324 research outputs found
The Flint Hills Breadbasket
Describes campus and community collaboration to provide emergency food supplies in Manhattan Kansas
Utilization of Clinical Practice Guidelines: Barriers and Facilitators
Key points
• Clinical practice guidelines are tools used to assist health care professionals in clinical decision making with the ultimate goal of improving patient care.
• Promoting the implementation of clinical practice guidelines at the point of care delivery is a hurdle to translating scientific findings into practice.
• As access to electronic evidence sources increase, the amount of evidence available to clinicians for clinical decision support is overwhelming.
• Increased adoption of electronic health records and clinical decision support tools will move clinical practice guidelines more rapidly to the patient encounter
John Keat’s journey to an understanding of the poet’s place in society
M.A. University of Kansas, English 196
Group comparison in social science research is a common and informative practice. The establishment of measurement invariance between groups is a statistical prerequisite before making group mean comparisons; however, researchers often do not include measurement invariance assessments before making group comparisons. The current study assessed the measurement invariance for data from the short version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) for the generational cohort groups of Boomers and Millennials within the leisure and hospitality industry. Group equivalency was determined by utilizing propensity score matching before conducting measurement invariance assessments through the confirmatory factor analysis technique. Measurement invariance results between groups were discussed for both the three-factor and the single-factor models of work engagement. Latent mean analysis was conducted for each model, and latent mean differences are reported respective to each analysis. The study included an assessment of common method variance using the comprehensive confirmatory factor analysis latent marker technique. The study’s results confirmed measurement invariance for data from UWES-9 between Boomers and Millennials for the equivalent samples, and the study suggested that Boomers are not more engaged at work than Millennials. This finding was contradictory to much of the leisure and hospitality literature where Boomers are often cited as the more engaged generational cohort. Implications to theory, research, and practice were discussed
Using Audit and Feedback to Improve Compliance to Medication-Assisted Treatment Recommendations
Using Audit and Feedback to Improve Compliance to Medication-Assisted Treatment Recommendations
Jacob Burns, DNPc, RN
Project Advisor: Melanie Keiffer, DNP, APRN, ANP-BC, CNE
Background: Of the 111 opioid deaths reported in the State of Vermont in 2019, 30 were found to be prescription opioid-related and accidental. Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT) programs support patients with substance use disorders, promoting recovery and preventing overdose. Vermont uses the “Hub and Spoke” model to increase the availability of MAT for patients with OUD (Opioid Use Disorder) by increasing the number of primary care providers who prescribe buprenorphine. Hubs are the specialty opioid treatment programs while spokes are the office-based community settings where a patient receives ongoing follow up integrated into general medical care. Evidence-based documentation guidelines and clinical quality measures exist to improve the quality of care for these patients. Adherence to evidence-based treatment guidelines at one spoke practice setting was unknown.
Purpose: This project sought to evaluate compliance to evidence-based treatment recommendations for patients being treated with MAT through evaluation of provider documentation.
Methods: A documentation evaluation tool was created using the recommended American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry clinical quality measures and evidence-based practice recommendations. A retrospective review of electronic health record documentation was conducted to assess the presence or absence of 16 recommended quality measures within the provider clinical visit notes (n=12).
Results: Overall, documentation was compliant with evidence-based recommendations in most quality measures. A clinical documentation template with recommendations for improvement in 4 elements was created.
Conclusion: Audit and feedback of clinical records by providers improves consistency of documentation and may result in improved outcomes for patients with substance use disorder.
Keywords: Medication Assisted Treatment, MAT, Opioid Used disorder, OUD, Hub and Spoke, provider documentation, adherence to guidelines
Site Advisor: Betsy Ellis-Kempner, MS, APR
Improving the Use of LGBTQ+ Inclusive Language Among the Health Care Team
Background: Inclusive language is the avoidance of terms or expressions that could be considered sexist or biased against any group of people. When providing care to LGBTQ+ patients, health care providers often struggle with the use of inclusive language. Evidence reveals education on inclusive language improves the knowledge, comfort, and confidence of health care providers, nurses, and medical students LGBTQ+. Patients report higher patient satisfaction and better clinical outcomes with providers who use inclusive terminology.
