194 research outputs found

    Analysis of pesticide poisoning cases in a tertiary care hospital, Mumbai

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    The pesticide poisoning is a common medical emergency and leads to morbidity and mortality in developing countries due to easy accessibility and less cost. A prospective analysis of pesticide poisoning cases admitted to the emergency department of tertiary care, teaching hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra from 1st January 2006 to 31st December 2006. The main objectives, to assess the pattern and socio-demographic profile of pesticide poisoning. The most cases observed in the age group 21-30 years (n:72, 41.37%)). Total males affected were 94 (54.02%) dominating the females 80 (45.98%) and male to female ratio (1.17:1). But in younger age group, females were more affected than males. The maximum cases belonged to the lower socioeconomic class (n:82, 47.12%) and urban areas (n:106, 60.91%). Majority of the victims married and belonged to Hindu religion (n: 140, 80.4%). The occurrence of pesticide poisoning was more frequent in the evening (n:82,47.12%) and during the, monsoon (73, 41.95%).There is a need for adequate guidelines for sale, use, storage and safety practices for the pesticide. These will be helpful for the enhancement of the knowledge, awareness and safety practices among the population for prevention and reduction of the pesticide poisoning. It also emphasized on the early availability of treatment in the poisoning cases

    Analysis of pesticide poisoning cases in a tertiary care hospital, Mumbai

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    The pesticide poisoning is a common medical emergency and leads to morbidity and mortality in developing countries due to easy accessibility and less cost. A prospective analysis of pesticide poisoning cases admitted to the emergency department of tertiary care, teaching hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra from 1st January 2006 to 31st December 2006. The main objectives, to assess the pattern and socio-demographic profile of pesticide poisoning. The most cases observed in the age group 21-30 years (n:72, 41.37%)). Total males affected were 94 (54.02%) dominating the females 80 (45.98%) and male to female ratio (1.17:1). But in younger age group, females were more affected than males. The maximum cases belonged to the lower socioeconomic class (n:82, 47.12%) and urban areas (n:106, 60.91%). Majority of the victims married and belonged to Hindu religion (n: 140, 80.4%). The occurrence of pesticide poisoning was more frequent in the evening (n:82,47.12%) and during the, monsoon (73, 41.95%).There is a need for adequate guidelines for sale, use, storage and safety practices for the pesticide. These will be helpful for the enhancement of the knowledge, awareness and safety practices among the population for prevention and reduction of the pesticide poisoning. It also emphasized on the early availability of treatment in the poisoning cases

    Impact of PowerPoint and Chalkboard teaching in Physiotherapy Undergraduates.

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    Background: A teacher\u27s basic tool for displaying lectures are through blackboards, pegboards, bulletin boards, transparencies with an overhead projector (TOHP), PowerPoint presentation and walk and talk. Nowadays PowerPoint presentation is commonly used as it has ability to present the information in a clear, organized and simpler manner. The present study was carried out to find out the best method of teaching amongst the undergraduate Physiotherapy students. Objective: To compare the impact of the PowerPoint multimedia presentation and chalkboard in teaching by assessing the knowledge based on the marks obtained in the pretest and posttest. Methodology: 40 students were divided into two groups and a selected content-based lecture in pharmacology was delivered. For one group lecture was delivered using PowerPoint presentation, for second group using Chalkboard. Single - best Multiple Choice Questions [MCQs] paper was used for assessing the knowledge gained. The differences in the marks obtained in the two groups were analyzed Results: Students who attended the class on chalkboard obtained significantly higher score in single best MCQ examination compared to those students who attended the same content based lecture on the PowerPoint. Conclusion: The chalkboard method of teaching was found more suitable tool of teaching and learning than PowerPoint for small group

    Impact of PowerPoint and Chalkboard teaching in Physiotherapy Undergraduates.

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    Background: A teacher's basic tool for displaying lectures are through blackboards, pegboards, bulletin boards, transparencies with an overhead projector (TOHP), PowerPoint presentation and walk and talk. Nowadays PowerPoint presentation is commonly used as it has ability to present the information in a clear, organized and simpler manner. The present study was carried out to find out the best method of teaching amongst the undergraduate Physiotherapy students. Objective: To compare the impact of the PowerPoint multimedia presentation and chalkboard in teaching by assessing the knowledge based on the marks obtained in the pretest and posttest. Methodology: 40 students were divided into two groups and a selected content-based lecture in pharmacology was delivered. For one group lecture was delivered using PowerPoint presentation, for second group using Chalkboard. Single - best Multiple Choice Questions [MCQs] paper was used for assessing the knowledge gained. The differences in the marks obtained in the two groups were analyzed Results: Students who attended the class on chalkboard obtained significantly higher score in single best MCQ examination compared to those students who attended the same content based lecture on the PowerPoint. Conclusion: The chalkboard method of teaching was found more suitable tool of teaching and learning than PowerPoint for small group

