45 research outputs found

    Mutation studies of the gene encoding YuiC, a stationary phase survival protein in Bacillus subtilis

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    Aims: YuiC is a stationary phase survival (Sps) protein from the Firmicute Bacillus subtilis that possesses muralytic activity to cleave bacterial cell-wall peptidoglycan. It has a small lytic transglycosylase (MltA) fold analogous to the resuscitation promoting factors (Rpfs) of Actinobacteria which have a hybrid of a mini lysozyme and soluble lytic transglycosylase (Slt35/70) fold. The present study aimed at identifying key residues of YuiC/Sps that are catalytically active and studying the effect of B. subtilis cell growth upon sps/yuiC deletion. Methodology and results: Four forms of mutated yuiC were created through Site-directed, Ligase-Independent Mutagenesis Polymerase Chain Reaction (SLIM PCR) that include the substitutions of D129A, D151A, D162A and K102A. These individual mutated yuiC genes were cloned and expressed in the Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) expression system and subsequently purified to homogeneity using affinity, cation exchange and size exclusion chromatography. The D129A variant was shown to be insoluble, indicating its role in maintaining the right protein folding of YuiC. The remaining three variants resulted in soluble proteins but were inactive on zymograms indicating that they may be responsible for catalysis. B. subtilis cells harbouring individual sps genes (yuiC, yabE, yocH and yorM) knocked out showed stationary phase defects and altered colony morphologies compared to the wild type. Conclusion, significance and impact of study: This study has identified the key residues involved in catalysis of YuiC, which are the D151, D162 and K102. These are conserved in Sps domains. The catalytic mechanism of YuiC is similar to the mechanism reported for Neisseria gonorrhoeae MltA. sps/yuiC knock outs have implied that each sps/yuiC has a significant role on B. subtilis late growth stage. The B. subtilis YuiC/Sps model has given an insight into Sps functions in the final growth stage of the Firmicutes, which members include etiologic agents of anthrax, botulism and listeriosis. Inhibition of Sps protein may inactivate pathogen replication and facilitate entrance into a non-contagious dormant sporulation stage

    Essential residues for the enzyme activity of ATP-dependent MurE ligase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    The emergence of total drug-resistant tuberculosis (TDRTB) has made the discovery of new therapies for tuberculosis urgent. The cytoplasmic enzymes of peptidoglycan biosynthesis have generated renewed interest as attractive targets for the development of new anti-mycobacterials. One of the cytoplasmic enzymes, uridine diphosphate (UDP)-MurNAc-tripeptide ligase (MurE), catalyses the addition of meso-diaminopimelic acid (m-DAP) into peptidoglycan in Mycobacterium tuberculosis coupled to the hydrolysis of ATP. Mutants of M. tuberculosis MurE were generated by replacing K157, E220, D392, R451 with alanine and N449 with aspartate, and truncating the first 24 amino acid residues at the N-terminus of the enzyme. Analysis of the specific activity of these proteins suggested that apart from the 24 Nterminal residues, the other mutated residues are essential for catalysis. Variations in K m values for one or more substrates were observed for all mutants, except the N-terminal truncation mutant, indicating that these residues are involved in binding substrates and form part of the active site structure. These mutant proteins were also tested for their specificity for a wide range of substrates. Interestingly, the mutations K157A, E220A and D392A showed hydrolysis of ATP uncoupled from catalysis. The ATP hydrolysis rate was enhanced by at least partial occupation of the uridine nucleotide dipeptide binding site. This study provides an insight into the residues essential for the catalytic activity and substrate binding of the ATP-dependent MurE ligase. Since ATP-dependent MurE ligase is a novel drug target, the understanding of its function may lead to development of novel inhibitors against resistant forms of M. tuberculosis

    Characterisation of ATP-dependent Mur ligases involved in the biogenesis of cell wall peptidoglycan in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

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    ATP-dependent Mur ligases (Mur synthetases) play essential roles in the biosynthesis of cell wall peptidoglycan (PG) as they catalyze the ligation of key amino acid residues to the stem peptide at the expense of ATP hydrolysis, thus representing potential targets for antibacterial drug discovery. In this study we characterized the division/cell wall (dcw) operon and identified a promoter driving the co-transcription of mur synthetases along with key cell division genes such as ftsQ and ftsW. Furthermore, we have extended our previous investigations of MurE to MurC, MurD and MurF synthetases from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Functional analyses of the pure recombinant enzymes revealed that the presence of divalent cations is an absolute requirement for their activities. We also observed that higher concentrations of ATP and UDP-sugar substrates were inhibitory for the activities of all Mur synthetases suggesting stringent control of the cytoplasmic steps of the peptidoglycan biosynthetic pathway. In line with the previous findings on the regulation of mycobacterial MurD and corynebacterial MurC synthetases via phosphorylation, we found that all of the Mur synthetases interacted with the Ser/Thr protein kinases, PknA and PknB. In addition, we critically analyzed the interaction network of all of the Mur synthetases with proteins involved in cell division and cell wall PG biosynthesis to re-evaluate the importance of these key enzymes as novel therapeutic targets in anti-tubercular drug discovery