Purpose: This quality improvement (QI) project aimed to increase the health care team’s knowledge and comfort in the use of LGBTQ+ inclusive language by December 2023.
Methods: The project site was a rural primary care clinic in a northeastern state. Preliminary data was collected to determine whether preferred pronouns and gender identify information was documented in the electronic health record (EHR). Education on LGBTQ+ inclusive language was delivered to healthcare providers and supporting staff. Resources to support the use of LGBTQ+ inclusive language were distributed.
Findings: The documentation of preferred pronouns and gender identity in the electronic health record was 100% (n=106). After the intervention, the post-education survey revealed participant’s (n=17/22) agreed that knowledge and comfort level increased in relation to use of LGBTQ+ inclusive language. Post intervention, 88% of participants planned to take action to apply gender inclusive language in the workplace.
Conclusion: Education on inclusive language improved the knowledge and comfort of health care staff. Taking action to apply gender inclusive care language is essential to providing patient-centered care.
Keywords: LGBTQ+ health education, inclusive languag
The article aims to shed light on some particular aspects of the activity and the scientific thought of Baccio Baldini, Director of the Laurentian Library and Court physician of the Medici family in Florence. The analysis of his work as a humanist and the recovery of some unpublished documents enable to define the figure of Baldini as a paradigmatic example of the court physicians of modern age in Italy, highlighting the complementarity between humanism and experimentalism in the Renaissance medicine
The Influence of Inoculated and Native Ectomycorrhizal Fungi on Morphology, Physiology and Survival of American Chestnut
The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of five different species of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi on root colonization of native fungi on putatively blight resistant chestnut hybrids (Castanea dentata x C. mollissima) in a reclaimed mine site in central Ohio. The five species were Hebeloma crustuliniforme, Laccaria bicolor, Scleroderma polyrhizum, Amanita rubescens, and Suillus luteus. We used a combination of DNA sequencing of the ITS region and phylogenetic analyses to indentify fungi found on roots after 12 and 18 months in the field. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordinations were used to determine if ECM community composition was influenced by the fungal inoculum used. The results of this study demonstrated that the selected ECM species do not persist on chestnut after one year in the field. In addition, these selected ECM species did not impede natural root colonization of native fungi or influence ECM community composition after two growing seasons. Although these species did not persist in the field, the presence of ECM inoculum (with the exception of Amanita) greatly contributed to the survival of hybrid chestnut seedlings. Therefore, introduced inoculum that was present in the very early stages of outplanting had persisting effects with regard to seedling establishment in the field, even if the original inoculum did not persist. ECM fungi native to the area colonized chestnuts resulting in increased growth rates. These native assemblages may contain species better able to form functional mycorrhizas under these environmental extremes. Therefore, the conservation of these species may be necessary to facilitate long-term survival of deciduous tree species historically native to these lands
The Role of Ethylene in Systemic Acquired Resistance in Moss
The moss species Physcomitrella patens and Amblystegium serpens were used to categorize the effects of the phytohormone ethylene in the plant-pathogen response mechanism systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in non-vascular plants. The results outlined in this thesis found that individual exposure to the ethylene precursor molecules ACC and ethephon both up-regulated ethylene responsive genes in P. patens, demonstrating a positive response to ethylene exposure in the moss. Exposure to ACC and ethephon in A. serpens followed by inoculation with the fungal pathogen Pythium irregulare demonstrated an ambiguous resistance response induced by ethylene exposure in the moss. The growth rate of P. irregulare on BCD media when exposed to concentrations of ACC and ethephon was also measured, to determine any inhibitory effects of the ethylene precursor molecules on fungal pathogen growth
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