14 research outputs found

    Cost Model for Digital Curation: Cost of Digital Migration: Paper - iPRES 2009 - San Francisco

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    The Danish Ministry of Culture is currently funding a project to set up a model for costing preservation of digital materials held by national cultural heritage institutions. The overall objective of the project is to provide a basis for comparing and estimating future financial requirements for digital preservation and to increase cost effectiveness of digital preservation activities. In this study we describe an activity based costing methodology for digital preservation based on the OAIS Reference Model. In order to estimate the cost of digital migrations we have identified cost critical activities by analysing the OAIS Model, and supplemented this analysis with findings from other models, literature and own experience. To verify the model it has been tested on two sets of data from a normalisation project and a migration project at the Danish National Archives. The study found that the OAIS model provides a sound overall framework for cost breakdown, but that some functions, especially when it comes to performing and evaluating the actual migration, need additional detailing in order to cost activities accurately

    Evaluation And Transcription Of Number 1721 Population Registries Of The Tribes İn Han, Barçın And Sandıklı District Of Karahisar-I Sahib Sanjak ((H.1256/M.1840-1841)

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    Osmanlı Devleti tarihine yönelik araştırma yapılırken başvurulacak yazılı arşiv kaynakları içerisinde Nüfus Defterleri önemli bir yer tutar. Nüfus defterlerinde beşeri unsurlar, zaman ve mekan birlikteliği bir arada yer aldığı için demografik özelliklerin ve şehir tarihinin aydınlatılması bakımından oldukça önemlidir. Osmanlı Devleti’nde gerçek anlamda ilk nüfus sayımı II.Mahmud zamanında yapılmıştır. Yapılan bu sayımda özellikle askere alımlar için Müslümanlar, vergiler için Müslümanların yanında gayrimüslimlerin de kayıtları tutulmuştur. Daha önce yapılan sayımlar daha çok vergi mükelleflerini tespit amacıyla yapıldığından nüfus tespiti açısından yetersiz kalmıştır. Bu çalışmada, 1840-1841 yılı itibariyle Han-Barçın, Sandıklı kazalarındaki aşiretlerin, erkek Müslüman nüfusu hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Aşiret nüfusu ve bu nüfusun fiziki özellikleri, yaşları, tespit edilip, elde edilen bilgiler çerçevesinde değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır.Population records take an important palce avong the main archives to be referred to while researching the history of Ottoman Empire. As the human factors, coexist of time and space are together in the population records, they are very important for illuminating demographics and urban history. The fırst population census in the Ottoman Empire was made during the 2nd Hammut period. In this census, especialy muslim for getting military, for taxpayers not only muslims but olso non-muslims records were kept. The previous population censuses have been insufficient in terms of population determination since they’re made mostly fort he purpose of detecting taxpayers. In the study, as of 1840-41 information was givin about the mole muslim population living in Han-Barçın and Sandıklı. The tribol population and the phsical charateristics and ages of the people living there were determined and evaluated on the basis of the abtained information

    Cost Aspects of Ingest and Normalization: Paper - iPRES 2011 - Singapore

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    The Danish National Archives, and The Royal Library and the State and University Library are in the process of developing a cost model for digital preservation: Each of the functional entities of the OAIS Reference Model are broken down into measurable, cost-critical activities, and formula are being tailored for each of these in order to create a generic tool for estimating the short and long-term costs of digital preservation. This paper presents an introduction to the subject of the costs of digital preservation and describes the method used to develop the Danish Cost Model for Digital Preservation (CMDP). It then describes how the OAIS functional entity, Ingest, has been included in the model. For institutions basing their digital preservation strategy on migration, a major cost pertaining to Ingest is normalization, a digital migration from production to preservation format and structure, which is often quite complex in comparison to the subsequent migrations within the archive. The paper accounts for three aspects of migrations, which are decisive for the costs: the required migration quality, when in the lifecycle the first migration takes place, and how often subsequent migrations are executed. Lastly – with view to increasing the model’s precision – existing cost data from submission projects have been used to test the CMDP and the results of this test are described