Desember 2013 hingga Agustus 2015 di Departemen Radiologi RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dengan desain penelitian berupa studi kuasi eksperimental dengan amandemen berupa pengambilan data USG payudara sebelum dan sesudah terapi hormone tibolon. Pengukuran dengan USG payudara dilakukan di empat regio (superior, inferior, medial dan lateral) yang kemudian dilakukan analisis terhadap rerata Perubahan ketebalan jaringan fibroglandular sebelum dan sesudah terapi hormone tibolon. Dari 40 subjek yang dianalisis, terdapat 36 subjek yang mengalami peningkatan ketebalan jaringan fibroglandular. Terdapat  perbedaan bermakna (p<0,001) pada ketebalan jaringan fibroglandular payudara sebelum dan sesudah 3 bulan pemberian tibolon. Indeks massa tubuh (p = 0,020) dan riwayat kontrasepsi hormonal (p=0,015) merupakan faktor yang memengaruhi peningkatan ketebalan jaringan fibroglandular payudara sesudah terapi hormon tibolon. Sedangkan paritas, usia melahirkan anak pertama, riwayat menyusui, usia menarke, usia menopause dan riwayat kontrasepsi hormonal tidak berhubungan


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    Objective: Trichuriasis is difficult to treat with single-dose anthelmintic. Although a higher cure rate (CR) can be achieved by treatment with triple-dose albendazole and mebendazole, the results of studies are inconsistent. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of triple-dose albendazole and mebendazole in treating trichuriasis. Methods: A randomized controlled trial was conducted in a primary school in the Pandeglang District, Banten Province, Indonesia in July–August, 2018; 382 children were recruited. Stools were collected and examined microscopically using the Kato–Katz method to identify Trichuriasis eggs. Children positive for Trichuris trichiura were randomized and divided into two groups. One was given a triple dose of 400 mg albendazole and the other a triple dose of 500 mg mebendazole. On day 14 after treatment, stools were reexamined to calculate CR and the egg reduction rate (ERR). Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results: The prevalence of soil-transmitted helminth infection was 42%, and that of trichuriasis and ascariasis was 25.1% and 29.8%. There was a significant difference (Wilcoxon test, P<0.01) in the intensity of infection before and after intervention. Both groups showed high values of CR (mebendazole: 95.2%, albendazole: 85.4%; Fisher’s exact test, P = 0.125) and ERR (mebendazole: 99%, albendazole: 96%; Mann–Whitney test, P = 0.110). There was no significant difference in CR and ERR between the two groups. Conclusion: Triple-dose albendazole was as effective as triple-dose mebendazole in treating trichuriasis

    Analisis Keterkaitan Employer branding dan Portofolio talent terhadap Minat Berkarier di Sebuah Perusahaan

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    Compared to natural resource components, human resources are the most critical aspect of organizations. Employer Branding facilitates transformation of an organization's management structure, thereby facilitating recruitment. Therefore, corporate branding, one of which is GoJek, is vital to attract new employees and ensure that the company will get qualityones. This shows that company branding from a talent perspective influences talent's interest in pursuing careersin it as the first hypothesis. The talent's desire to build a portfolio supports itself in applying for jobs, so the more portfolios, the greater the type of company the talent will apply for, as the second hypothesis.The relation between employer branding and talent with interest of work had been study theoretically but hadn’t being researched in start up such as GoJek with students as the talent.This research aims to determine the existing state of employer branding, talent portfolio, and career interests to prove hypotheses in this research. This research was conducted on students from A-accredited universities in Semarang with117 respondents. Perceptional data was quantified using a Likert scale and divided into five categoriesof assessment, with analysis carried out by quantitative descriptive analysis and linear regression. The linear regression results show that company branding from the perspective of prospective workers/talents influences the talent's intention to pursue careersat GoJek. Meanwhile, a talent's portfolio/employee does not significantly influence talent's intention to pursue a career at GoJek. Therefore, GoJek Company needs to implement a strategy focusing on employee development, community engagement, and customerservice

    The Effectiveness of Health Education in the Waiting Room of Pensioners Bank in Improving Elderly Health Perspective, Behavior and Morbidity

