3 research outputs found

    Cumulates of arc magmas incorporated into the Sulu UHP metamorphic belt, eastern China

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT</p><p>The Hujialin ultramafic complex in the central region of the Sulu ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt consists of discontinuous lenses of garnet-bearing clinopyroxenite and dunite surrounded by marginal serpentinite. The clinopyroxenite shows relatively low concentrations of compatible elements, such as Cr (≤1670 ppm) and Ni (≤514 ppm) and Ir-group platinum group elements (IPGE; Ir, Os, and Ru; ≤4.8 ppb in total). They show varying ratios (0.02–2.50) of IPGE to Pd-group PGE (PPGE). Their chondrite-normalized rare earth elements (REE) patterns are convex and the total REE concentrations range from 18 to 63 times that of Cl chondrite. The bulk rocks show a ‘subduction-related’ geochemical signature, with high concentrations of fluid-mobile elements (i.e. Sr, Ba) relative to high-field strength elements (i.e. Nb, Y, Zr). Clinopyroxene is diopside and contains low Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> (<2.76 wt.%) and high SiO<sub>2</sub> (54.6–56.9 wt.%). Olivine grains enclosed by clinopyroxene and in the matrix show relatively low Fo (76.6–80.7) and NiO contents (0.18–0.29 wt.%). The bulk rock compositions and mineral chemistry of olivine and clinopyroxene suggest that the unit was a cumulate of a subduction-related melt. On the other hand, dunite and its hydration product, serpentinite, have a different origin. The bulk rock and mineral chemistry suggest that dunite represents a mantle wedge peridotite in a spinel-stable field. Both clinopyroxenite and spinel-bearing dunite were once located in the mantle wedge below the southern margin of the North China craton (NCC), and were dragged by a mantle flow into the continental subduction channel along the interface between the subducting Yangtze craton (YZC) and the overlying NCC. Although clinopyroxenite and dunite are dense (2.8–3.2 g/cm<sup>3</sup>), the buoyancy-driven exhumation of voluminous granitic rocks of the YZC likely brought clinopyroxenite and dunite to shallow crustal depths. The lack of the evidence for high pressure to ultra-high pressure (HP-UHP) metamorphism in spinel-bearing dunite may be explained by overall low Al and Ca in the bulk rocks. Alternatively, dunite was not subducted to deep levels, but exhumed together with the deeply subducted clinopyroxenites and granite during their exhumation.</p></div

    Early Palaeozoic sub-arc chromitite-bearing peridotite in the Kudi ophiolite on the westernmost Tibetan Plateau

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    <p>A chromite deposit was discovered in the Kudi ophiolite in the Palaeozoic western Kunlun orogenic belt. Chromite forms elongated (<2 m in width) and banded chromitite bodies (<0.1 m in width for each band) in dunite and podiform chromitite bodies (<1.5 m in width) in harzburgite. Dunite is classified into two types. Type I dunite hosting massive and banded chromitites shows low Fo in olivine (88.1–90.9), moderate Cr<sup>#</sup> [=Cr/(Cr + Al), 0.47–0.56] in chromite, and a positively sloped primitive mantle-normalized platinum group elements (PGE) pattern, suggesting that it is a cumulate of a mafic melt. Harzburgite and type II dunite show olivine with high Fo (>91.1) and chromite with moderate to high Cr<sup>#</sup> (0.44–0.61), and flat to negatively sloped primitive mantle-normalized PGE patterns, indicating that they are residual mantle peridotite after partial melting. Chromite in all three types of chromitites has relatively uniform moderate values Cr<sup>#</sup> ranging from 0.43 to 0.56. Massive chromitite contains euhedral chromite with high TiO<sub>2</sub> (0.40–0.43 wt.%) and has a positively sloped primitive mantle-normalized PGE pattern, suggesting that it represents a cumulate of a melt. Rocks containing disseminated and banded chromite show overall low total PGE, < 117 ppb, and a negatively sloped primitive mantle-normalized PGE pattern. Chromite grains in these two types of occurrences are irregular in shape and enclose olivine grains, suggesting that chromite formed later than olivine. We suggest that chromite-oversaturated melt penetrated into the pre-existing dunite and crystallized chromite. The oxygen fugacity (<i>f</i>O<sub>2</sub> values of chromitites and peridotites are high, ranging from FMQ+0.8 (0.8 logarithmic unit above the fayalite-magnetite-quartz buffer) to FMQ+2.3 for chromitites and from FMQ+0.9 to FMQ+2.8 for peridotites (dunite and harzburgite). The mineral compositions and high <i>f</i>O<sub>2</sub> values as well as estimated parental magma compositions of the chromitites suggest that the Kudi ophiolite formed in a sub-arc setting.</p