    Overview of GINIX and Top-k Method

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    In today’s life more applications are web based and peoples may communicate with each other by using Internet. It involves more and more data retrieval from database system as per user demand. Inverted Index is a system use for searching in which searching is takes place as per index sequentially. So it require more time for searching. While Ginix can search as per word in which all files or related document that word is search appropriately. But it only search documents file which are save in database system but not search multimedia files. Hence the more competent technique for searching is top-k method in which all database is scan for finding appropriate result for given data. Also data is search on web pages. It provides more perfect result within less time as compare to Ginix. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15011


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    ABSTRACT High-temperature receiver designs for solar powered supercritical CO 2 Brayton cycles that can produce ~1 MW of electricity are being investigated. Advantages of a supercritical CO 2 closed-loop Brayton cycle with recuperation include high efficiency (~50%) and a small footprint relative to equivalent systems employing steam Rankine power cycles. Heating for the supercritical CO 2 system occurs in a high-temperature solar receiver that can produce temperatures of at least 700 °C. Depending on whether the CO 2 is heated directly or indirectly, the receiver may need to withstand pressures up to 20 MPa (200 bar). This paper reviews several high-temperature receiver designs that have been investigated as part of the SERIIUS program. Designs for direct heating of CO 2 include volumetric receivers and tubular receivers, while designs for indirect heating include volumetric air receivers, molten-salt and liquid-metal tubular receivers, and falling particle receivers. Indirect receiver designs also allow storage of thermal energy for dispatchable electricity generation. Advantages and disadvantages of alternative designs are presented. Current results show that the most viable options include tubular receiver designs for direct and indirect heating of CO 2 and falling particle receiver designs for indirect heating and storage

    Formulation of choline chloride/ascorbic acid natural deep eutectic solvent: Characterization, solubilization capacity and antioxidant property

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    In the present study, natural deep eutectic solvent composed of choline chloride and ascorbic acid (CHCL/AA NADES) was formulated for enhancing the solubility and antioxidant properties of antioxidant extracts from fruit wastes of Mangifera pajang. The solubilities of Mangifera pajang's antioxidant extracts in water and CHCL/AA NADES at different water contents (0–50 wt%) were investigated. It was observed that the antioxidant extracts were most soluble in the CHCL/AA NADES with 10 wt% of water, and the concentration of antioxidant was found to be approximately 15% and 4% as compared to water and pure CHCL/AA NADES, respectively. The positive effect of water on NADES can be related to the reduced viscosity of NADES, where the viscosity decreased up to 74% upon addition of water. Aside from that, all the tested CHCL/AA NADES enhanced the antioxidant capacity of antioxidant extracts by 1.3–14.64% compared to the antioxidant extracts in water. This finding highlights the role of CHCL/AA NADES as an antioxidant capacity enhancer. Noteworthy, the antioxidant extracts solubilized in the CHCL/AA NADES system formed a nano-scale cluster structure, as depicted by the TEM image, suggesting that the CHCL/AA NADES could potentially use in nanoformulation that provides protection to the antioxidant extracts

    Aerodynamic analysis of railway wagon on drag coefficient

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    Organizational Learning and Communication

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    INST: L_135This thesis includes description of self-directed learning, COVID-19 pandemic and low qualified employees and results of previous studies related to self-directed learning readiness and various factors affecting SDL readiness. Further, the analysis of correlation between factors like age, tenure of employees in the organization, their willingness to transfer knowledge to their colleagues; and their self-directed learning readiness is also performed through quantitative approach

    A study of depression in medically ill elderly patients with respect to coping strategies and spirituality as a way of coping

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    Background: Medically ill elderly patients are more prone to develop depression. Faulty coping mechanisms increase the risk of developing depression. Spirituality is known to decrease this risk. Aim: This study was conducted to assess the prevalence of depression in medically ill elderly patients, coping strategies used and spirituality as a way of coping. A comparison was made between coping strategies used by depressed and nondepressed elderly patients with medical illnesses. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study carried out at a tertiary care hospital. A total of 100 consecutive patients were evaluated on Geriatric Depression Scale, Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations-21, and Spiritual Attitude Inventory. Results: Prevalence of depression was 72% among the medically ill elderly patients. Of those found to have depression, two third had mild depression and one-third had severe depression. On comparing coping and spirituality between depressed and nondepressed patients it was found that non depressed patients had better coping towards stressful situation, they used more of task oriented and avoidance based coping, whereas depressed patients used more of emotion oriented coping. Non-depressed patients were more spiritual when compared to depressed patients. Severity of depression positively correlated with emotion oriented coping mechanisms and it was negatively correlated with task and avoidance oriented coping mechanisms and spirituality in all four domains. Conclusion: The present study shows that 72% of medically ill elderly patients have depression and compared to those with one medical illness, the prevalence of depression is more among those who have 2 or more medical illnesses. Compared with those without depression, patients with depression more often used emotion based coping, less often used task and avoidance coping mechanisms and were less spiritual
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