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    Elderly need intensive exposure to health education to recognize and prevent diseases, like a degenerativeand infectious disease. Any chance when elderly gather and spend significant time, like 30-60 minutes of waitingtime for withdrawing pension money in the bank can be utilized as an opportunity to deliver health educationmessage. This initiated collaboration among pension bank and general practitioners to perform specific healtheducation program to elderly in their waiting room. This study investigates how health education and consultationprogram in the pension bank would be useful to change elderly health perspective, behavior, and morbidity. Across-sectional comparative study was conducted to 438 elderlies in 10 cities of 14 pension bank branchesin Indonesia in 2014-2015. We divided them into two groups: health education participants (n=345) and nonparticipants(n=93) to compare their health perspective, behavior, and morbidity after six months of educationexposure. Elderly perspective on healthy lifestyle was elicited using a set of 11 questions that were graded on aLikert scale of 1-5 where one = less important to 5 = most important. We also recalled whether they conductedactive lifestyle and had a history of illness in the last three months. Participants group had a significant increasein health perspectives, especially about the importance of regular health checking and maintaining a healthy diet(p<0.05). They also had fewer case of chronic illnesses (p=0.01, OR 0.51 IK95% 0.30-0.89). Their active lifestylewas also increased but not significant (p=0.164). Health education in the waiting room of pension bank wasproven effective to improve health perspective and decrease long term illnesses in the elderly. With standardizededucation module and cooperation with the trained health educator, this approach of optimizing queuing time inthe waiting room of pension bank can be applied to intensify access to health education for elderly


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    Poverty alleviation is not just a matter of making the poor become rich or prosperous, but also regarding the way they looked on poverty. Therefore, poverty alleviation programs should be tailored to the character of the poor, especially on how they think. In previous research has been identified two social psychology characters of the poor that reflect their way of thinking. There are the poor who receives poor and poverty as the destiny (the rural poor) and there are the poor who belief that poor and poverty can be changed (poor urban). These characters can be used as the basis of the poverty alleviation program development. The right program will encourage the poor to overcome their poverty by themselves. This is what we call self-helping model. This study focusing on the empowerment of urban poor groups. Based on previous studies is known that poverty alleviation programs should or even must match the social psychology character of the poor. We argued that the type of poverty alleviation program that matches the urban poor are the program which provides insights on how to develop chances to increase their income, because the urban poor are basically ready to get out of poverty. By using experimental approach, this study aimed to assess the effect of training on the urban poor by comparing conditions before and after training. The module that are tailored to the character of the urban poor are implemented as instrument of treatment. The results showed that after training, urban poor groups that were targeted having an improvement of knowledge about efforts and chances to increase their income and some of them have a business idea

    Proporsi Defisiensi Vitamin D pada Pasien Poliklinik Alergi dan Imunologi

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    Vitamin D juga memengaruhi dan meregulasi fungsi sistem imun tubuh. Tujuan: Mengetahui proporsi defisiensi vitamin D-25(OH) pasien poliklinik Alergi dan Imunologi, serta untuk meninjau tatalaksana defisiensi vitamin D-25(OH) di poliklinik Alergi dan imunologi. Metode: Penelitian retrospektif data rekam medis pasien Poliklinik Alergi dan Imunologi yang mendapat terapi vitamin D serta kadar vitamin D-25 (OH). Hasil: Sejumlah 97,1% pasien memiliki kadar vitamin D kurang dari normal (insufisiensi vitamin D dan defisiensi vitamin D). Setelah pemberian vitamin D dosis tinggi (1000 IU/hari atau lebih) selama 3 bulan, terjadi peningkatan bermakna status vitamin D. Simpulan: Proporsi defisiensi vitamin D tinggi pada pasien penyakit imunologi dan pemberian vitamin D dosis tinggi (1000 IU/hari atau lebih) dapat meningkatkan status vitamin D pasien dengan penyakit imunologi.Vitamin D also plays a role in influencing and regulating the function of the immune system in the body. Objective: To determine the proportion of vitamin D-25 (OH) deficiency in patients in the Allergy and Immunology Polyclinic, and to evaluate the management of vitamin D-25 (OH) deficiency in patients in the Allergy and Immunology Polyclinic. Methods: Retrospective study on medical records data from Allergy and Immunology Polyclinic patients with vitamin D-25 (OH) level data and with vitamin D therapy. Results: Vitamin D level less than normal in 97,1% patients. After administration of high dose vitamin D (1000 IU/day or more) for 3 months, a significant increase in the patient's vitamin D status was observed. Conclusion: The proportion of vitamin D deficiency in patients with immunological diseases is high and administration of high doses vitamin D (1000 IU/day or more) can improve the vitamin D status


