109 research outputs found

    Hrvatska tradicija Priče o Akiru premudrom u južnoslavenskim prijepisima

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    This paper attempts to uncover the textual relationships between Croatian manuscripts of the Story of Akir the Wise and other South Slavonic copies of the same text. The Story of Akir the Wise, an apocryphal text originating in the ancient Middle East earlier than 500 B.C., was translated into Church Slavonic, probably in the 12th or the 13th century. The story was disseminated mostly among the Orthodox Slavs, but was also transmitted to the Catholic Slavs in Croatia. The South Slavonic copies, although outnumbered by the Russian ones, include the oldest extant manuscript preserved at the Savina Monastery in Montenegro. The question of the Slavonic archetype of the Story is still open because of the absence of a Greek recension. In Croatia, three copies have been preserved in Glagolitic, Cyrillic, and Latin scripts. This paper treats the South Slavonic copies of the Story, composed from the 14th to the 17th century inside and outside Croatia, and points out some textual features connecting the Croatian copies with other Cyrillic copies composed in Serbia and Bulgaria. Based on text-critical analysis, it is argued that the Croatian copies have a common source, which is a descendent of another older source that appeared in the Slavia Orthodoxa; some Serbian and Bulgarian copies also derived from that source. The paper also argues that the scribes of the Story not only copied their source texts but furthermore intentionally engaged in editing their texts in accordance with the language practices and social environment within which they worked.Priča o Akiru premudrom, apokrifna priča koja potječe s antičkoga Bliskog istoka iz vremena prije 500. g. pr. Kr., prevedena je na crkvenoslavenski jezik najvjerojatnije u 12. ili 13. stoljeću. Priča je bila raširena pretežno među pravoslavnim Slavenima, većinom u Rusiji, no ipak je prispjela i do Hrvatske, u Dalmaciju. Najstariji prijepis sačuvan je na Balkanu, što sugerira da je prvi prijevod nastao na južnoslavenskom području, premda konačno rješenje pitanja o nastanku slavenskoga prijevoda još i danas ostaje otvoreno, zbog nepostojanja grčke verzije. U Hrvatskoj je priča poznata po trima prijepisima, napisanim na glagoljskom, ćiriličnom i latiničnom pismu. U radu se predstavlja tekstualni odnos južnoslavenskih prijepisa Priče, nastalih između 14. i 17. stoljeća, te se iznosi dosada neprimijećena povezanost triju hrvatskih prijepisa s dvama rukopisima očuvanima u Srbiji i Bugarskoj. Na temelju analiza jezičnih i sadržajnih značajka južnoslavenskih prijepisa Priče prikazuje se postanak različitih redakcija hrvatskih i drugih južnoslavenskih prijepisa. Ističe se kakva je pri tome bila uloga prepisivača, koji nisu samo prepisali, nego su preradili prethodni tekst u skladu s jezičnom praksom i društvenim uvjetimau kojima su djelovali

    Prefiks uz- i zavisni futur u hrvatskom jeziku

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    This paper deals with a special verb form prefixed with uz- in Croatian. Uz-prefixed present forms from imperfective verbs, known as a functional equivalent to the second future, are rarely used in contemporary Croatian, despite the inclusion of this phenomenon in standard grammars. Based on dialectal as well as diachronic evidence, this paper defines the use of the uz-prefixed present as a remnant of old Štokavian features. Further, connecting this form to the old Czech vz- future, the author argues that it originated from a particular usage of the prefix *vъz- in old Slavic dialects, which originally marked the perfective aspect but became by reanalysis a future marker. The Czech prefix po- used to form the future tense of motion verbs is considered as indicative; similar to the Czech po-, the uz-prefixed present is characterized as a synthetic future imperfective form, but one that is only available in the subordinate clause whose matrix has future reference.Rad je posvećen posebnom glagolskom obliku s prefiksom uz- u hrvatskom jeziku. Riječ je o prezentskom obliku glagola s prefiksalnim morfemom uz- koji se smatra funkcionalnim ekvivalentom futura drugog, no rijetko se upotrebljava u suvremenom jeziku. Na osnovi dijalektnih i povijesnih podataka, utvrđuje se da je ovaj oblik ostatak stare štokavske jezične osobine. Razmatrajući analogni prezentski oblik s prefiksalnim elementom vz- u staročeškom jeziku, nastanak toga oblika autorica povezuje s funkcijom prefiksa uz- koji se prvobitno upotrebljavao u tvorbi svršenih glagola, ali je bio reanaliziran kao oznaka budućega vremena. Raspravlja se i o morfološkom statusu toga oblika kao o sintetičkom obliku futura glagola nesvršenoga vida, analogna obliku budućega vremena nesvršenih glagola kretanja koji se u suvremenome češkom jeziku tvore s prefiksom po-

