30 research outputs found

    Two-Stage Dynamics of In Vivo Bacteriophage Genome Ejection

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    Biopolymer translocation is a key step in viral infection processes. The transfer of information-encoding genomes allows viruses to reprogram the cell fate of their hosts. Constituting 96% of all known bacterial viruses [A. Fokine and M. G. Rossmann, Molecular architecture of tailed double-stranded DNA phages, Bacteriophage 4, e28281 (2014)], the tailed bacteriophages deliver their DNA into host cells via an “ejection” process, leaving their protein shells outside of the bacteria; a similar scenario occurs for mammalian viruses like herpes, where the DNA genome is ejected into the nucleus of host cells, while the viral capsid remains bound outside to a nuclear-pore complex. In light of previous experimental measurements of in vivo bacteriophage λ ejection, we analyze here the physical processes that give rise to the observed dynamics. We propose that, after an initial phase driven by self-repulsion of DNA in the capsid, the ejection is driven by anomalous diffusion of phage DNA in the crowded bacterial cytoplasm. We expect that this two-step mechanism is general for phages that operate by pressure-driven ejection, and we discuss predictions of our theory to be tested in future experiments

    Validation of the detection of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. using specific RNA probes tested in a microarray format: Calibration of signal based on variability of RNA content with environmental conditions.

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    Harmful algal blooms (HAB) occur worldwide and cause health problems and economic damage to fisheries and tourism. Monitoring for toxic algae is therefore essential but is based primarily on light microscopy, which is time consuming and can be limited by insufficient morphological characters such that more time is needed to examine critical features with electron microscopy. Monitoring with molecular tools is done in only a few places world-wide. EU FP7 MIDTAL (Microarray Detection of Toxic Algae) used SSU and LSU rRNA genes as targets on microarrays to identify toxic species. In order to comply with current monitoring requirements to report cell numbers as the relevant threshold measurement to trigger closure of fisheries, it was necessary to calibrate our microarray to convert the hybridisation signal obtained to cell numbers. Calibration curves for two species of Pseudo-nitzschia for use with the MIDTAL microarray are presented to obtain cell numbers following hybridisation. It complements work presented by Barra et al. (2012b. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. doi: 10.1007/s11356-012-1330-1v) for two other Pseudo-nitzschia spp., Dittami and Edvardsen (2012a. J. Phycol. 48, 1050) for Pseudochatonella, Blanco et al. (2013. Harmful Algae 24, 80) for Heterosigma, McCoy et al. (2013. FEMS. doi: 10.1111/1574-6941.12277) for Prymnesium spp., Karlodinium veneficum, and cf. Chatonella spp. and Taylor et al. (2014. Harmful Algae, in press) for Alexandrium

    Application of microarrays (phylochips) for analysis of community diversity by species identification

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    Abstract Molecular probe-based methods (Fluorescent in-situ hybridisation or FISH, Next Generation Sequencing or NGS) have proved successful in improving both the efficiency and accuracy of the identification of microorganisms, especially those that lack distinct morphological features, such as picoplankton. However, FISH methods have the major drawback that they can only identify one or just a few species at a time because of the reduced number of available fluorochromes that can be added to the probe. Although the length of sequence that can be obtained is continually improving, NGS still requires a great deal of handling time, its analysis time is still months and with a PCR step it will always be sensitive to natural enzyme inhibitors. With the use of DNA microarrays, it is possible to identify large numbers of taxa on a single-glass slide, the so-called phylochip, which can be semi-quantitative. This review details the major steps in probe design, design and production of a phylochip and validation of the array. Finally, major microarray studies in the phytoplankton community are reviewed to demonstrate the scope of the method

    An assessment of RNA content in Prymnesium parvum, Prymnesium polylepis, cf. Chattonella sp. and Karlodinium veneficum under varying environmental conditions for calibrating an RNA microarray for species detection.