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    Poverty alleviation is not just a matter of making the poor become rich or prosperous, but also regarding the way they looked on poverty. Therefore, poverty alleviation programs should be tailored to the character of the poor, especially on how they think. In previous research has been identified two social psychology characters of the poor that reflect their way of thinking. There are the poor who receives poor and poverty as the destiny (the rural poor) and there are the poor who belief that poor and poverty can be changed (poor urban). These characters can be used as the basis of the poverty alleviation program development. The right program will encourage the poor to overcome their poverty by themselves. This is what we call self-helping model.This study focusing on the empowerment of urban poor groups. Based on previous studies is known that poverty alleviation programs should or even must match the social psychology character of the poor. We argued that the type of poverty alleviation program that matches the urban poor are the program which provides insights on how to develop chances to increase their income, because the urban poor are basically ready to get out of poverty. By using experimental approach, this study aimed to assess the effect of training on the urban poor by comparing conditions before and after training. The module that are tailored to the character of the urban poor are implemented as instrument of treatment. The results showed that after training, urban poor groups that were targeted having an improvement of knowledge about efforts and chances to increase their income and some of them have a business idea

    The Outcome of Orthopedics Treatment of Lombok Earthquake Victim 2018: A Cohort of One-Year Follow-Up Study-Lesson Learned After Lombok Earthquake

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    Fahmi Anshori,1 Achmad Fauzi Kamal,1 Yogi Prabowo,1 Aria Kekalih,2 Rudi Febrianto,3 Dyah Purnaning,3 Ismail Hadisoebroto Dilogo1 1Departement of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia-Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia; 2Community Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia; 3Orthopaedic and Traumatology Division, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine University of Mataram -Regional General Hospital of West Nusa Tenggara, Mataram, IndonesiaCorrespondence: Fahmi Anshori, Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jl. Diponegoro no. 71, Jakarta, 10430, Indonesia, Tel +62 81281710266, Email [email protected]: There was a magnitude 7 on the Richter scale earthquake on Lombok Island in 2018, causing more than 500 deaths. In the event of earthquakes, there is often an imbalance between overcrowding in hospitals and inadequate resources. The initial management of earthquake victims with musculoskeletal injuries is controversial, arguing over whether to utilize debridement, external or internal fixation, or conservative or operative treatment in an acute onset disaster situation. This study aims to determine the outcome of initial management after the 2018 Lombok earthquake, between immediate open-reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) and Non-ORIF procedures after one year follow-up.Methods: This is a cohort study to evaluate radiological and clinical outcomes one year after orthopedic treatment in the Lombok earthquake 2018. The subjects were recruited from eight public health center and one hospital in Lombok in September 2019. We evaluate radiological outcomes (non/malunion and union) and clinical outcomes (infection and SF-36 score).Results: Based on 73 subjects, the ORIF group has a higher union rate than the non-ORIF group (31.1% vs. 68.9%; p = 0.021). Incidence of infection only appeared in the ORIF group (23.5%). Clinical outcome as measured by SF36 showed the ORIF group had a lower mean of general health (p = 0.042) and health change (p = 0.039) clinical outcomes than the non-ORIF group.Discussion: The most affected public group is the productive age with significant impact on social-economy. ORIF procedure is a major risk factor of infection in initial treatment after earthquake. Therefore, definitive operation with internal fixation is not recommended in the initial phase of a disaster. Damage Control Orthopedic (DCO) surgery protocol is the treatment of choice in acute disaster setting.Conclusion: The ORIF group had better radiological outcomes than the non-ORIF group. However the ORIF group had higher cases of infection and lower SF-36 than the non-ORIF group. Definitive treatment in acute onset disaster setting should be prevented.Keywords: ORIF/non-ORIF, infection, acute onset disaster, SF-36, union rat

    Efficacy of Whole-Body versus Lesional Application of Permethrin Cream for Scabies Treatment: A Quasi-Experimental Study

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    Objective: The study aims to evaluate the efficacy of whole-body versus lesional application of 5% permethrin cream for scabies eradication. Design: This quasi-experimental study was conducted on September-October 2018 at boarding schools in Bogor and East Jakarta, Indonesia. Subjects were randomized into two groups, 51 students each. Interventions: The first group received a whole-body application while the second group received lesional application of 5% permethrin cream. Evaluation was performed after 7 and 28 days. Main outcome measures: Proportion of lesions cured following the intervention Results: The prevalence of scabies was 41% and 33% at the boarding schools in Bogor and East Jakarta, respectively. Subjects from both groups had similar lesion distributions at baseline (p>0.05). Following intervention, the number of lesions reduced significantly (p<0.001) and both treatments were equally effective in treating scabies with 84.6% vs 91.5% cure rate [Relative Risk (RR) 1.8(0.6-5.0); p>0.05]. Conclusion: Lesional application of 5% permethrin is proven to be equally effective in treating scabies with higher cure rate. This method shows advantage for scabies treatment. In addition to reduce the unwanted side effects, it is more cost-effective and convenient. Further studies with larger sample size and randomized controlled trial design are warranted. Keywords: scabies, permethrin, whole-body application, lesional application, cure rat