407 research outputs found

    A Long Way From Home: Transatlantic Sea Star Migration

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    For a marine biologist strolling along the eastern coast of South America, finding some sea stars (popularly called starfish, and technically members of the class Asteroidea of the phylum Echinodermata) is not all that unusual. However, when closer inspection reveals the sea stars to be ones that are also found on the shores of the western coast of Africa, the marine biologist now faces an interesting question: How did these sea stars come to be so far from home? Originally published in Consortiumand used with permission

    Gravitational collapse to extremal black holes and the third law of black hole thermodynamics

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    We construct examples of black hole formation from regular, one-ended asymptotically flat Cauchy data for the Einstein-Maxwell-charged scalar field system in spherical symmetry which are exactly isometric to extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"om after a finite advanced time along the event horizon. Moreover, in each of these examples the apparent horizon of the black hole coincides with that of a Schwarzschild solution at earlier advanced times. In particular, our result can be viewed as a definitive disproof of the "third law of black hole thermodynamics." The main step in the construction is a novel CkC^k characteristic gluing procedure, which interpolates between a light cone in Minkowski space and a Reissner-Nordstr\"om event horizon with specified charge to mass ratio e/Me/M. Our setup is inspired by the recent work of Aretakis-Czimek-Rodnianski on perturbative characteristic gluing for the Einstein vacuum equations. However, our construction is fundamentally nonperturbative and is based on a finite collection of scalar field pulses which are modulated by the Borsuk-Ulam theorem.Comment: Final version, 46 pages + references, 14 figure

    Every Data Point Counts: Political Elections in the Age of Digital Analytics

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    Synthesizing the investigative research and cautionary messages from experts in the fields of technology, political science, and behavioral science, this project explores the ways in which digital analytics has begun to influence the American political arena. Historically, political parties have constructed systems to target voters and win elections. However, rapid changes in the field of technology (such as big data, artificial intelligence, and the prevalence of social media) threaten to undermine the integrity of elections themselves. Future political campaigns will utilize profiling to micro-target individuals in order to manipulate and persuade them with hyper-personalized political content. Most dangerously, the average American voter does not understand how these technologies will influence elections. This research project simplifies the complex technological and sociopolitical landscape in order to educate the public on the issue. Even more important than understanding the problem is arming people with practical solutions to combat this intimidating problem. Therefore, this project utilizes the language of visual design to turn something complex and intimidating into something approachable and empowering. This academic and creative contribution aims to ensure that American elections remain free and fair

    Extremal black hole formation as a critical phenomenon

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    In this paper, we prove that extremal black holes arise on the threshold of gravitational collapse. More precisely, we construct smooth one-parameter families of smooth, spherically symmetric solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell-Vlasov system which interpolate between dispersion and collapse and for which the critical solution is an extremal black hole. Physically, these solutions can be understood as beams of gravitationally self-interacting collisionless charged particles fired into Minkowski space from past infinity. Depending on the precise value of the parameter, we show that the Vlasov matter either disperses due to the combined effects of angular momentum and electromagnetic repulsion, or undergoes gravitational collapse. At the critical value of the parameter, an extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole is formed. No naked singularities occur as the extremal threshold is crossed. We call this critical phenomenon extremal critical collapse and the present work constitutes the first rigorous result on the black hole formation threshold in general relativity.Comment: 91 pages + references, 16 figure
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