22 research outputs found

    ATLAS LINKS Electronically Steered Aperture Array System

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    NASA GSFC and ATLAS Space Operations, Inc. are collaborating through the Space Technology Announcement of Collaborative Opportunity (NASA solicitation NNH17ZOA001K) to advance the state of technology of ATLAS LINKS electronically steered aperture array system. ATLAS LINKS system is a state-of-the-art lightweight, high-performance electronically steered aperture array system. This collaboration provides the opportunity to explore the value of ATLAS technology in supporting NASA Near Earth missions

    Direction Finding Using an Antenna with Direction Dependent Impulse Response

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    Wideband antennas may be designed to have an impulse response that is direction dependent, not only in amplitude but also in waveform shape. This property can be used to perform direction finding using a single fixed antenna, without the need for an array or antenna rotation. In this paper direction finding is demonstrated using a simple candelabra-shaped monopole operating in the 1-3 GHz range. The method requires a known transmitted pulse shape and high signal-to-noise ratio, and is not as accurate or robust as conventional methods. However, it can add direction finding capability to a wideband communication system without the addition of any hardware

    User Needs and Advances in Space Wireless Sensing and Communications

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    Decades of space exploration and technology trends for future missions show the need for new approaches in space/planetary sensor networks, observatories, internetworking, and communications/data delivery to Earth. The User Needs to be discussed in this talk includes interviews with several scientists and reviews of mission concepts for the next generation of sensors, observatories, and planetary surface missions. These observatories, sensors are envisioned to operate in extreme environments, with advanced autonomy, whereby sometimes communication to Earth is intermittent and delayed. These sensor nodes require software defined networking capabilities in order to learn and adapt to the environment, collect science data, internetwork, and communicate. Also, some user cases require the level of intelligence to manage network functions (either as a host), mobility, security, and interface data to the physical radio/optical layer. For instance, on a planetary surface, autonomous sensor nodes would create their own ad-hoc network, with some nodes handling communication capabilities between the wireless sensor networks and orbiting relay satellites. A section of this talk will cover the advances in space communication and internetworking to support future space missions. NASA's Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) program continues to evolve with the development of optical communication, a new vision of the integrated network architecture with more capabilities, and the adoption of CCSDS space internetworking protocols. Advances in wireless communications hardware and electronics have enabled software defined networking (DVB-S2, VCM, ACM, DTN, Ad hoc, etc.) protocols for improved wireless communication and network management. Developing technologies to fulfil these user needs for wireless communications and adoption of standardized communication/internetworking protocols will be a huge benefit to future planetary missions, space observatories, and manned missions to other planets

    Sharing the NASA Experience

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    Dr. Obadiah Kegege will share his career experience with the University of Missouri _ Kansas City Students. This experience spans from academia, research and development, working on flight and ground systems for space exploration, to current work in engineering project management. Most of his NASA experience concentrates on supporting the Space Communication and Navigation Program (SCaN) program. SCaN implements, manages, and maintains communications and navigation services to existing and planned space missions. Dr. Kegege's talk will touch on topics like "how do we communicate to space," as well giving an overview of NASA's Near-Earth Network (NEN), Space Network (SN), and the Deep Space Network (DSN). Also, Dr. Kegege will answer a few questions from students, i.e applying for NASA internships, applying for jobs at NASA, etc

    Three-Dimensional Analysis of Deep Space Network Antenna Coverage

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    There is a need to understand NASA s Deep Space Network (DSN) coverage gaps and any limitations to provide redundant communication coverage for future deep space missions, especially for manned missions to Moon and Mars. The DSN antennas are required to provide continuous communication coverage for deep space flights, interplanetary missions, and deep space scientific observations. The DSN consists of ground antennas located at three sites: Goldstone in USA, Canberra in Australia, and Madrid in Spain. These locations are not separated by the exactly 120 degrees and some DSN antennas are located in the bowl-shaped mountainous terrain to shield against radiofrequency interference resulting in a coverage gap in the southern hemisphere for the current DSN architecture. To analyze the extent of this gap and other coverage limitations, simulations of the DSN architecture were performed. In addition to the physical properties of the DSN assets, the simulation incorporated communication forward link calculations and azimuth/elevation masks that constrain the effects of terrain for each DSN antenna. Analysis of the simulation data was performed to create coverage profiles with the receiver settings at a deep space altitudes ranging from 2 million to 10 million km and a spherical grid resolution of 0.25 degrees with respect to longitude and latitude. With the results of these simulations, two- and three-dimensional representations of the area without communication coverage and area with coverage were developed, showing the size and shape of the communication coverage gap projected in space. Also, the significance of this communication coverage gap is analyzed from the simulation data

    Measurement of Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) to Characterize the Impairment of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) Channel

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    A digital signal is transmitted via a carrier wave, it demodulates at a receiver, and locates at an ideal constellation point. However, noise distortion, carrier leakage, and phase noise can force a signal to divert from its ideal position to a new position. Consequently, the performance of the signal is decreased. Bit Error Rate (BER) and Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) measurement techniques are used to enable the analysis and assessment of the extent to which the performance of a signal has been decreased. In this paper, we present the EVM measurement technique as a figure of merit to analyze and evaluate the performance of a User Services Subsystem Component Replacement (USSCR) modem. Also, we demonstrate the use of the EVM measurement technique in a Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) system to measure and evaluate channel impairment between a satellite (transmitter) and the ground terminal (receiver) at the White Sands Complex