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    Traditional methods of identification and enumeration can be somewhat ambiguous when identifying phytoplankton that requires electron microscopic examination to verify specific morphological features. Members of the genus Prymnesium (division Haptophyta), members of the Raphidophyceae and naked dinoflagellates are examples of such phytoplankton whose identification can be difficult. One alternative to traditional microscopy-based methods of identification is to use molecular protocols to detect target species. Methods that measure cellular DNA and RNA content can be used to estimate the number of cells present in a sample. This study investigated the variation of RNA yields in Prymnesium parvum, P.polylepis, cf. Chattonella sp. and Karlodinium veneficum cells grown under different light, temperature, salinity and inorganic nutrient conditions. This information was used to calibrate the signal intensity of a variety of oligonucleotide probes spotted onto the microarrays for the detection of toxic algae (MIDTAL), which is being developed to aid national monitoring agencies and to provide a faster means of identifying and quantifying harmful phytoplankton in water column samples

    Two-Stage Dynamics of in Vivo Bacteriophage Genome Ejection

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    Biopolymer translocation is a key step in viral infection processes. The transfer of information-encoding genomes allows viruses to reprogram the cell fate of their hosts. Constituting 96% of all known bacterial viruses [A. Fokine and M. G. Rossmann, Molecular architecture of tailed double-stranded DNA phages, Bacteriophage 4, e28281 (2014)], the tailed bacteriophages deliver their DNA into host cells via an "ejection" process, leaving their protein shells outside of the bacteria; a similar scenario occurs for mammalian viruses like herpes, where the DNA genome is ejected into the nucleus of host cells, while the viral capsid remains bound outside to a nuclear-pore complex. In light of previous experimental measurements of in vivo bacteriophage λ ejection, we analyze here the physical processes that give rise to the observed dynamics. We propose that, after an initial phase driven by self-repulsion of DNA in the capsid, the ejection is driven by anomalous diffusion of phage DNA in the crowded bacterial cytoplasm. We expect that this two-step mechanism is general for phages that operate by pressure-driven ejection, and we discuss predictions of our theory to be tested in future experiments

    Two-Stage Dynamics of in Vivo Bacteriophage Genome Ejection

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    Biopolymer translocation is a key step in viral infection processes. The transfer of information-encoding genomes allows viruses to reprogram the cell fate of their hosts. Constituting 96% of all known bacterial viruses [A. Fokine and M. G. Rossmann, Molecular architecture of tailed double-stranded DNA phages, Bacteriophage 4, e28281 (2014)], the tailed bacteriophages deliver their DNA into host cells via an "ejection" process, leaving their protein shells outside of the bacteria; a similar scenario occurs for mammalian viruses like herpes, where the DNA genome is ejected into the nucleus of host cells, while the viral capsid remains bound outside to a nuclear-pore complex. In light of previous experimental measurements of in vivo bacteriophage λ ejection, we analyze here the physical processes that give rise to the observed dynamics. We propose that, after an initial phase driven by self-repulsion of DNA in the capsid, the ejection is driven by anomalous diffusion of phage DNA in the crowded bacterial cytoplasm. We expect that this two-step mechanism is general for phages that operate by pressure-driven ejection, and we discuss predictions of our theory to be tested in future experiments

    Life-cycle modification in open oceans accounts for genome variability in a cosmopolitan phytoplankton

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    Emiliania huxleyi is the most abundant calcifying plankton in modern oceans with substantial intraspecific genome variability and a biphasic life cycle involving sexual alternation between calcified 2N and flagellated 1N cells. We show that high genome content variability in Emiliania relates to erosion of 1N-specific genes and loss of the ability to form flagellated cells. Analysis of 185 E. huxleyi strains isolated from world oceans suggests that loss of flagella occurred independently in lineages inhabiting oligotrophic open oceans over short evolutionary timescales. This environmentally linked physiogenomic change suggests life cycling is not advantageous in very large/diluted populations experiencing low biotic pressure and low ecological variability. Gene loss did not appear to reflect pressure for genome streamlining in oligotrophic oceans as previously observed in picoplankton. Life-cycle modifications might be common in plankton and cause major functional variability to be hidden from traditional taxonomic or molecular markers