    Cell wall peptidoglycan in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: An Achilles’ heel for the TB-causing pathogen

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    Tuberculosis (TB), caused by the intracellular pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis, remains one of the leading causes of mortality across the world. There is an urgent requirement to build a robust arsenal of effective antimicrobials, targeting novel molecular mechanisms to overcome the challenges posed by the increase of antibiotic resistance in TB. Mycobacterium tuberculosis has a unique cell envelope structure and composition, containing a peptidoglycan layer that is essential for maintaining cellular integrity and for virulence. The enzymes involved in the biosynthesis, degradation, remodelling and recycling of peptidoglycan have resurfaced as attractive targets for anti-infective drug discovery. Here, we review the importance of peptidoglycan, including the structure, function and regulation of key enzymes involved in its metabolism. We also discuss known inhibitors of ATP-dependent Mur ligases, and discuss the potential for the development of pan-enzyme inhibitors targeting multiple Mur ligases

    Single step syntheses of (1S)-aryl-tetrahydroisoquinolines by norcoclaurine synthases

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    The 1-aryl-tetrahydroisoquinoline (1-aryl-THIQ) moiety is found in many biologically active molecules. Single enantiomer chemical syntheses are challenging and although some biocatalytic routes have been reported, the substrate scope is limited to certain structural motifs. The enzyme norcoclaurine synthase (NCS), involved in plant alkaloid biosynthesis, has been shown to perform stereoselective Pictet–Spengler reactions between dopamine and several carbonyl substrates. Here, benzaldehydes are explored as substrates and found to be accepted by both wild-type and mutant constructs of NCS. In particular, the variant M97V gives a range of (1 S)-aryl-THIQs in high yields (48–99%) and e.e.s (79–95%). A co-crystallised structure of the M97V variant with an active site reaction intermediate analogue is also obtained with the ligand in a pre-cyclisation conformation, consistent with (1 S)-THIQs formation. Selected THIQs are then used with catechol O-methyltransferases with exceptional regioselectivity. This work demonstrates valuable biocatalytic approaches to a range of (1 S)-THIQs

    Structure of the stationary phase survival protein YuiC from B.subtilis

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    - Background: Stationary phase survival proteins (Sps) were found in Firmicutes as having analogous domain compositions, and in some cases genome context, as the resuscitation promoting factors of Actinobacteria, but with a different putative peptidoglycan cleaving domain. - Results: The first structure of a Firmicute Sps protein YuiC from B. subtilis, is found to be a stripped down version of the cell-wall peptidoglycan hydrolase MltA. The YuiC structures are of a domain swapped dimer, although some monomer is also found in solution. The protein crystallised in the presence of pentasaccharide shows a 1,6-anhydrodisaccharide sugar product, indicating that YuiC cleaves the sugar backbone to form an anhydro product at least on lengthy incubation during crystallisation. - Conclusions: The structural simplification of MltA in Sps proteins is analogous to that of the resuscitation promoting factor domains of Actinobacteria, which are stripped down versions of lysozyme and soluble lytic transglycosylase proteins

    Intertwined αβ Spectrin Meeting Helical Actin Protofilament in the Erythrocyte Membrane Skeleton: Wrap-Around vs. Point-Attachment

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    Our 3-D model for a junctional complex (JC) in the erythrocyte membrane skeleton proposed that the helical actin protofilament functions as a mechanical axis for three pairs of αβ spectrin (Sp), and each pair wraps around the protofilament in a back-to-back fashion. The distal end of each Sp is further associated with the lipid bilayer by a suspension complex (SC). Here, we detail how splitting and rejoining of αβ Sp around a protofilament may form a loop that sustains and equilibrates tension. Sequential association of β and α Sp solves the challenge of constructing multiple loops along the protofilament, and topological connection facilitates their re-association. The wrap-around model minimizes the strain of the actin binding site on β Sp due to tension, redirection, or sliding of intertwined Sp. Pairing Sp balances the opposing forces and provides a mechanism for elastic recovery. The wrap-around junction thus provides mechanical advantages over a point-attachment junction in maintaining the integrity and functionality of the network. Severing α or β Sp may convert a wrapping-around junction to a point-attachment junction. In that case, a “bow up” motion of JC during deformation may disturb or flip the overlaid lipid bilayer, and mark stressed erythrocytes for phagocytosis

