12 research outputs found

    Ganglioside GM3 Synthase Deficiency in Mouse Models and Human Patients

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    Gangliosides (glycosphingolipids containing one or more sialic acids) are highly expressed in neural tissues in vertebrates, and four species (GM1a, GD1a, GD1b, GT1b) are predominant in mammalian brains. GM3 is the precursor of each of these four species and is the major ganglioside in many nonneural tissues. GM3 synthase (GM3S), encoded by ST3GAL5 gene in humans, is a sialyltransferase responsible for synthesis of GM3 from its precursor, lactosylceramide. ST3GAL5 mutations cause an autosomal recessive form of severe infantile-onset neurological disease characterized by progressive microcephaly, intellectual disability, dyskinetic movements, blindness, deafness, intractable seizures, and pigment changes. Some of these clinical features are consistently present in patients with ST3GAL5 mutations, whereas others have variable expression. GM3S knockout (KO) mice have deafness and enhanced insulin sensitivity, but otherwise do not display the above-described neurological defects reported in ST3GAL5 patients. The authors present an overview of physiological functions and pathological aspects of gangliosides based on findings from studies of GM3S KO mice and discuss differential phenotypes of GM3S KO mice versus human GM3S-deficiency patients

    Loss of branched O-mannosyl glycans in astrocytes accelerates remyelination.

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    In demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis, a critical problem is failure of remyelination, which is important for protecting axons against degeneration and restoring conduction deficits. However, the underlying mechanism of demyelination/remyelination remains unclear. N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-IX (GnT-IX; also known as GnT-Vb) is a brain-specific glycosyltransferase that catalyzes the branched formation of O-mannosyl glycan structures. O-Mannosylation of α-dystroglycan is critical for its function as an extracellular matrix receptor, but the biological significance of its branched structures, which are exclusively found in the brain, is unclear. In this study, we found that GnT-IX formed branched O-mannosyl glycans on receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase β (RPTPβ) in vivo. Since RPTPβ is thought to play a regulatory role in demyelinating diseases, GnT-IX-deficient mice were subjected to cuprizone-induced demyelination. Cuprizone feeding for 8 weeks gradually promoted demyelination in wild-type mice. In GnT-IX-deficient mice, the myelin content in the corpus callosum was reduced after 4 weeks of treatment, but markedly increased at 8 weeks, suggesting enhanced remyelination under GnT-IX deficiency. Furthermore, astrocyte activation in the corpus callosum of GnT-IX-deficient mice was significantly attenuated, and an oligodendrocyte cell lineage analysis indicated that more oligodendrocyte precursor cells differentiated into mature oligodendrocytes. Together, branched O-mannosyl glycans in the corpus callosum in the brain are a necessary component of remyelination inhibition in the cuprizone-induced demyelination model, suggesting that modulation of O-mannosyl glycans is a likely candidate for therapeutic strategies

    High expression of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V in favorable neuroblastomas: Involvement of its effect on apoptosis

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    AbstractNeuroblastoma (NBL), derived from the sympathetic precursor cells, is one of the most common pediatric solid tumors. The expression of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V and IX (GnT-V and GnT-IX) mRNA in 126 primary NBLs were quantitatively analyzed and higher expression levels of GnT-V were found to be associated with favorable stages (1, 2 and 4s). Conversely, the downregulation of GnT-V expression by small interfering RNA resulted in a decrease in the susceptibility to cell apoptosis induced by retinoic acid in NBL cells accompanied by morphological change. These results suggest that GnT-V is associated with prognosis by modulating the sensitivity of NBLs to apoptosis

    Loss of α-Dystroglycan Laminin Binding in Epithelium-derived Cancers Is Caused by Silencing of LARGE*S⃞♦

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    The interaction between epithelial cells and the extracellular matrix is crucial for tissue architecture and function and is compromised during cancer progression. Dystroglycan is a membrane receptor that mediates interactions between cells and basement membranes in various epithelia. In many epithelium-derived cancers, β-dystroglycan is expressed, but α-dystroglycan is not detected. Here we report that α-dystroglycan is correctly expressed and trafficked to the cell membrane but lacks laminin binding as a result of the silencing of the like-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (LARGE) gene in a cohort of highly metastatic epithelial cell lines derived from breast, cervical, and lung cancers. Exogenous expression of LARGE in these cancer cells restores the normal glycosylation and laminin binding of α-dystroglycan, leading to enhanced cell adhesion and reduced cell migration in vitro. Our findings demonstrate that LARGE repression is responsible for the defects in dystroglycan-mediated cell adhesion that are observed in epithelium-derived cancer cells and point to a defect of dystroglycan glycosylation as a factor in cancer progression