1,355 research outputs found

    Implementing nonlinear Compton scattering beyond the local constant field approximation

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    In the calculation of probabilities of physical processes occurring in a background classical field, the local constant field approximation (LCFA) relies on the possibility of neglecting the space-time variation of the external field within the region of formation of the process. This approximation is widely employed in strong-field QED as it allows to evaluate probabilities of processes occurring in arbitrary electromagnetic fields starting from the corresponding quantities computed in a constant electromagnetic field. Here, we demonstrate in the case of nonlinear single Compton scattering that the LCFA is quantitatively and qualitatively insufficient for describing the low-energy part of the emitted photon probability. In addition, we provide a simple recipe to implement an improved expression of the photon emission probability beyond the LCFA in numerical codes, which are an essential tool to interpret present and upcoming experiments in strong-field QED.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figur

    Improved local-constant-field approximation for strong-field QED codes

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    The local-constant-field approximation (LCFA) is an essential theoretical tool for investigating strong-field QED phenomena in background electromagnetic fields with complex spacetime structure. In our previous work [Phys.~Rev.~A~\textbf{98}, 012134 (2018)] we have analyzed the shortcomings of the LCFA in nonlinear Compton scattering at low emitted photon energies for the case of a background plane-wave field. Here, we generalize that analysis to background fields, which can feature a virtually arbitrary spacetime structure. In addition, we provide an explicit and simple implementation of an improved expression of the nonlinear Compton scattering differential probability that solves the main shortcomings of the standard LCFA in the infrared region, and is suitable for background electromagnetic fields with arbitrary spacetime structure such as those occurring in particle-in-cell simulations. Finally, we carry out a systematic procedure to calculate the probability of nonlinear Compton scattering per unit of emitted photon light-cone energy and of nonlinear Breit-Wheeler pair production per unit of produced positron light-cone energy beyond the LCFA in a plane-wave background field, which allows us to identify the limits of validity of this approximation quantitatively.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Electron-correlation effects in the gg-factor of light Li-like ions

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    We investigate electron-correlation effects in the gg-factor of the ground state of Li-like ions. Our calculations are performed within the nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics (NRQED) expansion up to two leading orders in the fine-structure constant α\alpha, α2\alpha^2 and α3\alpha^3. The dependence of the NRQED results on the nuclear charge number ZZ is studied and the individual 1/Z1/Z-expansion contributions are identified. Combining the obtained data with the results of the all-order (in ZαZ\alpha) calculations performed within the 1/Z1/Z expansion, we derive the unified theoretical predictions for the gg-factor of light Li-like ions.Comment: 9 pages, 4 table

    Two-mode single-atom laser as a source of entangled light

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    A two-mode single-atom laser is considered, with the aim of generating entanglement in macroscopic light. Two transitions in the four-level gain medium atom independently interact with the two cavity modes, while two other transitions are driven by control laser fields. Atomic relaxation as well as cavity losses are taken into account. We show that this system is a source of macroscopic entangled light over a wide range of control parameters and initial states of the cavity field

    Flexible generation of correlated photon pairs in different frequency ranges

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    The feasibility to generate correlated photon pairs at variable frequencies is investigated. For this purpose, we consider the interaction of an off-resonant laser field with a two-level system possessing broken inversion symmetry. We show that the system generates non-classical photon pairs exhibiting strong intensity-intensity correlations. The intensity of the applied laser tunes the degree of correlation while the detuning controls the frequency of one of the photons which can be in the THz-domain. Furthermore, we observe the violation of a Cauchy-Schwarz inequality characterizing these photons.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Coherent control in a decoherence-free subspace of a collective multi-level system

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    Decoherence-free subspaces (DFS) in systems of dipole-dipole interacting multi-level atoms are investigated theoretically. It is shown that the collective state space of two dipole-dipole interacting four-level atoms contains a four-dimensional DFS. We describe a method that allows to populate the antisymmetric states of the DFS by means of a laser field, without the need of a field gradient between the two atoms. We identify these antisymmetric states as long-lived entangled states. Further, we show that any single-qubit operation between two states of the DFS can be induced by means of a microwave field. Typical operation times of these qubit rotations can be significantly shorter than for a nuclear spin system.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    Nuclear quantum optics with x-ray laser pulses

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    The direct interaction of nuclei with super-intense laser fields is studied. We show that present and upcoming high-frequency laser facilities, especially together with a moderate acceleration of the target nuclei, do allow for resonant laser-nucleus interaction. These direct interactions may be utilized for the optical measurement of nuclear properties such as the transition frequency and the dipole moment, thus opening the field of nuclear quantum optics. As ultimate goal, one may hope that direct laser-nucleus interactions could become a versatile tool to enhance preparation, control and detection in nuclear physics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 eps figures, revised versio

    Collective coherent population trapping in a thermal field

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    We analyzed the efficiency of coherent population trapping (CPT) in a superposition of the ground states of three-level atoms under the influence of the decoherence process induced by a broadband thermal field. We showed that in a single atom there is no perfect CPT when the atomic transitions are affected by the thermal field. The perfect CPT may occur when only one of the two atomic transitions is affected by the thermal field. In the case when both atomic transitions are affected by the thermal field, we demonstrated that regardless of the intensity of the thermal field the destructive effect on the CPT can be circumvented by the collective behavior of the atoms. An analytic expression was obtained for the populations of the upper atomic levels which can be considered as a measure of the level of thermal decoherence. The results show that the collective interaction between the atoms can significantly enhance the population trapping in that the population of the upper state decreases with increased number of atoms. The physical origin of this feature was explained by the semiclassical dressed atom model of the system. We introduced the concept of multiatom collective coherent population trapping by demonstrating the existence of collective (entangled) states whose storage capacity is larger than that of the equivalent states of independent atoms.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Strong signatures of radiation reaction below the radiation dominated regime

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    The influence of radiation reaction (RR) on multiphoton Thomson scattering by an electron colliding head-on with a strong laser beam is investigated in a new regime, in which the momentum transferred on average to the electron by the laser pulse approximately compensates the one initially prepared. This equilibrium is shown to be far more sensitive to the influence of RR than previously studied scenarios. As a consequence RR can be experimentally investigated with currently available laser systems and the underlying widely discussed theoretical equations become testable for the first time.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Light diffraction by a strong standing electromagnetic wave

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    The nonlinear quantum interaction of a linearly polarized x-ray probe beam with a focused intense standing laser wave is studied theoretically. Because of the tight focusing of the standing laser pulse, diffraction effects arise for the probe beam as opposed to the corresponding plane wave scenario. A quantitative estimate for realistic experimental conditions of the ellipticity and the rotation of the main polarization plane acquired by the x-ray probe after the interaction shows that the implementation of such vacuum effects is feasible with future X-ray Free Electron Laser light.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Published versio