5 research outputs found

    Domestic safety and accidents risk perception by active elderly

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    The improvement in the quality of life of older people goes far beyond the responsibility of the healthcare sector. Thus, it seems necessary to create accident prevention strategies and manage all the conditions involving the physical and social environment of the elderly. Although it is widely recognized that aging is a process that affects all human beings, it is noted that very often the elderly refuse to notice or consider this process, since the residential dwellings remain without any adjustments or with slightly adaptations, for almost their entire life. The purpose of this study is to discuss the perception of the elderly regarding the relationship between accident risk at home and their physical condition when performing daily activities, by establishing a comparison between the activities carried out by the elderly and the needed home adjustments throughout their life cycle

    Avaliação em promoção da saúde: foco no "município saudável" Health promotion evaluation: focus on "healthy cities"

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    Sendo o movimento de cidades/municípios saudáveis uma estratégia de promoção da saúde, elaborou-se um trabalho de atualização de informações com o objetivo de contextualizar o debate da avaliação no campo da promoção da saúde, apontando os princípios que devem nortear o estabelecimento de um processo avaliativo e problematizar este tema quanto aos projetos de cidades/municípios saudáveis. Propõe-se uma tipologia que classifica os artigos indexados nas bases de dados MedLine e Lilacs, entre 1985 e 2000, sobre o tema "cidades/municípios saudáveis" de acordo com a ênfase de cada artigo analisado. Os artigos que enfatizam iniciativas de avaliação de projetos são analisados com maior detalhamento, tabulando-os em função da metodologia utilizada, dos instrumentos aplicados, dos indicadores produzidos, dos resultados obtidos e da análise crítica do modelo adotado. Destacam-se iniciativas de avaliação de "cidades/municípios saudáveis", que se aproximariam mais dos princípios da "promoção da saúde", e que adotam a avaliação, mas como instrumento de construção de capacidades e fortalecimento de grupos populacionais envolvidos com projetos nessa temática.<br>Since the Healthy City movement is a health promotion strategy, an update study was carried out to put into context the health promotion evaluation debate stressing the principles to be considered in an evaluation initiative and in the problematic of Health Cities projects. A literature review of "Healthy Cities" was conducted. A typology based on of Healthy Cities papers found in MEDLINE, LILACS and published in the "Health Promotion International" between 1985 and 2000 was proposed taking into consideration the main focus of each paper. Articles on evaluation were analyzed in more details according to stressing methods, research tools, indicators, study results, and critical appraisal of their models. Finally, it is highlighted initiatives that would come close to the principles of "Health Promotion" and adopt evaluation as a tool for building up capabilities and the empowerment of community groups involved with Healthy Cities initiatives