711 research outputs found

    Improving the depth sensitivity of time-resolved measurements by extracting the distribution of times-of-flight

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    Time-resolved (TR) techniques provide a means of discriminating photons based on their time-of-flight. Since early arriving photons have a lower probability of probing deeper tissue than photons with long time-of-flight, time-windowing has been suggested as a method for improving depth sensitivity. However, TR measurements also contain instrument contributions (instrument-response-function, IRF), which cause temporal broadening of the measured temporal point-spread function (TPSF) compared to the true distribution of times-of-flight (DTOF). The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of the IRF on the depth sensitivity of TR measurements. TPSFs were acquired on homogeneous and two-layer tissue-mimicking phantoms with varying optical properties. The measured IRF and TPSFs were deconvolved using a stable algorithm to recover the DTOFs. The microscopic Beer-Lambert law was applied to the TPSFs and DTOFs to obtain depth-resolved absorption changes. In contrast to the DTOF, the latest part of the TPSF was not the most sensitive to absorption changes in the lower layer, which was confirmed by computer simulations. The improved depth sensitivity of the DTOF was illustrated in a pig model of the adult human head. Specifically, it was shown that dynamic absorption changes obtained from the late part of the DTOFs recovered from TPSFs acquired by probes positioned on the scalp were similar to absorption changes measured directly on the brain. These results collectively demonstrate that this method improves the depth sensitivity of TR measurements by removing the effects of the IRF. © 2013 Optical Society of America

    Turbo-FLASH based arterial spin labeled perfusion MRI at 7 T.

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    Motivations of arterial spin labeling (ASL) at ultrahigh magnetic fields include prolonged blood T1 and greater signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). However, increased B0 and B1 inhomogeneities and increased specific absorption ratio (SAR) challenge practical ASL implementations. In this study, Turbo-FLASH (Fast Low Angle Shot) based pulsed and pseudo-continuous ASL sequences were performed at 7T, by taking advantage of the relatively low SAR and short TE of Turbo-FLASH that minimizes susceptibility artifacts. Consistent with theoretical predictions, the experimental data showed that Turbo-FLASH based ASL yielded approximately 4 times SNR gain at 7T compared to 3T. High quality perfusion images were obtained with an in-plane spatial resolution of 0.85Ă—1.7 mm(2). A further functional MRI study of motor cortex activation precisely located the primary motor cortex to the precentral gyrus, with the same high spatial resolution. Finally, functional connectivity between left and right motor cortices as well as supplemental motor area were demonstrated using resting state perfusion images. Turbo-FLASH based ASL is a promising approach for perfusion imaging at 7T, which could provide novel approaches to high spatiotemporal resolution fMRI and to investigate the functional connectivity of brain networks at ultrahigh field

    A two-stage approach for measuring vascular water exchange and arterial transit time by diffusion-weighted perfusion MRI

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    Changes in the exchange rate of water across the blood-brain barrier, denoted kw, may indicate blood-brain barrier dysfunction before the leakage of large-molecule contrast agents is observable. A previously proposed approach for measuring kw is to use diffusion-weighted arterial spin labeling to measure the vascular and tissue fractions of labeled water, because the vascular-to-tissue ratio is related to kw. However, the accuracy of diffusion-weighted arterial spin labeling is affected by arterial blood contributions and the arterial transit time (τa). To address these issues, a two-stage method is proposed that uses combinations of diffusion-weighted gradient strengths and post-labeling delays to measure both τa and kw. The feasibility of this method was assessed by acquiring diffusion-weighted arterial spin labeling data from seven healthy volunteers. Repeat measurements and Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to determine the precision and accuracy of the kw estimates. Average grey and white matter kw values were 110 ± 18 and 126 ± 18 min-1, respectively, which compare favorably to blood-brain barrier permeability measurements obtained with positron emission tomography. The intrasubject coefficient of variation was 26% ± 23% in grey matter and 21% ± 17% in white matter, indicating that reproducible kw measurements can be obtained. Copyright © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Direct assessment of extracerebral signal contamination on optical measurements of cerebral blood flow, oxygenation, and metabolism

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    Significance: Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) combined with diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS) provides a noninvasive approach for monitoring cerebral blood flow (CBF), oxygenation, and oxygen metabolism. However, these methods are vulnerable to signal contamination from the scalp. Our work evaluated methods of reducing the impact of this contamination using time-resolved (TR) NIRS and multidistance (MD) DCS. Aim: The magnitude of scalp contamination was evaluated by measuring the flow, oxygenation, and metabolic responses to a global hemodynamic challenge. Contamination was assessed by collecting data with and without impeding scalp blood flow. Approach: Experiments involved healthy participants. A pneumatic tourniquet was used to cause scalp ischemia, as confirmed by contrast-enhanced NIRS, and a computerized gas system to generate a hypercapnic challenge. Results: Comparing responses acquired with and without the tourniquet demonstrated that the TR-NIRS technique could reduce scalp contributions in hemodynamic signals up to 4 times (rSD ÂĽ 3 cm) and 6 times (rSD ÂĽ 4 cm). Similarly, blood flow responses from the scalp and brain could be separated by analyzing MD DCS data with a multilayer model. Using these techniques, there was no change in metabolism during hypercapnia, as expected, despite large increases in CBF and oxygenation. Conclusion: NIRS/DCS can accurately monitor CBF and metabolism with the appropriate enhancement to depth sensitivity, highlighting the potential of these techniques for neuromonitoring

