3,301 research outputs found

    Area distribution and the average shape of a L\'evy bridge

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    We consider a one dimensional L\'evy bridge x_B of length n and index 0 < \alpha < 2, i.e. a L\'evy random walk constrained to start and end at the origin after n time steps, x_B(0) = x_B(n)=0. We compute the distribution P_B(A,n) of the area A = \sum_{m=1}^n x_B(m) under such a L\'evy bridge and show that, for large n, it has the scaling form P_B(A,n) \sim n^{-1-1/\alpha} F_\alpha(A/n^{1+1/\alpha}), with the asymptotic behavior F_\alpha(Y) \sim Y^{-2(1+\alpha)} for large Y. For \alpha=1, we obtain an explicit expression of F_1(Y) in terms of elementary functions. We also compute the average profile < \tilde x_B (m) > at time m of a L\'evy bridge with fixed area A. For large n and large m and A, one finds the scaling form = n^{1/\alpha} H_\alpha({m}/{n},{A}/{n^{1+1/\alpha}}), where at variance with Brownian bridge, H_\alpha(X,Y) is a non trivial function of the rescaled time m/n and rescaled area Y = A/n^{1+1/\alpha}. Our analytical results are verified by numerical simulations.Comment: 21 pages, 4 Figure

    Precise Asymptotics for a Random Walker's Maximum

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    We consider a discrete time random walk in one dimension. At each time step the walker jumps by a random distance, independent from step to step, drawn from an arbitrary symmetric density function. We show that the expected positive maximum E[M_n] of the walk up to n steps behaves asymptotically for large n as, E[M_n]/\sigma=\sqrt{2n/\pi}+ \gamma +O(n^{-1/2}), where \sigma^2 is the variance of the step lengths. While the leading \sqrt{n} behavior is universal and easy to derive, the leading correction term turns out to be a nontrivial constant \gamma. For the special case of uniform distribution over [-1,1], Coffmann et. al. recently computed \gamma=-0.516068...by exactly enumerating a lengthy double series. Here we present a closed exact formula for \gamma valid for arbitrary symmetric distributions. We also demonstrate how \gamma appears in the thermodynamic limit as the leading behavior of the difference variable E[M_n]-E[|x_n|] where x_n is the position of the walker after n steps. An application of these results to the equilibrium thermodynamics of a Rouse polymer chain is pointed out. We also generalize our results to L\'evy walks.Comment: new references added, typos corrected, published versio

    Book Reviews

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    Book reviews by Leon L. Lancaster, Jr., Jack C. Hynes, James J. Kearney, Joseph F. Nigro, Louis P. Da Pra, and Francis Bright

    Organization and expression of immunoglobulin genes in fetal liver hybridomas.

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    Infrapatellar Fat Pad Stem Cells: From Developmental Biology to Cell Therapy

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    The ideal cell type to be used for cartilage therapy should possess a proven chondrogenic capacity, not cause donor-site morbidity, and should be readily expandable in culture without losing their phenotype. There are several cell sources being investigated to promote cartilage regeneration: mature articular chondrocytes, chondrocyte progenitors, and various stem cells. Most recently, stem cells isolated from joint tissue, such as chondrogenic stem/progenitors from cartilage itself, synovial fluid, synovial membrane, and infrapatellar fat pad (IFP) have gained great attention due to their increased chondrogenic capacity over the bone marrow and subcutaneous adipose-derived stem cells. In this review, we first describe the IFP anatomy and compare and contrast it with other adipose tissues, with a particular focus on the embryological and developmental aspects of the tissue. We then discuss the recent advances in IFP stem cells for regenerative medicine. We compare their properties with other stem cell types and discuss an ontogeny relationship with other joint cells and their role on in vivo cartilage repair. We conclude with a perspective for future clinical trials using IFP stem cells

    Increased gravitational force reveals the mechanical, resonant nature of physiological tremor

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    Human physiological hand tremor has a resonant component. Proof of this is that its frequency can be modified by adding mass. However, adding mass also increases the load which must be supported. The necessary force requires muscular contraction which will change motor output and is likely to increase limb stiffness. The increased stiffness will partly offset the effect of the increased mass and this can lead to the erroneous conclusion that factors other than resonance are involved in determining tremor frequency. Using a human centrifuge to increase head-to-foot gravitational field strength, we were able to control for the increased effort by increasing force without changing mass. This revealed that the peak frequency of human hand tremor is 99% predictable on the basis of a resonant mechanism. We ask what, if anything, the peak frequency of physiological tremor can reveal about the operation of the nervous system.This work was funded by a BBSRC Industry Interchange Award to J.P.R.S. and R.F.R. C.J.O. was funded by BBSRC grant BB/I00579X/1. C.A.V. was funded by A∗Midex (Aix-Marseille Initiative of Excellence
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