2,355 research outputs found

    A Bait Attractant Study of the Nitidulidae (Coleoptera) at Shawnee State Forest in Southern Ohio

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    Four baits were tested for efficacy in attracting sap beetles (Nitidulidae) at two sites in the Shawnee State Forest over two collection periods in 1992. Species taken were categorized into three groups: abundant, moderate, and uncommon. At Site 1, nitidulids displayed a strong preference for whole wheat bread dough, followed by fermenting brown sugar, and fermenting malt/molasses solution, and vinegar, respectively. Site 2 collections showed a similar trend to Site 1, but the order of preference was switched for brown sugar and malt/molasses solution. Of the 20 species collected, six species were abundant, seven species were moderate, and seven species were locally uncommon

    A prescriptive approach to qualify and quantify customer value for value-based requirements engineering

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    Recently, customer-based product development is becoming a popular paradigm. Customer expectations and needs can be identified and transformed into requirements for product design with the help of various methods and tools. However, in many cases, these models fail to focus on the perceived value that is crucial when customers make the decision of purchasing a product. In this paper, a prescriptive approach to support value-based requirements engineering (RE) is proposed, describing the foundations, procedures and initial applications in the context of RE for commercial aircraft. An integrated set of techniques, such as means-ends analysis, part-whole analysis and multi-attribute utility theory is introduced in order to understand customer values in depth and width. Technically, this enables identifying the implicit value, structuring logically collected statements of customer expectations and performing value modelling and simulation. Additionally, it helps to put in place a system to measure customer satisfaction that is derived from the proposed approach. The approach offers significant potential to develop effective value creation strategies for the development of new product

    Beryllium fastener technology

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    Program was conducted to develop, produce, and test optimum-configuration, beryllium prestressed and blind fasteners. The program was carried out in four phases - phase 1, feasibility study, phase 2, development, phase 3, evaluation of beryllium alloys, and phase 4, fabrication and testing

    Discovery of a Metal-Line Absorber Associated with a Local Dwarf Starburst Galaxy

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    We present optical and near-infrared images, H I 21 cm emission maps, optical spectroscopy, and Hubble Space Telescope/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph ultraviolet spectroscopy of the QSO/galaxy pair SBS 1122+594/IC 691. The QSO sight line lies at a position angle of 27 degrees from the minor axis of the nearby dwarf starburst galaxy IC 691 (cz_gal = 1204+-3 km/s, L_B ~ 0.09 L*, current star formation rate = 0.08-0.24 solar masses per year) and 33 kpc (6.6 arcmin) from its nucleus. We find that IC 691 has an H I mass of M_HI = (3.6+-0.1) x 10^8 solar masses and a dynamical mass of M_dyn = (3.1+-0.5) x 10^10 solar masses. The UV spectrum of SBS 1122+594 shows a metal-line (Ly-alpha + C IV) absorber near the redshift of IC 691 at cz_abs = 1110+-30 km/s. Since IC 691 is a dwarf starburst and the SBS 1122+594 sight line lies in the expected location for an outflowing wind, we propose that the best model for producing this metal-line absorber is a starburst wind from IC 691. We place consistent metallicity limits on IC 691 ([Z/Zsun] ~ -0.7) and the metal-line absorber ([Z/Zsun] < -0.3). We also find that the galaxy's escape velocity at the absorber location is v_esc = 80+-10 km/s and derive a wind velocity of v_w = 160+-50 km/s. Thus, the evidence suggests that IC 691 produces an unbound starburst wind that escapes from its gravitational potential to transport metals and energy to the surrounding intergalactic medium.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures; AJ in press; a version with high resolution figures can be downloaded from http://casa.colorado.edu/~keeney/research/papers/IC691.pd

    Wrap-up: What We Have Learned

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    We\u27re excited that so many producers have been willing to spend the day talking about these issues with us. I learned today that there are many more ways to grow a pig than I have previously appreciated. We\u27re going to hear some wrap-up from LeRoy Stoltenberg and David Topel. LeRoy is on the family farm; he\u27s from Scott County. He says that traveling is a major part of his job as IPP A President. He\u27s served in a number of capacities for the IPP A. He and his wife Alice operate a farrow to finish swine operation that produces 1800 head a year, and he produces 160 of com and 60 acres of soybeans. He\u27s no stranger to the technologies we\u27ve talked about today. He\u27s used some of them for several years

    On the Significance of Absorption Features in HST/COS Data

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    We present empirical scaling relations for the significance of absorption features detected in medium resolution, far-UV spectra obtained with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS). These relations properly account for both the extended wings of the COS line spread function and the non-Poissonian noise properties of the data, which we characterize for the first time, and predict limiting equivalent widths that deviate from the empirical behavior by \leq 5% when the wavelength and Doppler parameter are in the ranges \lambda = 1150-1750 A and b > 10 km/s. We have tested a number of coaddition algorithms and find the noise properties of individual exposures to be closer to the Poissonian ideal than coadded data in all cases. For unresolved absorption lines, limiting equivalent widths for coadded data are 6% larger than limiting equivalent widths derived from individual exposures with the same signal-to-noise. This ratio scales with b-value for resolved absorption lines, with coadded data having a limiting equivalent width that is 25% larger than individual exposures when b \approx 150 km/s.Comment: 25 pages, 3 tables, 7 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Absolute Proper Motion of the Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy from Photographic and HST WFPC2 Data

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    We have measured the absolute proper motion of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy from a combination of photographic plate material and HST WFPC2 data that provide a time baseline of up to 50 years. The extragalactic reference frame consists of 8 QSO images and 48 galaxies. The absolute proper motion is mu_alpha cos(delta) = 0.59 +-0.16 mas/yr and mu_delta = -0.15 +- 0.16 mas/yr. The corresponding orbit of Fornax is polar, with an eccentricity of 0.27, and a radial period of 4.5 Gyr. Fornax's current location is near pericenter. The direction of the motion of Fornax supports the notion that Fornax belongs to the Fornax-LeoI-LeoII-Sculptor-Sextans stream as hypothesized by Lynden-Bell (1976, 1982) and Majewski (1994). According to our orbit determination, Fornax crossed the Magellanic plane \~190 Myr ago, a time that coincides with the termination of the star-formation process in Fornax. We propose that ram-pressure stripping due to the passage of Fornax through a gaseous medium denser than the typical intragalactic medium left behind from the LMC may have caused the end of star formation in Fornax. The excess, anomalous clouds within the South Galactic pole region of the Magellanic Stream whose origin has long been debated in the literature as constituents of either the Magellanic Stream or of the extragalactic Sculptor group, are found to lie along the orbit of Fornax. We speculate that these clouds are stripped material from Fornax as the dwarf crossed the Magellanic Clouds' orbit.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal. The version with high resolution figures can be found at ftp://pegasus.astro.yale.edu/pub/dana/paper
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