4,703 research outputs found

    Investigating the Structure of the Windy Torus in Quasars

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    Thermal mid-infrared emission of quasars requires an obscuring structure that can be modeled as a magneto-hydrodynamic wind in which radiation pressure on dust shapes the outflow. We have taken the dusty wind models presented by Keating and collaborators that generated quasar mid-infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs), and explored their properties (such as geometry, opening angle, and ionic column densities) as a function of Eddington ratio and X-ray weakness. In addition, we present new models with a range of magnetic field strengths and column densities of the dust-free shielding gas interior to the dusty wind. We find this family of models -- with input parameters tuned to accurately match the observed mid-IR power in quasar SEDs -- provides reasonable values of the Type 1 fraction of quasars and the column densities of warm absorber gas, though it does not explain a purely luminosity-dependent covering fraction for either. Furthermore, we provide predictions of the cumulative distribution of E(B-V) values of quasars from extinction by the wind and the shape of the wind as imaged in the mid-infrared. Within the framework of this model, we predict that the strength of the near-infrared bump from hot dust emission will be correlated primarily with L/L_Edd rather than luminosity alone, with scatter induced by the distribution of magnetic field strengths. The empirical successes and shortcomings of these models warrant further investigations into the composition and behaviour of dust and the nature of magnetic fields in the vicinity of actively accreting supermassive black holes.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Assessing Financial Vulnerability in the Nonprofit Sector

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    Effective nonprofit governance relies upon understanding an organization's financial condition and vulnerabilities. However, financial vulnerability of nonprofit organizations is a relatively new area of study. In this paper, we compare two models used to forecast bankruptcy in the corporate sector (Altman 1968 and Ohlson 1980) with the model used by nonprofit researchers (Tuckman and Chang 1991). We find that the Ohlson model has higher explanatory power than either Tuckman and Chang's or Altman's in predicting four different measures of financial vulnerability. However, we show that none of the models, individually or combined, are effective in predicting financial distress. We then propose a more comprehensive model of financial vulnerability by adding two new variables to represent reliance on commercial-type activities to generate revenues and endowment sufficiency. We find that this model outperforms Ohlson's model and performs substantially better in explaining and predicting financial vulnerability. Hence, the expanded model can be used as a guide for understanding the drivers of financial vulnerability and for identifying more effective proxies for nonprofit sector financial distress for use in future research. This publication is Hauser Center Working Paper No. 27. The Hauser Center Working Paper Series was launched during the summer of 2000. The Series enables the Hauser Center to share with a broad audience important works-in-progress written by Hauser Center scholars and researchers

    Confinement and electron correlation effects in photoionization of atoms in endohedral anions: Ne@C60^{z-}

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    Trends in resonances, termed confinement resonances, in photoionization of atoms A in endohedral fullerene anions A@C60^{z-} are theoretically studied and exemplified by the photoionization of Ne in Ne@C{60}^{z-}. Remarkably, above a particular nl ionization threshold of Ne in neutral Ne@C60 (I_{nl}^{z=0}), confinement resonances in corresponding partial photoionization cross sections sigma_{nl} of Ne in any charged Ne@C60^{z-} remain almost intact by a charge z on the carbon cage, as a general phenomenon. At lower photon energies, omega < I_{nl}^{z=0}, the corresponding photoionization cross sections develop additional, strong, z-dependent resonances, termed Coulomb confinement resonances, as a general occurrence. Furthermore, near the innermost 1s ionization threshold, the 2p photoionization cross section sigma_{2p} of the outermost 2p subshell of thus confined Ne is found to inherit the confinement resonance structure of the 1s photoionization spectrum, via interchannel coupling. As a result, new confinement resonances emerge in the 2p photoionization cross section of the confined Ne atom at photoelectron energies which exceed the 2p threshold by about a thousand eV, i.e., far above where conventional wisdom said they would exist. Thus, the general possibility for confinement resonances to resurrect in photoionization spectra of encapsulated atoms far above thresholds is revealed, as an interesting novel general phenomenon.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Latex2e, jpconf.cls styl