    Bolus tracking with nanofilter-based multispectral videography for capturing microvasculature hemodynamics

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    Multispectral imaging is a highly desirable modality for material-based analysis in diverse areas such as food production and processing, satellite-based reconnaissance, and biomedical imaging. Here, we present nanofilter-based multispectral videography (nMSV) in the 700 to 950â €...nm range made possible by the tunable extraordinary-optical- transmission properties of 3D metallic nanostructures. Measurements made with nMSV during a bolus injection of an intravascular tracer in the ear of a piglet resulted in spectral videos of the microvasculature. Analysis of the multispectral videos generated contrast measurements representative of arterial pulsation, the distribution of microvascular transit times, as well as a separation of the venous and arterial signals arising from within the tissue. Therefore, nMSV is capable of acquiring serial multispectral images relevant to tissue hemodynamics, which may have application to the detection and identification of skin cancer

    Calibration of diffuse correlation spectroscopy with a time-resolved near-infrared technique to yield absolute cerebral blood flow measurements: errata

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    Abstract: The authors provide corrections to tabular data and a figure, which do not alter the conclusions of the original paper [Biomed. Opt. Express 2, 2068 (2011)]

    Potential for photoacoustic imaging of the neonatal brain

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    Photoacoustic imaging (PAI) has been proposed as a non-invasive technique for imaging neonatal brain injury. Since PAI combines many of the merits of both optical and ultrasound imaging, images with high contrast, high resolution, and a greater penetration depth can be obtained when compared to more traditional optical methods. However, due to the strong attenuation and reflection of photoacoustic pressure waves at the skull bone, PAI of the brain is much more challenging than traditional methods (e.g. near infrared spectroscopy) for optical interrogation of the neonatal brain. To evaluate the potential limits the skull places on 3D PAI of the neonatal brain, we constructed a neonatal skull phantom (1.4-mm thick) with a mixture of epoxy and titanium dioxide powder that provided acoustic insertion loss (1-5MHz) similar to human infant skull bone. The phantom was molded into a realistic infant skull shape by means of a CNCmachined mold that was based upon a 3D CAD model. To evaluate the effect of the skull bone on PAI, a photoacoustic point source was raster scanned within the phantom brain cavity to capture the imaging operator of the 3D PAI system (128 ultrasound transducers in a hemispherical arrangement) with and without the intervening skull phantom. The resultant imaging operators were compared to determine the effect of the skull layer on the PA signals in terms of amplitude loss and time delay. © 2013 Copyright SPIE

    Assessing Time-Resolved fNIRS for Brain-Computer Interface Applications of Mental Communication

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    © 2020 Abdalmalak, Milej, Yip, Khan, Diop, Owen and St. Lawrence. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are becoming increasingly popular as a tool to improve the quality of life of patients with disabilities. Recently, time-resolved functional near-infrared spectroscopy (TR-fNIRS) based BCIs are gaining traction because of their enhanced depth sensitivity leading to lower signal contamination from the extracerebral layers. This study presents the first account of TR-fNIRS based BCI for “mental communication” on healthy participants. Twenty-one (21) participants were recruited and were repeatedly asked a series of questions where they were instructed to imagine playing tennis for “yes” and to stay relaxed for “no.” The change in the mean time-of-flight of photons was used to calculate the change in concentrations of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin since it provides a good compromise between depth sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio. Features were extracted from the average oxyhemoglobin signals to classify them as “yes” or “no” responses. Linear-discriminant analysis (LDA) and support vector machine (SVM) classifiers were used to classify the responses using the leave-one-out cross-validation method. The overall accuracies achieved for all participants were 75% and 76%, using LDA and SVM, respectively. The results also reveal that there is no significant difference in accuracy between questions. In addition, physiological parameters [heart rate (HR) and mean arterial pressure (MAP)] were recorded on seven of the 21 participants during motor imagery (MI) and rest to investigate changes in these parameters between conditions. No significant difference in these parameters was found between conditions. These findings suggest that TR-fNIRS could be suitable as a BCI for patients with brain injuries

    Assessing the feasibility of time-resolved fNIRS to detect brain activity during motor imagery

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    Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a non-invasive optical technique for detecting brain activity, which has been previously used during motor and motor executive tasks. There is an increasing interest in using fNIRS as a brain computer interface (BCI) for patients who lack the physical, but not the mental, ability to respond to commands. The goal of this study is to assess the feasibility of time-resolved fNIRS to detect brain activity during motor imagery. Stability tests were conducted to ensure the temporal stability of the signal, and motor imagery data were acquired on healthy subjects. The NIRS probes were placed on the scalp over the premotor cortex (PMC) and supplementary motor area (SMA), as these areas are responsible for motion planning. To confirm the fNIRS results, subjects underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while performing the same task. Seven subjects have participated to date, and significant activation in the SMA and/or the PMC during motor imagery was detected by both fMRI and fNIRS in 4 of the 7 subjects. No activation was detected by either technique in the remaining three participants, which was not unexpected due to the nature of the task. The agreement between the two imaging modalities highlights the potential of fNIRS as a BCI, which could be adapted for bedside studies of patients with disorders of consciousness
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