    Multivesicular Body Formation Requires OSBP–Related Proteins and Cholesterol

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    In eukaryotes, different subcellular organelles have distinct cholesterol concentrations, which is thought to be critical for biological functions. Oxysterol-binding protein-related proteins (ORPs) have been assumed to mediate nonvesicular cholesterol trafficking in cells; however, their in vivo functions and therefore the biological significance of cholesterol in each organelle are not fully understood. Here, by generating deletion mutants of ORPs in Caenorhabditis elegans, we show that ORPs are required for the formation and function of multivesicular bodies (MVBs). In an RNAi enhancer screen using obr quadruple mutants (obr-1; -2; -3; -4), we found that MVB–related genes show strong genetic interactions with the obr genes. In obr quadruple mutants, late endosomes/lysosomes are enlarged and membrane protein degradation is retarded, although endocytosed soluble proteins are normally delivered to lysosomes and degraded. We also found that the cholesterol content of late endosomes/lysosomes is reduced in the mutants. In wild-type worms, cholesterol restriction induces the formation of enlarged late endosomes/lysosomes, as observed in obr quadruple mutants, and increases embryonic lethality upon knockdown of MVB–related genes. Finally, we show that knockdown of ORP1L, a mammalian ORP family member, induces the formation of enlarged MVBs in HeLa cells. Our in vivo findings suggest that the proper cholesterol level of late endosomes/lysosomes generated by ORPs is required for normal MVB formation and MVB–mediated membrane protein degradation

    Pink-Colored Grape Berry Is the Result of Short Insertion in Intron of Color Regulatory Gene

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    We report here that pink grape berries were obtained by a short insertion in the intron of the MybA1 gene, a gene that regulates grape berry color. Genetic variation was detected among the MybA1 genes from grapes cultivated worldwide. PCR analysis of the MybA1 gene demonstrated that the size of the MybA1 gene in the red allele differs among grapes. Oriental V. vinifera bearing pink berries has the longest MybA1 gene among grapes, whereas the shortest MybA1 gene was detected in occidental V. vinifera grapes. The nucleotide sequences of the MybA1 genes demonstrated that oriental V. vinifera has two additional gene fragments (44 bp and 111 bp) in the promoter region of the MybA1 gene in the red allele and another 33 bp fragment in the second intron of the MybA1 gene in the red allele. The short insertion in the intron decreased the transcription activity in the model system and retained MybA1 transcripts with unspliced intron in the total RNA. From the experiments using deletion mutants of the 33 bp short insertion, 16 bp of the 3′ end in the insertion is a key structure for a defect in splicing of MybA1 transcripts. Thus, a weakly colored grape berry might be a result of the short insertion in the intron of a color regulatory gene. This is new evidence concerning the molecular mechanism of the fate of grape berry color. These findings are expected to contribute to the further understanding of the color variation in grape berries, which is correlated with the evolutional events occurring in the MybA1 gene of grapes

    β-Catenin asymmetry is regulated by PLA1 and retrograde traffic in C. elegans stem cell divisions

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    Asymmetric division is an important property of stem cells. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the Wnt/β-catenin asymmetry pathway determines the polarity of most asymmetric divisions. The Wnt signalling components such as β-catenin localize asymmetrically to the cortex of mother cells to produce two distinct daughter cells. However, the molecular mechanism to polarize them remains to be elucidated. Here, we demonstrate that intracellular phospholipase A1 (PLA1), a poorly characterized lipid-metabolizing enzyme, controls the subcellular localizations of β-catenin in the terminal asymmetric divisions of epithelial stem cells (seam cells). In mutants of ipla-1, a single C. elegans PLA1 gene, cortical β-catenin is delocalized and the asymmetry of cell-fate specification is disrupted in the asymmetric divisions. ipla-1 mutant phenotypes are rescued by expression of ipla-1 in seam cells in a catalytic activity-dependent manner. Furthermore, our genetic screen utilizing ipla-1 mutants reveals that reduction of endosome-to-Golgi retrograde transport in seam cells restores normal subcellular localization of β-catenin to ipla-1 mutants. We propose that membrane trafficking regulated by ipla-1 provides a mechanism to control the cortical asymmetry of β-catenin