    Revealing Cosmic Rotation

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    Cosmological Birefringence (CB), a rotation of the polarization plane of radiation coming to us from distant astrophysical sources, may reveal parity violation in either the electromagnetic or gravitational sectors of the fundamental interactions in nature. Until only recently this phenomenon could be probed with only radio observations or observations at UV wavelengths. Recently, there is a substantial effort to constrain such non-standard models using observations of the rotation of the polarization plane of cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. This can be done via measurements of the BB-modes of the CMB or by measuring its TB and EB correlations which vanish in the standard model. In this paper we show that EBEB correlations-based estimator is the best for upcoming polarization experiments. The EBEB based estimator surpasses other estimators because it has the smallest noise and of all the estimators is least affected by systematics. Current polarimeters are optimized for the detection of BB-mode polarization from either primordial gravitational waves or by large scale structure via gravitational lensing. In the paper we also study optimization of CMB experiments for the detection of cosmological birefringence, in the presence of instrumental systematics, which by themselves are capable of producing EBEB correlations; potentially mimicking CB.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    On the multiplicativity of quantum cat maps

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    The quantum mechanical propagators of the linear automorphisms of the two-torus (cat maps) determine a projective unitary representation of the theta group, known as Weil's representation. We prove that there exists an appropriate choice of phases in the propagators that defines a proper representation of the theta group. We also give explicit formulae for the propagators in this representation.Comment: Revised version: proof of the main theorem simplified. 21 page

    B polarization of the CMB from Faraday rotation

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    We study the effect of Faraday rotation due to a homogeneous magnetic field on the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Scalar fluctuations give rise only to parity-even E-type polarization of the CMB. However in the presence of a magnetic field, a non-vanishing parity-odd B-type polarization component is produced through Faraday rotation. We derive the exact solution for the E and B modes generated by scalar perturbations including the Faraday rotation effect of a uniform magnetic field, and evaluate their cross-correlations with temperature anisotropies. We compute the angular autocorrelation function of the B-modes in the limit that the Faraday rotation is small. We find that primordial magnetic fields of present strength around B0=109B_0=10^{-9}G rotate E-modes into B-modes with amplitude comparable to those due to the weak gravitational lensing effect at frequencies around ν=30\nu=30 GHz. The strength of B-modes produced by Faraday rotation scales as B0/ν2B_0/\nu^2. We evaluate also the depolarizing effect of Faraday rotation upon the cross correlation between temperature anisotropy and E-type polarization.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Minor changes to match the published versio

    Spectral determinants and zeta functions of Schr\"odinger operators on metric graphs

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    A derivation of the spectral determinant of the Schr\"odinger operator on a metric graph is presented where the local matching conditions at the vertices are of the general form classified according to the scheme of Kostrykin and Schrader. To formulate the spectral determinant we first derive the spectral zeta function of the Schr\"odinger operator using an appropriate secular equation. The result obtained for the spectral determinant is along the lines of the recent conjecture.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Universal quantum signature of mixed dynamics in antidot lattices

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    We investigate phase coherent ballistic transport through antidot lattices in the generic case where the classical phase space has both regular and chaotic components. It is shown that the conductivity fluctuations have a non-Gaussian distribution, and that their moments have a power-law dependence on a semiclassical parameter, with fractional exponents. These exponents are obtained from bifurcating periodic orbits in the semiclassical approximation. They are universal in situations where sufficiently long orbits contribute.Comment: 7 page

    Some recursive formulas for Selberg-type integrals

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    A set of recursive relations satisfied by Selberg-type integrals involving monomial symmetric polynomials are derived, generalizing previously known results. These formulas provide a well-defined algorithm for computing Selberg-Schur integrals whenever the Kostka numbers relating Schur functions and the corresponding monomial polynomials are explicitly known. We illustrate the usefulness of our results discussing some interesting examples.Comment: 11 pages. To appear in Jour. Phys.