3 research outputs found

    Metabolic resource overlap impacts competition among phyllosphere bacteria

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    The phyllosphere is densely colonised by microbial communities, despite sparse and heterogeneously distributed resources. The limitation of resources is expected to drive bacterial competition resulting in exclusion or coexistence based on fitness differences and resource overlap between individual colonisers. We studied the impact of resource competition by determining the effects of different bacterial colonisers on the growth of the model epiphyte Pantoea eucalypti 299R (Pe299R). Resource overlap was predicted based on genome-scale metabolic modelling. By combining results of metabolic modelling and pairwise competitions in the Arabidopsis thaliana phyllosphere and in vitro, we found that ten resources sufficed to explain fitness of Pe299R. An effect of both resource overlap and phylogenetic relationships was found on competition outcomes in vitro as well as in the phyllosphere. However, effects of resource competition were much weaker in the phyllosphere when compared to in vitro experiments. When investigating growth dynamics and reproductive success at the single-cell resolution, resource overlap and phylogenetic relationships are only weakly correlated with epiphytic Pe299R reproductive success, indicating that the leaf’s spatial heterogeneity mitigates resource competition. Although the correlation is weak, the presence of competitors led to the development of Pe299R subpopulations that experienced different life histories and cell divisions. In some in planta competitions, Pe299R benefitted from the presence of epiphytes despite high resource overlap to the competitor strain suggesting other factors having stronger effects than resource competition. This study provides fundamental insights into how bacterial communities are shaped in heterogeneous environments and a framework to predict competition outcomes

    Microscopy images and datasets of Sphingomonas and Methylobacterium on Arabidopsis leaves

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    <p>This repository contains the raw data to analyse the population density at the CFU-level and single cell-resolution, and spatial distribution of bacterial communities composed of <i>Methylobacterium</i> and/or <i>Sphingomonas</i> species. Identities of each community can be found in metadata.csv and comm_id.csv. Data analysis can be found in the GitHub repository associated to the manuscript.</p><p>File bacimg.tar.gz contains the pre-processed images of near-isogenic controls, two- and three-species communities (C, S2 and S3).</p><p>Abbreviations:</p><p>Fluorescence channels:</p><ul><li>C0: Channel 0 (Red fluorescence)</li><li>C1: Channel 1 (Yellow/Cyan fluorescence)</li><li>C2: Channel 2 (Cyan fluorescence)</li></ul><p>Independent experiments:</p><ul><li>e1: Experiment #1</li><li>e2: Experiment #2</li></ul><p>Days post-inoculation:</p><ul><li>7d: 7 days-post-inoculation</li><li>14d: 14 days-post-inoculation</li></ul><p>SynCom ID (SynID):</p><ul><li>c: near-isogenic controls (C)</li><li>syn2: two-species communities (S2)</li><li>syn3: three-species communities (S3)</li></ul><p>Community ID (ComID):</p><ul><li>com01-com15: Strain composition of each community (see comm_id.csv)</li></ul&gt

    Fluorescent Protein Expression as a Proxy for Bacterial Fitness in a High-Throughput Assay

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    Bacterial growth is classically assessed by measuring the increases in optical density of pure cultures in shaken liquid media. Measuring growth using optical density has severe limitations when studying multistrain interactions, as it is not possible to measure the growth of individual strains within mixed cultures. Here, we demonstrated that constitutively expressed fluorescent proteins can be used to track the growth of individual strains in different liquid media. Fluorescence measurements were highly correlated with optical density measurements and cell counts. This allowed us to assess bacterial growth not only in pure cultures but also in mixed bacterial cultures and determine the impact of a competitor on a focal strain, thereby assessing relative fitness. Furthermore, we were able to track the growth of two different strains simultaneously by using fluorescent proteins with differential excitation and emission wavelengths. Bacterial densities measured by fluorescence yielded more consistent data between technical replicates than optical density measurements. Our setup employs fluorescence microplate readers that allow high throughput and replication. IMPORTANCE We expand on an important limitation of the concept of measuring bacterial growth, which is classically limited to one strain at a time. By adopting our approach, it is possible to measure the growth of several bacterial strains simultaneously with high temporal resolution and in a high-throughput manner. This is important to investigate bacterial interactions, such as competition and facilitation