    Entry of Yersinia pestis into the Viable but Nonculturable State in a Low-Temperature Tap Water Microcosm

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    Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, has caused several pandemics throughout history and remains endemic in the rodent populations of the western United States. More recently, Y. pestis is one of several bacterial pathogens considered to be a potential agent of bioterrorism. Thus, elucidating potential mechanisms of survival and persistence in the environment would be important in the event of an intentional release of the organism. One such mechanism is entry into the viable but non-culturable (VBNC) state, as has been demonstrated for several other bacterial pathogens. In this study, we showed that Y. pestis became nonculturable by normal laboratory methods after 21 days in a low-temperature tap water microcosm. We further show evidence that, after the loss of culturability, the cells remained viable by using a variety of criteria, including cellular membrane integrity, uptake and incorporation of radiolabeled amino acids, and protection of genomic DNA from DNase I digestion. Additionally, we identified morphological and ultrastructural characteristics of Y. pestis VBNC cells, such as cell rounding and large periplasmic spaces, by electron microscopy, which are consistent with entry into the VBNC state in other bacteria. Finally, we demonstrated resuscitation of a small number of the non-culturable cells. This study provides compelling evidence that Y. pestis persists in a low-temperature tap water microcosm in a viable state yet is unable to be cultured under normal laboratory conditions, which may prove useful in risk assessment and remediation efforts, particularly in the event of an intentional release of this organism

    Structural basis of the filamin A actin-binding domain interaction with F-actin

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    Cryo-EM reconstructions were deposited in the Electron Microscopy Data Bank with the following accession numbers: F20-F-actin-FLNaABD, EMD-7833; F20-F-actin-FLNaABD-Q170P, EMD-7832; F20-F-actin-FLNaABD-E254K, EMD-8918; Krios-F-actin-FLNaABD-E254K, EMD-7831. The corresponding FLNaABD-E254K filament model was deposited in the PDB with accession number 6D8C. Source data for F-actin-targeting analyses (Figs. 2c,d,g,h, 3b,c,e,f, 4d,e, 5c,d, and 6a,b) and co-sedimentation assays (Figs. 5g and 6d) are available with the paper online. Other data are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. We thank Z. Razinia for generating numerous FLNa constructs, S. Wu for expertise in using the Krios microscope, J. Lees for advice on model refinement, and M. Lemmon for helpful comments in preparing the manuscript. We also thank the Yale Center for Research Computing for guidance and use of the Farnam Cluster, as well as the staff at the YMS Center for Molecular Imaging for the use of the EM Core Facility. This work was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health (R01-GM068600 (D.A.C.), R01-NS093704 (D.A.C.), R37-GM057247 (C.V.S.), R01-GM110530 (C.V.S.), T32-GM007324, T32-GM008283) and an award from American Heart Association (15PRE25700119 (D.V.I.)).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Transport characteristics of guanidino compounds at the blood-brain barrier and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier: relevance to neural disorders

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    Guanidino compounds (GCs), such as creatine, phosphocreatine, guanidinoacetic acid, creatinine, methylguanidine, guanidinosuccinic acid, γ-guanidinobutyric acid, β-guanidinopropionic acid, guanidinoethane sulfonic acid and α-guanidinoglutaric acid, are present in the mammalian brain. Although creatine and phosphocreatine play important roles in energy homeostasis in the brain, accumulation of GCs may induce epileptic discharges and convulsions. This review focuses on how physiologically important and/or neurotoxic GCs are distributed in the brain under physiological and pathological conditions. Transporters for GCs at the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and the blood-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier (BCSFB) have emerged as substantial contributors to GCs distribution in the brain. Creatine transporter (CRT/solute carrier (SLC) 6A8) expressed at the BBB regulates creatine concentration in the brain, and represents a major pathway for supply of creatine from the circulating blood to the brain. CRT may be a key factor facilitating blood-to-brain guanidinoacetate transport in patients deficient in S-adenosylmethionine:guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase, the creatine biosynthetic enzyme, resulting in cerebral accumulation of guanidinoacetate. CRT, taurine transporter (TauT/SLC6A6) and organic cation transporter (OCT3/SLC22A3) expressed at the BCSFB are involved in guanidinoacetic acid or creatinine efflux transport from CSF. Interestingly, BBB efflux transport of GCs, including guanidinoacetate and creatinine, is negligible, though the BBB has a variety of efflux transport systems for synthetic precursors of GCs, such as amino acids and neurotransmitters. Instead, the BCSFB functions as a major cerebral clearance system for GCs. In conclusion, transport of GCs at the BBB and BCSFB appears to be the key determinant of the cerebral levels of GCs, and changes in the transport characteristics may cause the abnormal distribution of GCs in the brain seen in patients with certain neurological disorders