    Assessment of DSN Communication Coverage for Space Missions to Potentially Hazardous Asteroids

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    A communication coverage gap exists for Deep Space Network (DSN) antennas. This communication coverage gap is on the southern hemisphere, centered at approximate latitude of -47deg and longitude of -45deg. The area of this communication gap varies depending on the altitude from the Earth s surface. There are no current planetary space missions that fall within the DSN communication gap because planetary bodies in the Solar system lie near the ecliptic plane. However, some asteroids orbits are not confined to the ecliptic plane. In recent years, Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) have passed within 100,000 km of the Earth. NASA s future space exploration goals include a manned mission to asteroids. It is important to ensure reliable and redundant communication coverage/capabilities for manned space missions to dangerous asteroids that make a sequence of close Earth encounters. In this paper, we will describe simulations performed to determine whether near-Earth objects (NEO) that have been classified as PHAs fall within the DSN communication coverage gap. In the study, we reviewed literature for a number of PHAs, generated binary ephemeris for selected PHAs using JPL s HORIZONS tool, and created their trajectories using Satellite Took Kit (STK). The results show that some of the PHAs fall within DSN communication coverage gap. This paper presents the simulation results and our analyse

    NASA Leveraging Commercial Communication Ground Stations for Small Satellites

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    The Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) program at NASA has reorganized its operations portfolio into two networks: the Deep Space Network and the new Near Space Network (NSN). With this reorganization, NASA can begin transforming to 100% direct-to-Earth commercial communications services for missions in the near-Earth region. NASA鈥檚 leveraging of commercial direct-to-Earth ground stations offers several benefits for the small satellite community, including lower cost, greater coverage, and increased technology infusion. In the fall of 2020, SCaN announced their intention to rely primarily on industry-provided communications services for missions close to Earth by 2030. Commercial services are one way to infuse new technology into the ground station network without requiring an investment from NASA. Digital Video Broadcast, Satellite Second Generation (DVB-S2) is one example of a current technology. When combined with variable coding and modulation (VCM), the system automatically optimizes the data rate based on signal performance, significantly increasing total downlink data volume without an increase in the spacecraft effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP). There are several commercial service providers, including Amazon Web Service (AWS) Ground Station (AGS) and the KSATLITE ground stations that support SmallSat missions using DVB-S2 waveforms for downlinks. This paper identifies some commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) CubeSat/SmallSat DVB-S2 X-band and Ka-band radios. Overall, NASA鈥檚 increased dependence on commercial direct-to-Earth ground stations is a significant benefit for the small satellite community

    An Optimum Space-to-Ground Communication Concept for CubeSat Platform Utilizing NASA Space Network and Near Earth Network

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    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) CubeSat missions are expected to grow rapidly in the next decade. Higher data rate CubeSats are transitioning away from Amateur Radio bands to higher frequency bands. A high-level communication architecture for future space-to-ground CubeSat communication was proposed within NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. This architecture addresses CubeSat direct-to-ground communication, CubeSat to Tracking Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) communication, CubeSat constellation with Mothership direct-to-ground communication, and CubeSat Constellation with Mothership communication through K-Band Single Access (KSA). A study has been performed to explore this communication architecture, through simulations, analyses, and identifying technologies, to develop the optimum communication concepts for CubeSat communications. This paper presents details of the simulation and analysis that include CubeSat swarm, daughter ship/mother ship constellation, Near Earth Network (NEN) S and X-band direct to ground link, TDRSS Multiple Access (MA) array vs Single Access mode, notional transceiver/antenna configurations, ground asset configurations and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) signal trades for daughter ship/mother ship CubeSat constellation inter-satellite cross link. Results of space science X-band 10 MHz maximum achievable data rate study are summarized. CubeSat NEN Ka-Band end-to-end communication analysis is provided. Current CubeSat communication technologies capabilities are presented. Compatibility test of the CubeSat transceiver through NEN and SN is discussed. Based on the analyses, signal trade studies and technology assessments, the desired CubeSat transceiver features and operation concepts for future CubeSat end-to-end communications are derived

    Investigation into New Ground Based Communications Service Offerings in Response to SmallSat Trends

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    The number of NASA sponsored Small Satellite (SmallSat) missions is expected to continue to grow rapidly in the next decade and beyond. There is a growing trend towards more ambitious SmallSat missions, including formation flying (Constellation, Cluster, Trailing) SmallSats and SmallSats destined for lunar orbit and beyond. This paper will present an overview of new service offerings the NASA Near Earth Network (NEN) is currently investigating and demonstrating. It will describe the benefits that new service offerings such as Multiple Spacecraft Per Aperture (MSPA), Ground-based Phased Array (GBPA) antennas, Ground Based Electronically Steered Array (GBESA), and Ground-based Antenna Arraying (GBAA) could provide to individual or formation flying SmallSats anywhere from low-earth orbit to the Sun-Earth Lagrange point orbits. It will also present potential implementation options for future demonstrations at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) as well as goals and objectives of such demonstrations